No. 3809:,. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR, ~ a 37J 7ltis the 12th day of January, A, D. 1948, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly expense report of E. H. Nichols, Taa paseaeor affi Collector for Lhe mMth of Dec amber, A, D. 1948, showing en aatuel end neoea eery eapenae of $33.86 incurred by him Sn the conduct of hie office during said month of December, p, D. 194, and it appearing to the Court that said rep c~~rt be and is hereby approved by the Court for said month. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3610. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JIISfICE OF TAE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1. This the 12th day of January, p, D. 1948, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly report of Virgil St orme, Just iae of the Peeae of pr eoinot No. 1, of Serr County, 4la nee, for 7 the month of December, 1948, of Criminal Ceaea filed, fines, judgment end fury Ease oollected showing Lhe sum of a77.B5 collected end deposited with the County Tre esur er, entitling him to a Sea of $51.00, and it appearing to the Court that ea id report is true end oorreat, same be and is hereby ep proved, and the County Clerk Se hereby authorized end directed to pay said fee of .f 51.00, to-wit: X17.00 payable out of R, & H, Fund; ~34.G0 payable out of the General r~und. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3611. APPROVAL OF MOT*fHLY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. Thin the 12th day of Ja hoary, A. D. 1948, Dame oa to De examined by the Court Lhe monthly report of County Agent Guy Powell, whioh report be end is hereby aocepted and approved by the Court end ordered filed. -o-o-o-o-o- No• 3612. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPD RT OF COUN17 ROME DEMONSTRATION AGENT, Thin the 12th day of Jan uary, p, D. 1948, came on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly report of Alma Hanoock, Oounty Home Demonstration Agent of gerr County, oovering her aervioea ,~ during the month of December, 194, whiah report having been found sat Safeotory, be and is hereby aocepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3813. APPROVAL OF COMBINED NARRATIVE REPORT OF COUNTY ACENT AND ROME DEMONSTATION AGENT This the 12th day of January, p, D. 1948, came oa to be ezamined by the Court Lhe Annual Combined Narrative Report for calendar year ending Dec amber 1947 of Guy Poweil,County Agent, end Alma Ran cock, County Aome Demonstration Agent, whioh report having been found sat iafeoto. be and is hereby accepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No, 3614. FIXING OF CODNTY JUDGES' SALARY FOR YEAR 1948. Thin the 12th day of January, A. D. 1940, it 1a ordered end deoreed Dy the Court that the salary of Jnhn S. Atkins, County Judge of Eery County, Teaea, be and Se hereby fazed at the following amount for the ourrent year, 1948, ae follows: As County Judge the sum of x.1320.00 per annum. Said aelarq of $1320.00 ae such County Judge be paid unto Judge gtkina by the County Clerk out of the Roed and nr idge Fund in eq uel monthly anal ailments of $110.00 each, payable on or ePter the last day of each calendar month beginning January 31st, 1948. .. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3615. FIXING OF COUNTY CLERB'S SALARY FOR YEAR 1948. Thin the 12th day of Tannery, A, D. 1948, it Se ordered by the Court that the annual Bala of the County Clerk of Earr County be end Sa hereby fixed at an aggregate sum of x2200.00 for the current year, 1948, provided by the 1947-1948 Budget, as follows; x1850.00 per annum as County Clerk, x250.00 per annum for keeping the finance ledger and ~1GG,OG per annum for rode 1ng. Said eel ary shall be paid out of the Caner al Fund in monthly in st el lmente of x183.33 sea , paynble oa or after the lest day of ee oh oalendar month, beginning Janus ry 31°t, 1948, with