.j No. 4001. FIXING OF SALARY CF LAWRENCE 9TEPHENS, CODNT4 CLERK. This the let day of January, A. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eak stein, aeoonded by Ches. H. Molter, and unanimously adopted by the Court, it Ss therefore ordered and decreed by the Court, that the salary oP Lawrenoe St ephena, County Clerk of Kerr County, Teaea, be end Sa hereby fined at en aggr egato of #2200.00 for the current year, 1949, provided by Lhe 1948-1949 Budget, ae follows; 51850.00 per annum ea County Clerk, X250.00 per annum for ' keeping the finance ledger and ;100.00 per annum ,for Sadeaing. Said salary shall be paid out of the General Fund in monthly installments of f1B3.33 eaah, payable on or after the last day oP each calendar month, beginning January 31 et, 1949, with vo uoher drawn by the County Clerk on Lhe County Treasurer, -o-o-o-o-_o- No. 4002. FIXING OF 3ALARIES OF CODNTY COMMISSIONERS This the let day of Ja nuery, p, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eoket sin, seconded by Chas. H• Molter, end unan imoualy adopted by the Court, it is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court, Lh et the oompensation of the 'Commiasi opera of Karr County be end is hereby flze by the Court for the ourreat year, 1949. Eeoh commis si oaer shall receive X7.00 per day ea pe diem for eaoh day served by him as a member of the Commissions ray Court to be paid out oP the General Road & Bridge gund, and eaah oommisaioner shell further receive ~7 .00 for each day served in the inspection sad supervision of County Roe de, same to be paid out oP the Rosd & Bridge Fund oP his reapeotive preoinet, provided however, that the total compensation or sale of each oommisaloner shall not sac eed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit; Comm isaioaer of Preoinot No. 1 the sum of X1,800.00 for the year 1949. Commissioner of Precinot No. 2 the sum of ~1 ,200, 00 for the, year 1949. Commissioner of Preai pct No. 3 the sum of X1,200.00 for the year 1949. Comm Seaion er of Preoinot No. 4 the sum of ~1 ,800.00 for the year 1949. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4003. FIXING OF SALARY OF DISTRICT CLERK, GEO. M. DOYLE. This the let day of January, p, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eckstein, seconded by Chas, g. Molter, and unanimously adopted Dy the Court, St is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court, that the salary of Geo. M• Doyle, Dlatr iot Clerk of Kerr County, be and is here fixed et an aggregate of x980,00 per annum, for the ourrant ye er, 1949, provided by the 1940- 1949 Budget, which salary shall be pe id unto the District Clerk is 12 monthly inatellmeata of X75.00 eaoh, out of Lhe General Fund by proper voucher dF awn by the County Clerk oa the County Treasurer, on or after the 31st day of each months' eervioes on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4004. FIXING OF SALARY OF SHERIFF, EABL CARRETT. This the let day oP Jenuery, p, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eckstein, seooaded by Cha e. H. Molter, end unanimously adopted by the Court, SL is ordered and deoreed by the Court that Lhe ghe riff~a salary Por the our rent qe ar, 1949, be and is hereby ii eed ea provide by the 1948-1949 County Budget at the sum of X2700,00 per annum ae follows; X2160.00 per annum ea Sheriff of Kerr County, and =540.00 per annum ee Jail Guard oP Yerr County. Seld entire salary to be paid bq vouaherdFawp by the County Clerk oa the County Treeeur er to 9h er iPf, Eerl GerretL, out of the General Fuad in twelve monthly installments of '225.00 eenh ~~. by Pro Per warrants drawn on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of eaoh month begin ping Jeauarq 31st, 1949. And said gharlff shall ba iurt her allowed the sum of seventy five per day for boarding eaoh prieioner in the County Jail plus fifteen cents per day for safe- . keeping eaoh prlsoaer. -o-o-o b-o-o-