~a l ~ Han. Doha S. Atklna, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ County judge, Henry Eokatoin, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cammiesinaar,Praoigot,No. 1, Frank Thomason, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commisaloner,PreoinoL No. E, Herbert Stieler, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commisalonsr,PreoinoL No. 3, W. H. Purr, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commlealonsr,Preainot No. 4, A. F, Moore, sheriff, cad Jno. R• Leevell, County Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, Lo-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 3605. ALLO'rlANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCODNTS. Thin the 12th day of January, A. D. 1948, Dame on to be ezem fined by the Court, the various olaima end eacouata filed against Kerr County, and iLa~ respective Commies ionere~ pr oinote ainoe the last term of the Court, all of which olaime and eooounte were eppr ~~ad by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amouate and out of respective funds ea shown by the minutes of coo elate allowed for Eerr County, Tezae, which ere made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o- No• 3806. 7N C01!(I38IONERS' COURT, KERR COIINTY, TEKAS THE 3TATE OF TE%AS,: COUNTY OF K E R R .: TANIIARY TE&M, A. D. 1948• This 12th day of January, p, D. 1848. came on to be oomidersd by Lhe Court the provisona of Senate Bill No. 5, Chapter 466, paeaed at First Called Sesaioa of the 44th LeBlelature, pro scribing oompena at Son of DSatrlot, County cad prealn et officers, end it appearing Lo the Court that SL Sa the beat interest of Kerr County end Ste offio are Lhat all of the District, County and Precim t off Scare of Eerr County be compensated on the fee bsa is for the year, 1948. IL is therefore ordered, adjudged end decreed by the Court that all DS atriot, County and Precinct Offic ere of Karr County be compensated Sor their servic ea during the year 1948, em until otherwise determined by this Court. And the County Clark shall forward a certified Dopy of this order to the Comptroller of public Aoo ounta, Austin, Tezae. -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- No. 3607. TAE STATE OF TEKAS,: IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT, KERR COUNTY, COUNTY OF E E R R .: SANIIpRY TERM, A. D. 1948. YL1a the 12th day of Janus ry, p' D. 1948, it ep peering to Lhe Court that Dr. Doan E. peakerd Sa a competent and votive phyaioiea of gerrville, Teaaa, legally qualified to praetioe madiclne under the laws of the State of Tezae, cad is Sh ell reaped is quel ified to eoL ae County Health Officer in and for gerr County, Tezae; cad, avid Doen E. Peokard be end is ther fore appointed by the Court ea County Health Difioer of Kerr County, for a periot of one year or until h1a auocesaor fie appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed from office for cause and said Dr. Doan E. Peokard upon quel ifying ae required by law shell receive cook oompeneet- Soa for sarv iaea actually rendered ea this Court may allow from Lime to time. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3608, pppROVAL OF M7NTHLY REFORT OF COUNTY CLERE On this the 12th day of January, A. D. 1948, Dame on to be eaemiaed by the Court the mo eapsnae report of Jao. R. Leav ell, County Clerk for the month of Deo ember, p. D. 1947, ehow- ing m actual end neoesaeryeapenae of 1808.55 incurred by him Sn the conduct of his office, during said month of Deaembar, 1948, and it appearing to the Court that ae id County Clerk fie entitled to the ezpenditurea of ell the items thareia listed, said report be affi Sa hereby approved for Ste full ampunt Dy Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-