a~ ~ No, 3991. APPLICATION HY TAY 4398590E AND COLLECTOR FOR D$PDTIES This the let day of deanery, p. D. 1949, Dame on to be ooaeider ed the appl ioatioa of E. H. Niohola, Tea peaeasor and Colleotor of %err County, Tezne, for authority to appoint two full time depnties at X4125.00, and bra deputies at X1500.00, eta proposed salary not , to eznesd ;5fi 86.00 per annum, for hie ge aer el offioe work, ah ori~g probable rsoeipta of hie office of x.12,000.00, and en addit tonal di ab ornament of ~1 ,00,0.00, end it appearing to the Court that said disbursement of x6625.00 is fair and ~uat end should be approved by Lhe Court Therefore, upon motion made by Henry Eoksteln, seconded by Chas. H. 16oltar, end unan Smouely adopted, aeid Tea Assessor and Colleotor is hereby .granted auoh ezpenditure ea prayed for, as per his applioation on flle. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3992. ORDE@ AUTHORIZINO gPP0INR11BNR OF DEPUTY. IIpon applioation duly presented, St ie ordered by the Court that E, H. Nichols of Herr County, Tezae, be and he Sa hereby authorized to appoint and deputize Harry E. Crate ea Depot Tae Asaeaeor end Colleotor. Said appointment to date from the let day of January, 1949, and to ooatinue is eifent until revoked by Bald df1'd.oFr or be otherwise terminated; and the oompe cation to be paid aeid deputy Se hereby fized at and not to ezo aed the sum of Eighteen Hundra Seventy Five and No/100 (x18Y 6.00) Dollar e, per annum, payable solely from the Ease of aeid offioe. -o-o-o-oro- No. 3993. ORDER AIITHOBIZING APPOINTRENT OF DEPUTY. Upon applioation duly presented, it Sa ordered by the Court that E. H. NSehols of %err County, 'lyzas~, be sad he is hereby aut}~ol1zQ$ ALO a,ppp~ny pnd dapgtiiSy~o, Rey;-Y., NS~~igle, a~., Daput Taz peaeasor &Colleotor. Said appointment to dots 2rom the let day of January,. 1949, aed to oontinue Sn effeot until revoked by said officer or b.e otherwise terminated; sad We aompaa- satioa to be paid aeid dephty is hereby fized nt the sum of Two Thouaend Sh~a.HpndreA aaA-F~ft (x2250.00) Dollars, per amum, payable eolaly Eros the fees of aeid offioe. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3994. 4EPLICATIOE--FOB.DEPOTIES HY COUNTY CLEB% This the let day of January, A. D. 1949, Dana on to be ooaaidered the nppliaetioa of I,awreaoe Stephens, County Clerk of %rr County, Tezea, for authority to appoint four deputies and/or assisteate et • proposed salary of x6,000.00 par annum, and an additional diabureemsnt of xPAG.00, for hie general offioe work, wb ioIl said applioation shows probable raoeipta o1 x'!500.00 par annum, end it appearing to the Court that aeid ~labureemeat of x6200,00 Sa fair and dust sad should be approved Dy the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made by Henry Eokatein, ssoonded by Cha e. H. Molter, and unanimously sdopted, said County O1 ark is hereby - grnated auoh eFpeadit ors ea prayed for, as par h1a applioation on file. ro-o-o-o-o-o- r No• 3995. ORffiB AUTHORIZING pPPOINT~TT OF DEPUTY, FOR COUNTY CLER%. Upon applioation duly presented, iL is ordered Dy the Court that I.awrsnoe Stephens, Clerk /of Lerr County, Tezea, be end he is he ruby author iced to appoint sad deputize 1•r s. E. A. as Deputy County Clerk of hie offioe. Said appointment to data from.the let day of January, 1949, sad Lo ooatinue in effeot until revoked by said oPfioer or be otherwise termineLeA: sad the nompenaetion to,be pe ld said dexhty Sa hereby fined at the ebm of Eighteen Hundred Sevoat Five sad No/100 (#1875.00) Dollars, per anANm, psynbla solely from the fees of said offioe. -o-o-o-oro- No. 3996. ORDER 4UTHORI2INC APP02NTNENT OF DEPUTY FOR SHERIPF. IIBoa applioation duly presented, it Sa ordered by the Court that Sarl Garrett, Sheriff Kerr County, Te sea, be and he is hereby authorized to appoint and deputize 6eo rge Oliver Noore a ~~ ea Deputy SherilY of Karr County, Te za s. Said