~ ~~ en actual end ne cease ry ezpeeee of ~4B9.75 incurred by him Sn the ooeduoL of hie off ice dur aeid month of tpTil, 1948, end it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to Lhe eapendituree of all the It ems therein listed, said report be and Ss hereby appr ovad, Ste full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3875. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAK COLLECTOR. This the 10th day of May, A. D. 1948, oeme on Lo be eznmined by the Court the ezpense repo for the month of ~May~, A, D. 1948, of E. H. Niohole, Taz Assessor end Collector, ~howSng en eatuel and neoessary ezp ease o1 =168.85, incurred by him in the conduct of h1a office, sad it appearing to the Court that aeid report be end Sa hereby approved for the full amount. _o_o-o_o_o-o _o_ No. 3676. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACi, PRECINCT N0. 1 Thie the 10th day of May, A. D. 1948, came on to be eznmined by the Court the monthly repo of Virgil Storms, Juetiae of Lhe Peaoa of prec Snot No. 1, of Kerr County, Tezae, for the sum #54.70 collected end dopoaited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of ~S0.D0, end it appearing to the Court that said report Sa tr uo and oorreot, same be end Se be re Dy ap- proved, end the County Clerk Se hereby authorized end directed to pay said fee of X80.00 out of the General Fund and $10.00 out of R. d: B. Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3877. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERKS' QUARTERLY REPORT ENDING APRIL ,30TH, 1948. Thie Lhe 10th day of ](ey, p. D. 1948, oeme oa to be eznmined by the Court the Report of Sno. R. Leevell, County Clerk, covering ell fines imposed and aolleoted and ~udgmente rendered end oolleoted Sa the County Court of Kerr County, in favor of aeid County, Secluding fury Ease o olle ated by the County Clerk, Sf any, during the quarter sad ing A¢r~l 30th, 1946, which re- port ehowa an eggresets of #1579.00 aolleoted, sad ;1579.00 depoa ited with the County lY+saeurer and it appearing that said report ie Lrue end oorreot, same De and ie hereby in all respects appr wed by the Court. -o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 3878. TABULAR STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EBPENDITURE3 & RECEIPTS OF HSRR CODNTR. Thie Lhe 10th day o1 May, A. D. 1948, oeme oe to be examined by the Court the quarterly tabular statement of Jno. R. Leevell, County Clerk of Barr County, ooverSng the indebtedneae, ezpendlturea and reoeipte of Kerr County for quarter ending ~Sl 30th, 1948, which report or at ptement appearing correct, be and ie hereby epprw ed by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 3879. TRANSFER Thie the 10th day of Mey, A. D. 1948, the County Clerk Se hereby directed to drew voucher egainet the County Treasurer, prpnaferieg from the R k B Fund (~E, X249.12 to R. & B. Warrants of 1936, same being the balance dun oa Bond ~lE and Coupon $E4 Sa amount of X500.00 sad X31.89 reap act Svel y, Scan discount allowed et post in, Tezae, in amount of X282.77, leaving a balance transferred herein in the amount of =249.12, sa a reimbursement. -o-o-o-oo- No• 3680. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE TO MRS. ALLFE sD(ITH, Pauper. Thie the lOt~p day of Mey, A. D. 1948, Dame on to be considered by the Court the application ` of Mrs. Allis Smith for financial aid, end it apps sting to the Court that aeid epplSOant is ie need of addit]~aal neoeasitins of life. It Sa therefore ordBrad that Lhe applScent be and Sa hereby allowed the sum of '30.00 payable to her out of the General Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-