3 ~ approved by the Court. _a_D-a_a_a-p-0- ~' No• 3636. APPROVAL OF ^IIARTEHI,Y REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK, FOR QIIARTER ENDING January 31st ,1681 This the 9th day of February, A. D. 1948, came on to De eaemined by the Court the Report of Geo. M. Doyle, Distr iot Clerk, covering all fines imposed and collected and Judgments read- aredand collected Sa the District Court of Eery County, in favor of said Couaty, including fury fees collected by the District Clerk, during the quarter ending January 31st, 1948, which report sh ow ing an aggregate of X5.00 collected and deposited with Lhe Couaty Tree surer, and it appearing that said report is true end correct, same be end Sa hereby in ell reapeata ap- proved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3637. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF GUY POWELL, COIINTY AGENT TD le the 9th day of February, A. D. 1948, came on Lo be ezemined by the Court the monthl. report of County Agent, Cuy Powell, wh Soh report be and is hereby accepted end approved by th Court and ordered filed. -o-o-o-o-oro-o- i No• 3638. APYROVAT, OF MOrPf13Y REPORT OF CODNTy HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT This the 9th day of February, A. D. 1948, Cema on to be ezemined by the Court the mo nthl report of County Home Damopatration Agent, Alma Henoock of Rerr County, covering her services during the month of Jen uary, 1948, which report having been found aetisfanto ry, be and Sa hereby accepted and approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No• 3639. APPROVAL OF PLAT, FIELD NOTES AND DEDICATION OF STARKEy MANOR On this the 9th day of Febr uery, p. D. 1948, came on to be heard the apglication of A.L. Starkey, Jr ., and others, of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, for the approval of a plat end ~ Held notes end dedication of a sub div lsion situated ad~eoent to the City of Rerrv ills, Rerr County, Texas, and being descrlbed ae follavs; 123.32 acres of land in gerr County. Taxss, ea follows: 87.0 sores out oP Survey No. 121 If J. C, Sheffield, and approximately 36.32 acres out of Survey 120, Walter Foagate. This being the same land included within the boundaries of the Starkey Manor Subdivision situated adfacen to the City of Rerrvil le, .Farr County, Te sea; said 123.32 nor as of land described as foil ow a: BECINNSA*G at a point Sn the NW line of Survey 121, J. C, Sheffield, at its intersection with the S'N right-of-way line of the Kerrville-Ma thodiat Enaempment Road; TBERTGE following the SW right-of-way line oP said road S. 45 E. 2574.0 feet to the North corner of a 2 acre treat of land conveyed to J.P.Swayze, recorded in Vol. 60, page 127, Deed Rsc orda of Rerr County, Texas; THENCE S. 45 W. 2198 feet to the center lice of a road; THENCE following the center lir of sold road: N. 45 W• 251.8 feet; N. 30 deg. 55m in. W. 289.2 Peet; N. 41deg. 40min. W. 66.3 Peat; N. 32deg. 55 min. W. 100.9 feet; N. 34 deg. 17 min. .Y. 108.3 Peet; AT. 40deg. 02 min. `.H. 334.1 Yaet; N. 44deg. 02m in.W. 59.3 feet; N•49 deg. 40min.W.105.8 feet; N• 45 W.670.8 feet; N. lOdeg. lOm in. W. 42 Peet; THENCE N• 43 deg. 27min. W, 586.4 Paet to a point on the NN line ' of Survey 121, J.C.Sheffie ld; THENCE following said survey line N. 45 deg. 19 min. E. 2019.0 feet to the place of beginning, Eaoepting however, Lot 4, Hlock 3, St erkey Mannnr. which sub division to be known es STAAREY MANOR to the City of Rerrv ills, Rerr County, Texas, end, aft e: having oo nsidered the same, it eppeering to the Court that aeid aubdiv Ssion dedication and ~ field notes thereof meat Vith the requirements of law, it is therefore Ordered, Ad3udged and I Decreed by the Court that Bald aubdiv ialoA known ae Starkey Manor to the City of Kerrville, Rerr Couaty, Texas, be admitted to record and the County Clerk of Kerr County, Te xae, is here' directed to record the same in the Plat Rec orda of Kerr County, Tease. It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the Minutes of the Commisai chars Court of ,gerr County,Texee. -o-o-o-oro-o-o-