appolntment to date from the let day of January ^1 1949, cad Lo oo atin ue in effect until revoked by said officer or to be oLherwiee termlaet ed; end Lha oompensation to be paid said deputy is hereby fined at the sum of Eighteen Hundred and ~, No/100 ('1800.00) Dollar a, per annum, payable solely from the Cenerel Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3997. ORDER AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY FOR SHERIFF. Upon applloation duly preaentad, it Sa ordered by the Court that Earl Garrett, Sheriff of Kerr County, Teaas, be sad he Se hereby authorized Lo eppoant and deputize Chas. A. 8o dger a, ea Deputy Sheriff of Barr County, Tezea. Said appolntment to date from the let day of January 1949, and to continue ih effect until revoked by said officer or be otherwise terminated; and he oompens alien to be paid said deputy Ss hereby fiord at Lhe sum of One Thousand and No/100 (y1,000.00) Dollars per annum, payable solely from the Can er el Fund of Karr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 3998. THE STATE OF TEXAS,: IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT, EERR COUNTY, TEXAS, -. THE COIINTY OF EERR.: JANUARY TEAM, A. D, 1949. Thin the lst day of January, 1949, came oa to be aonaidered by the pearl the provisions of Sena to B111.-~ No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at Flr st Celled geaaion of the 64th Leg inlet are, pr - eoribing oompeneation of Di at tact, County end Preoinot OfYioera, and it appearing to the Court that it is the beat interest of Kerr County and Ste off Sacra that all of the Dietriot, County and Precinct OPfio era of Kerr County ba compene at ed on the Yee basis for the year 1949• Therefore, by mot#oa:dUiy made by Dhas;, H. Yolte;, aeoonded by Henry Eaketein, and unan- imously adopted by the Court, it Se hereby ordered, edJudged and decreed by the Court that ell DiatrSot, County end preainot Off Scare of Kerr County De oompensated Yor their services during the year, 1949, on a earned fee basis, ahd until ocherwiae determined by this Court. And the County Clerk shell forward a oertSPied copy of this order to the Comptroller of Public Aocount , Austin, Tazea. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ No. 3999. ORDER AUTHORIZITI6 EXPENDITURE OF ~142.B8, INSTALLATION OF TWO-WAY RECEIVING SETS ~ IN ~ERIP?'S DEPART10aNT AUTOMOBII,E AND ONE CAR OF DEPUTY SHERIFF. -~ Thin the latday of Jenuery, 1949, oame on to be ooneldered the epplloation of Earl Garr tt, 9herifY, for the expenditure of X1.42.88, for the Snat sllat ion of Two Two-way reo caving radio seta on Sheriff's oar and one aer of Deputy ghat ii'Y, and it appearing to the Court that acid ~ ezpenditure 1e reeeoneble end Quat. Therefor a, upon motion duly made by Chae. H. Molter, ae- oonded by W. H. Fur r, and unanimously adopted by the Court, it Se hereby ordered, adjudged end ~i deoread by Lhe Court that the ezpenditure of ~142.B8 be allowed and pe id out of the General F d I of $err County, upon proper bills filed with the County Clerk for approval. I -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4000. FIKING SALARY OF COUNTY JUDGE, JIM W. WEATHERBY. Thin the let day of January, 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eokateia, seconded by Chas. B. Molter, and unanimously adopted by the Court, it ie therefare ordered cad deo reed by Lhe Court, that the aelary of dim W. Weatherby, County Judge of Kerr County, be end is hereby ' fazed at the following amount for the ourrent ye er, 1949, ea Pollowe: --~ As County Judge the cum of =1320.00 per annum. Se id aelary of X1320.00 ea suah County j Judge be paid uhto Judge Weatherby by va uo her drawn by the Couhty Clerk on Lhe County Treasure , out of the Road and Brldga Fund Sn equal monthly Sant slime me of X110.00 aeoh, payable on or after the last day of eaoh calendar month, beginning January 31st, 1949. -o-o-o-o-o- --