oP $150.00 monthly for salary and $50.00 per month for traveling •apena s, payable to.,,yx~eIva a ~~ Jane Robartaon, out o2 the General Fund of Kerr County, the first payment to bs made on the la t day ag Tanusry, 1949, and continue on the last day of eaoh month thereafter, provided however, ~r -. the K~rville Independent School -latrict re imbur sas to Kerr County to the eatent of one-half thereof. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4015. APpOINTL7ENT OF COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS, This the let day of January, A, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Henry Eckstein, seconded by Chas. g. Bolter, and unanimously adopted by the Court, that the appointment of Duan E. Pact b• eatended far an additional two year term or until his auocesaor is appointed end quslif ied, unless sooner removed from office for ce use, and said Dr. Packard upon quel ifying as required by law shell reoeive such oompensation for services act ue lly rendered as this Court may allow from time to time. -o-o-o-o- No. 4016. GARDEN CLDB GIVEN AUT'fiORITY TO BEAUTIFY ~3 AND TREES ON CODRTHOIISE SQLGRE. This the 1st day of Jenuer y, A. D. 1949, there being brought to the attention of the Cour , by Henry Eck stein, the desire of the Garden Club of this City, to further beautify Lhe Court- -~ house Square Dy proper pros ing, cutting and/or trimming shrubbery and tree a,and 1t appearing t the Court that se me be granted. Therefore, upon motion duly me de by Henry Eokstein, aeo onded by Farr, and unanimously adopted by the Court, including the vote of the County Judge, Jim 1B. We et herby, the Gerdes Club, is hereby authorized to perform suah service ae requested. -o-o-o-o- No. 4017. DIRECTION OF DDTIES OF COURT CLER%, This the let day of Januer y, A. D. 1949, the County Clerk Ss hereby directed to perform the following dot Sea and present the following to the attention to the Regular Term oP Court to De held on b{on day, January 10th, 1949, to-wit: 1. Water Syet ems (SFr inklera on Courthouse lawn and old Covered Well on Courthouse (e) Repe ire {b) Custodian thereof 2. Custodian of Courthouse (aj_Heaging of Following appllaants. (1) T. F. Fuller (2 Irvin Parka (3 Frad Soto (4) J.C.MSlls (b) County Clerk dir sated to Notify applicants to appear in person {o) Setti~ of salary and duties thereof 3. County Court Room (e) The Thought of Dieia Son of said room (b) Sale op Judges bench; Sury Seats; Wit sass Che it and railing and all but one or twc rows of cha ire, now used by spectators or attendants. (c) County Clerk directed to write letter to County judge oP Real 'Co uhty (1) prospect for purchase (2) Clerk directed to seoure or igi eel price of furniture 4. Triangle belonging to Kerr County formerly deed to %e rr County by Eates~ Family. --~ (e) Sell at auction (b) Retain Sng right to re ~eot any bid (o) Bid not to include fe nos (d) Set price .level before soceptanoe of bide 5. Apportionment peraentagea of Commisaionara~ Road & Briflge Funds.