No. 3804; APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR, oZ SZJ Th is the 12th day of January, A, D. 1948, came on to be eaemined by the Court the monthly ezp-e/ase report of E. H. Nichols, Tea Assessor s~ Coll actor for the mpnth of December, A, D. 1948, showing en actual end neoeasery expense of $33.86 incurred by him Sn the conduct of hie oPi ioe during Bald month of December, A. D. 194, and it appear lag to the Court that said rep t be end Ss hereby ep proved by the Court for said month. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3610. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JIISTICE OF TAE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1. Thin the 12th day of Je nuar y, A, D. 1948, came oa to be ezemiaed by the Court the monthly report of Virgil St orma, Justice of the Peeae at preoinat No. 1, of Herr County, Te zee, for the month of December, 1948, of Criminal Caeea filed, fines, ~udgmeat and fury fees oolleoted showing the sum of $77.85 collected sad deposited with the County Treasurer, eatitl ing him to a fee of $51.00, and it appearing to the Court that ae id report is true ehd correct, same be end is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay said fee of $51.00, to-wit: =17.00 payable out of R. & B. Fund; $34.G0 pa yeble out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3611. APPROVAL OF MOT^fHLY REPORT OF COIINTY AGENT. This the 12th day of January, A. D. 1948, came on to be eaemiaed by the Court the monthly report of County Agent Cuy Powell, which report be sad ie hereby eocapted and approved by the Court end ordered Yiled. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3612. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPII RP OF COIIN1'Y HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT, Thin the 12th day oP Jea uary, p. D. 1948, came on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly report of Alma Ean nook, County Home Demonatrati on Agent of Herr County, covering her services .~ during the month of December, 194, which report hev iag been found sat isfaotory, De end Ss hereby eooepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3813. APPROVAL OF COMBINED NARRATIVE REPORT OF COIINTY AGENT AND ROME DEMONSTATION AGENT Thin the 12th day of January, p, D. 1948, oame on to be examined by the Court the Annual Combined Narret Sve Report for calendar year ending December 1947 of Guy powell,Cousty Agent, and Alma Hen cook, County Aome Demonstration Agent, which report having bean found satSefaotor , be and Se hereby ecoep tad by Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3814. FIXING OF CODNTY JODGES' SALARY FOR YEAR 1948. Thin the 12th day of January, A. D. 1948, it Se ordarefl and deoreed by the Court that the salary of Tnhn S. Atklne, County Judge of Herr County, Teaea, De and Ss hereby fized at the following amount Por the ourrent year, 1948, es follows: Ae County Tudge the sum of $1320.00 per annum. Said salary of $1320.00 sa such County Judge be paid unto Judge Atkins by the County Clerk out of the Road and nr idge Fund in eq uel monthly iast ailments of $110.00 each, payable on or after the last day of each calendar month beginning January 31st, 1948. .. -o-oro-o-o- No. 3816. FIXING OF CODNTY CLHRH'S SALARY FOR YEAR 1948. This the 12th day of January, A. D. 1948, it Se ordered by the Court that the annual sale -, of the County Clerk of Harr County be and ie hereby fined at an aggregate sum of $2200.00 for Lhe ourrent year, 1948, provided by Lhe 1947-1948 Budget, pa follows: =1850.00 per annum as County Clerk, $250.00 per annum for keeping the finesse ledger anfl $100.00 per annum for rode Sng. Said salary shall be paid out of the Ceaeral Fund Ln monthly inatallmenta of $183.33 eao , payable on or after the lest day of ea oh oalender month, beginning Jaaue ry 31~t, 1948, with