~ 1 3 an actual end necessary ezpenae of ;489.75 incurred by him Sa the oonduat of hie off ioa dur 1 ea id month of tp231, 1948, sad it appearing to the Court that avid County Clerk Sa entitled Lo the eapeaditurea of ell the items therein listed, said report be end Sa hereby approved, its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3675. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR. This Lhe 10th day of May, p. D. 1948, came on to be ezaminad by the Court the ez pease repo i for the month of FAQ', A. D. 1940, of E. H. Nichols, Tea Aeaeaeor end Collector, show lag an actual end neoeeaary ezpenae of (168.85, incurred by him in the conduct of hie olfloe, end it appearing to the Court that said report be and is hereby approved for the full am oust. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3678. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF 7USTICE OF THE PEAL&, PRECINCT N0. 1 This Lhe 10th day of May, A. D. 1948, came on to be ezamiaed by the Court the monthly repo of Virgil Storms, Juatioe of Lhe Peace of prec Snot No. 1, of Kgrr County, Tezee, for the sum 354.70 collected end deposited with Lhe County Treeaurer, entitling him to a fee of X50.00, ead it appearing to Lhe Court that said report ie true ead oorreot, same be ead is hereby ap- proved, end the County Clerk ie hereby euthorized and directed to pay said Pee of ~E0.00 out of the General Fund and $10.00 out of R. k H. Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3877. APPROVAL OF COUATY CLERKS' QUARTERLY REPORT ENDING APRIL 30TH. 1948. This Lhe 10th day of May, A. D. 1948, Dame on to be ezemined by the Court the Report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, covering ell fines imposed and oolleoted ead ~udgmente rendered sad aolleoted in Lhe County Court of Kerr County, Sa fev or of said Couaty, final uding Sury fees oolleoted by the County Clerk, Sf any, during the quarter ead lag Aplatl 30th, 1948, which ra- porL ehowa an eggresgt• of X1579.00 aolleated, ead =1579.00 depoa ited with the County Treasurer ead it appearing that saki report Se true end oorreot, same be end Se hereby in ell reapeota approved by the Court. -o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 3878. TAHLII.AR STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDZTCRES k RECEIPTS OF BSRR COUNTR. This the 10th day of Mey, A. D. 1948, Dame on to be eaemin ad by the Court the quarterly tabular statement of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk of Karr County, covering Lhe indebtsdneea, eapeaditurea end receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending mil 30th, 1948, which report or statement appearing oorreot, be end Se hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-oro-o- No• 3879. TRANSFER This the 10th day of Mey, A. D. 1948, Lhe County Clerk is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer, piga83ering from the R do B Fund /~E, ~E99.12 to R. & B. Narrenta of 1938, same being Lhe balance due on Hoed 312 and Coupoa ~E4 in amount of =500.00 ead 331.89 respectively, lose discount allowed et Auat in, Te sea, in amount of ;282.77, leaving a balance trenaferred herein in the amounE of ~E49.12, ea a reimbursement. -o-o-o-oo- No• 3680. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE TO MRS. pLLZE ~SITH, Pauper. This the lOt~p day of Mey, A. D. 1948, came on to be considered by the Court the epplioat ion of Mrs. A1lie Smith for financial aid, end it appearing to the Court that aeid applicant is in need of additional neaesaitiee of life. It Se therefore oadered that the applicant be and Se hereby allowed the sum of x30.00 payable to her out of the General Fund of Karr County. -o-o-o-o-o-