1947, aho wing en act usl end Hates sary eapense of $247.74 incurred by him in the toad uat of hie offioe during said month of October, A. D. 1947, affi it appearing to the Court that said N °Z °Z report be and is hereby approved by the Court for said month -o-o-o-o-o-oro-o- No. 3586: APPROPAL OF MONTED,Y REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 10th day of November, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamiaed by the Court the month. eapense report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk for the month of October, p. D. 1947, showing en eotual and net easary eapense of $633.06 inourred by him in the conduct of hie office duriru said month of Oot Ober, 1947, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is eat Stied to the expenditures of ell the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved io~. its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3587. APPROPAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1. This the 10th day of November, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamined by the Court the monthl report of Pirgil Storms, Tuat ice of the pe eoe of prat Snot No• 1, of Rerr County, Te aas, for the month of October, 1947, of Criminal Cases filed, S1nea, iudgment end ~urq fees colleoted, showing the sum of #139.85 colleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him toe Yee of $69.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized end directed to pay said Pee of X69.00, to-wit: =46.00 payable out of the General Fund and X23.00 pa ye ble out of the Road end Bridge Fund to the said Pirgil Storms. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3588. ApPROPAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 10th day of November, A. D. 1947, came on to be ea amined by the Court the Quer report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk of Rerr County, covering fines imposed, Judgments re ered and fury fees collected in the County Court of Kerr County for Quarter ending October 3 A. D. 1947, which report shows the colleat~~n_and deposit with the County Treasurer of f959. and which report appearing oorrect be end is hereby approved. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3589. TAHiII.AR STpTEl~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EKPENDITVRES & RECEIPTS DF KERR COUNTY. Thin the 10th day of November,~p, D, 1947, came on to be examined by Lhe Court the quarts ly tebulaT stet ems nt of dno. R. Leavell, County Clerk oP Rerr County, covering the indebtedness, expenditures and receipts of Rerr County for quarter ending October 31st, A. D. 1447, whioh re port or at at ement appearing correct, be and is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3590. APPROPAL OF PLAT AND FIELD NOTES OF BLUE BELL HII.LS 2ND ADDITION TO RERR72LLE THE STATE OF TE7CAS: THE COUNTY OF RERR: On this the 10th day of November, A. D, 1947, came on to be heard and considered the application of G. L. RSc heaon, of Kerrville, Kerr County, Teaes, for Lhe approv 1 of a plat, field notes and dad Station of the ffi,UE BELL HIIS,S SECOND ADDITION, situated in the vicinity of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, deaorib ed ea Poll ow a: out of Survey 120, Walter Foagata, actuated in Rerr County, Teaes, about 1 miles north of Kerrville, Ste county seat and adjoin ing Lhe present limits of the City of Karr vi lie and to be hereafter known as the Blue Hell Hills Second Addition to the City of Kerrville and consia ling --, of two treote described as follows: I TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Northwest line of the City Limits of Kerr- ' villa, Rerr County, Teaes, at Ste intersection with the N. E, line of Harper Roed Sn the West- lend place Addition to the City of 8arrvil le; THENCE N. 45deg. E. 791,5 feet to s feaoe corner