' No. 3830. ADDITSONAL ALLOWANCE TO MR3. B, A. JORDAN. a 3 This the 9th day of Febr eery, A. D. 19~. came on to be oone id Bred ea additional allowan applio et ion made by Mra. B. A. Jordan for neoeasitiea of life, and after due oona ideretion ^!- It is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Clerk draw voucher age inat the County i Treasurer in the amount of X45.00 each payable to Mre. B. A. Jordan Por the month of February and one for the month of 1leroh, 1948, having an aggregate of X90.00 for the two months, both ~' paymenffi payable out of the General Fund of Kerr County. -oro-o-o-o- No. 3631. APPORTIONMENT OF 10,000.00 OF DNAPPORTIONED ROAD k BRIDGE FDND ~. This the 9tD day of Pe bruary, p, D. 1948, be end it is hereby ordered by the Co cart that $10,000.00 of the unapportioned Road & Bridge Fund of Kerr County, be hereby apportioned and credited to the respective commissioner~a pra~incta of Kerr County Sa the following proportio i to-wit: Commissioners R & H Prea inet No• 1 - 3556 3,500.00 Commissio nera' R & H prat snot No. 2 - 15~ 1,500.00 Commissioners' R k B Preciaot No. 3 - 15 1,500.00 Commissioners' R & B Precinot No. 4 - 3596 3,500.60 -oro-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ No. 3632. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF CODNTY CLERK. Th1a the 9th dq7 01 February, A. D. 1948, oeme on to be ezem iaefl by the Court the monthly ezpenae report of Jno. R. Le evel 1, County Clerk for the month of January, A. D. 1948, showing en eotuel sad neceaeary expense of =549.25 Snaur red by him in the ooaduot of hie office duri aeid month of January, A, D. 1948, sad it ap peer ing to the Court that said County Clerk is r entitled to the expenditures of ell the items therein listed, aeid report be end is hereby ap- proved for its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- go. 3633. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COMITY TAX ASSESSOR k COLLECTOR. Th1e Lhe 9tD' deg of February, A. D. 1948, oame on to be examined by the Court the monthly ' ` expense report of E. H. Nichols, Tea Aeaesa or anti Col lector 2ht' the month of Jen uary, A. D. 1948, ehaving en actual and neoeesary expense of '99.98 inourred Dy him Sn the oonduct of hie office during aeid month of Januer y, q. D. 1948, end it appearing to the Court that said ' report be end is hereby ep proved by the Court for aeid month. ~ ^~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 3834. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JIISTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1. This the 9th day of February, A. D. 1948, oame on to be esemined by the Court the monthly ~ ; i report of Virgil Storms, Just ioe of the pesos of Preoinot No. 1, of Kerr County, Tezas, for th month of January, 1948, of Criminal Cases filed, fines, judgment end fury fees oolleoted, .~ ~ showing the sum of ~f37.60 oolle of ed and deposited with Lhe County Treasurer, entitling Dim to a fee of X33.00, and SL appearing to Lhe Court that said report ie true end correct, same ; be sod Se hereby approved, and the County Clerk Ss hereby authorized and directed to pay said Pee of X33.00, to-wit: =11.00 payable out of the R & B. Fund and X22.00 pe gable out of the Gana ral Fund of Kerr County to aeid Virgil Storms. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3835. APPROVAL OF QIIARTERLY REPORT OF COIIN7R CLERK FOR QUARTER ENDING JANUARY 31ST,1948. Th Se the 9th day of February, A. D. 1948, oame on to be examined by the Court the Report of Jno. R. Leevell, County Clerk, covering all fines imposed and collected and ~udgmenta rendered and oolleoted in the County Court of Kerr County, Sn favor of said County, ino luding Jury fees oolleated by Lhe County Clerk, if nay, during Lhe quarter ending January 31st, 1948, which re- port ahowa an aggregate of X713.00 collected, end 8713.00 depos itad with the County Trees carer