No. 3769'. APPROVAL OF LEINTH~.Y REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT NO. 2. ~ So This the 12th day oP July, q, D. 1948, oame on to be eaeminad by the Court the monthly .-. report o2 La's. Lane Tullis, Justice of the Pesoe of Precinot No. 2, of Esrr County, Teass ,,for ~- tha sum of X9.70 oollectad end deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling her to a fee of X8,00 and it appearl~ to the Court that said report is true and correct, same be and is here- bq approved, end the County Clerk is hereby auth or lzed sad directed to pay said See of =4.00 out cC the Road be Bridge Fund end p2,00 out o1 the General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 3710. APPR07pL OF LUJNTALY REPORT OF COUNTY pGBNT, This the 12th day of July, A. D. 1948, came on to be ez amined by the Court the monthly report of County Agent, Guy Powell, which report be end Sa hereby eoaepted end eppr Quad by the Court sad ordered filed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 3711. pppR07AL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLER%, This the 12th day of July, p, D. 1948, came on to De eaamined by the Court the monthly eapense report oP Jno. R. Leevell, County Clerk for Lhe month of June, p, D, 1948, ah owing ea .--. actual and necessary expense of p428.13 inc urrad by him in the conduct of his office during said month of June, 1948, end St appeariag.~to the Court that Bald County Clerk is entitled to the expend iturea of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby ep i~rovad, for its Pull amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 3712. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. This the 12th day of July, p, D. 1948, came oa to be examined by the Court the expense sepont for the month of June, 1948, of E• H. Niohols, Tea Assessor and tloDleotor, showing an eat uel and neoesa arq eapense of X4.75, incurred by him in the conduct of his offioe, end it appearing to Lhe Court that said report be and is hereby approved, for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Soregoing minutes from page 249 to 250, incl uaive, were reed is open Court end found corre L- ere hereb in ell respeota approved by the Court, a th 9th q ~ia3)-- D. 1948. ATTEST: Clerk, y our err oun y, ea: e, Coon y o err un y; Tezea: ~3~~a•~ ORDER OF -o-o -o-o MAINTENANCE TAX ELECTION TO ESTABLISH TAX IN CD1aDrtON SCHOOL DISTRICT• THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BERR. ~ WHEREAS, on the 5th day of August„ p, D. 1948, a petition wee presents to me for en election to be held in (s) Whits Common School District No. 3, of this County, on the question of authorizing a tax of and at the rate o2 (b) fifty oenta on the One Hundred Dollars val uat Son of ell taaable property in said District Por the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District, said petition bearing the re quieite number of signet urea of the legally qualified resident property taxpey iag voters oP said District, who owe taaable property in said District and who have duly rendered the same Por taxation, and ~ being in every re ape ct in cone ormity with law; end IT APPEARING that Berr County contains a population of 11,650 according to the last IInited St etas Census; and IT FURTHER APPEARING Lhat said (a) Whits Common Sah ool District No• 3 has been heret oPor properly established by order of the ~~j ~ day of August, 1926, which order is of record is (d) Minutes of County Board oP Trustees, vol. 1, page 75; and IT FURTHER APPEARING that ea id District, as so established, contains en area of 33 squerE miles and that no other Di at rict has been reduced in area below nine square miles by reason o1 the oreation of this District: NOW, THEREFORE, I, John 5. Atkins, in my official capacity es County Judge of Kerr County Teaas, do he reDy order that an election be held on the 21st day of August, p, D. 1948, at (P) School House Sn said (a) 7lhlte Common School Dlatr ict No. 3, oP this County, es established by order of the (o) County Hoard of Tr uat eea as passed on the 28th day of August, 1926, which order is of record Sn (d) Minutes of County Board oP Trustees, Vol. 1, page 75 to determine whether or not a majority of the legally qualified resident property to apaying vot ara_of said District, who own taxable prop arty in said District end who have duly rendered the same Por taxation, desire to tax themselves for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District, end to determine whether the Commie sioae rs` Court of said County shall be authorized to levy, assess and collect ann ue lly a tax of sad at the rate of fifty cents on the One Hundred Dollera valuation of ell taxable property in said District for said purpose. Joe W. Smith is hereby appointed presiding Officer for said election and he shall select two Judges sad two Clerks to assist him in holding the same end he shall, within five days after said election has been held, make due return thereof to the Commissioners` Court of this County as is required by law Por holding a General Eleotica. All persons who are legally qualified voters ~of this State end of thin County end who are resident property taapaye ra in said District, who own taxable property in said District end wY have duly rendered the same for taxation, shell be entitled to vote at said election, and all voters who favor taxation for school purposes shall have written or printed on their ballots, Lhe words: "FOR SCHOOL TAX" And those opposed to such taxation shell have written or printed on their ballots, the words: - "AGAINST SCHOOL TA%". The Sheriff of this County shall give notice of avid eleotion Dy posting three notices of said election in three public places in said District for not less than ten days prior to the date of said election. DATED this 5th day oP pugu st, A. D. 1948. Co u e, err 'o y, B a a s. o-o-o-o- - -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o The foregoing minutes from page 250 to 251, Inclusive, were read 1n open court and found corre i are hereb(y~in all r/e~speots approv~edQby the C>urt, this 12th ay of , '1 ATTEST: Vd~ti a. \\ • ~\.A..l~*"'"'-'t C lerfa, Cou y our err oun y, Tee ge, oun y Co ur err oun y, Teaas, o+o-o-o-o-o-o o -o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF KERR. BE IT REMEMBERED, Thet on this the 9th day of August, A, D. 1948, there was begun and holden a Flag ular Term oP Lhe Commissioners` Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Texas, officers present: JOHN S. ATKINS, - - - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, Aenry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, precinct No. 1, Break Thomason, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, precinct No. 2,