Fund; X37.29 out of R. k B. Fund, aggregating Sn all =1759.11 for 1947 Commisai one. ~ a U -o-o-o-o- No. 3571. APPROVAL OF STATE AND CODIQTY TAX ROLLS FOR 1946 ~i Thin the 27th day of September, A. D. 1947, came on to be eaemined by the Court the State and County Tea~ROlla Yor the year, 1947, prepared by E. H. Niahole, Assessor and Collector of Teaea for garr County, Te zas, end name having Deer found correct and Sn proper form, tame were certified end approved bq the Court as shown by the Court•e CertlfloaLe of Approval eft soh ed thereto, duly sighed by ell the members of this court in triplio ate. -o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from page 219 to 220, Snol ue ive, were reed Sn open Court and found oorreot sad are hereby in all reapeota approved by Lhe Court, this the 13th day of October, 1947. ATTEST: ~ C1®r ,Co e r ea u om y o err oun y, ezne. dNY STATE OF TE%AS,: COIINTY OF $ E R R .. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on Lh ie the 13th day of October, A, D. 1947, 1 there wen begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commitaioaers• Court of garr County, Te zas, at the Court House thereof, in the City of ge rrv ille, ~feasa, oftioere present: John S. Atkins, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eoketein, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoiaot No• 1, Frank Thomason, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commie sioher, preo Snot No. 2, Herbert 3tieler, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Commiae Sonar, prat Snot No• 3, W. A. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoiaot No. 4, A. F. Moore, 9heritf, sad Sao. R. Leav ell, County Clerk, and the Court hav Sng been regularly opened, sad khe~fnlSvyin~;proaeadia(ye, ware had, to-wit: No• 357E. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIY.9 AND ACCODNT3: This the 13th day of October, p. D. 1947, came on to be ezemiaed by the Court, the veriou claims end aooounte filed agel~t garr County sad ita• reapeotive Commiaeioaere• preoinote ainoe Lhe lest term of Lhe Court, ell of which oleime e~ nooounta were approved by the Court for payment by the Couhty Clerk in amounts end out of reapeotive funds ea shown by the MSnutea of Aoaounte allowed for garr County, Tease, which ere made a part of able order. -o-o-o-o-n- No. 3573. TRANSFER Th1e the 13th day of October, A, D. 1947, Che,:.fp unLy hereby authorized and d Lo trehsfer X783.20 from Road & Bridge goad to Jury pond for differenoea is allocating col ions of County Teaea dur Sag month of October, 1946. -o-o-o-oro - NO. 3574. pppgp7pL OF DEP03ITORYS' ANR*STAI. REPORT OF COIINTY SCHOOL Fi1NDS. This Lhe 13th day of Ootob~r, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezemiaed by Lhe Court the Annual Report of County School Fonda for Scholastic year ending August 31st, 194˘, to Lhe State Depar - meaL of Education made by Cha a. Sohr ainei Bank, County Depository of 9ahool Fuad a, end 1t ap- pearing Lo the Court that eeid report Se oorreot ee cart ified by Lhe Depo eitory sad Lhe County Superlntondeat, and eeid report be and is therefore approved by the Court. --. No. 3575. TJCANCY IN OFFICE OF PDBLIC X8IOIIER, PRECINCT N0. 1, AND AYPOINTIOSNNT OF PIERCE HOOSi;T!' SO 3t1CH VACANCY Thin the 13th day of October, p, D. 1947, Oheeoffioe of Pu611a Neigher of Preoiaot No. 1,