No• 3659. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR do COIS.ECTOR. ^f ~(, This the 12th day of April, q, D. 1948, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly °~ I b eapenae report oP E. H. Nichols, Tea Assessor and Collector oP the month of March, A. D. 1948 showing an actual end necessary expense oP =252.43 incurred by him in the conduct of his offs e during said month of March, p, D. 1948, end St appearing to the Court Lh et said report be and is hereby approved Dy the Court for said month. -oro-o-o-o- No. 8660, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 12th day of April, p, D. 1940, came on Lo be examined by the Court the monthly ex-~~ pease report of Jno. R. Leev el 1, County Clerk for the month of March, A. D. 1948, shows ng an act usl and necessary expense of $484.18 Incurred by him in the conduct of hie office, during said month of March, p, D. 1948, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is en- titled to Lhe ezpendit urea of sll the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby appr ~ved for its lull amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3661. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY pGEN. This thal2th day of April, p, D. 1948, came on to be ea aminad by the Court the monthly ` report of County Aga nt, Guy Powell, which report be and is hereby accepted end ~ppaoved by th Court end ordered filed. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No, 3662. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JIISTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1. This the 12th day of April, A. D. 1948, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly re- port of Virgil Storms, Justice of the Peace of precinot No• 1, of Rerr County, Texas, for the month of March, A. D. 1948, of Criminal Cases fled, fines, ,judgment and fury Peas collected, showing Lhe sum of X147 .75 collected end deposited with the County Trees urer, entitling him to a fee of $63.00, Lo-wit: X21.00 payable out of the R. & B. Fund and X42.00 payable out of the General Fund of Rerr County. -o- r o-o-o- No, 3663. PURCHASE OF 8.4 ACRES FOR RICHT OF WAY FOR U.S.HZGRWAY N0. 83, BY RERR COUNTY. This the 12th day of April, A, D. 1945, name on to be examined the cle im of John L. phill spa for 8.4 acres of lend, sold to Rerr County, for right-of-way for U. S. Highw e9 No. B et a price of $168.00, and Lhe cost of fence at X150.00 end the coat of one cat tleg ue rd et =75.00, and it appearing to the oourt that said claim is fair and ,just, It is therefore order d by the Court that the County Clerk draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of X395.00 payable to the acid Sohn L. Phillips on the R & B Fund f/4 of Rerr County, for the cost of the 8.4 acre right of way strip and the reimbursement of the fending and one cattle- guard. No. 3664. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE TO MRS. ALLIE SMZTH, Peeper. ~ This the 12th day of April, A. D. 1948, came on to be considered by the Court the applicat- ion oP Mra, All ie Smith for financial aid, and St apps er ing to the Court that said applicant is in need of addit ion el access it ses of life. It is therefore ordered that the applicant be end is hereby allowed Lhe sum of X30.00 payable to her out of the Caner al Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-~-o-o-o- No. 3665. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE TO MRS. B. A, TORDAN, Pauper This the 12th day of Apr ll, p, D. 1948, oame on to be considered by the Court the ep}lic t- ion of Mrs. B. A. Jordan for financial aid, end it appearing Lo the Court that se id applicant is in need of additional necessities of life. It is therefore ordered that the applicant