Henry Eakete in ;``Aeoonded by Che e. H, Molter, end unanimously adopted by the Court, that bs- a $ ~ iota any future orie re for offioe supplies end equipment ezcaeding the amount of $10.00 esah, end X100.00 each, are given to Stationary Firm or Supyly House or any Repair Shop or Parts ~,^ Rouse, by any County Oif SO 1e1 or Prso snot Officer, approval of euoh order moat first be ae- o ured from the Court in term time. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4032, APPLICATIOID FOR PURCAA9E OF AUCHIRERY BY PRECINCT N0, 3. This the 10th day ox danuery, I, D. 1949, oe me oa to be cones da red the re quest mode by , Ches. H. Molter, Commiealoner, Precinct No, 3, Yor the reply Bement of worn out equipment in hie precinct, namely; M. M. Model U.T,I. Tractor end Lull loader and vets oua attachme nte.the re to, whloh en allows ace tee offered Ypr trade-ia by Dulaney Service Company of San Antonio, Tex e, of =1500.00 upon the pureha ea of one M. M. Modal R. T, I, Tractor with 12;00 x 24 single rear and 7:50 x 16 8 ply front tires; 1 get Duel Wheels with 12;00 x 24 tires; 1 M & M Model SMRI Mower with 5~ Cutter bar; 1 Hy dreulio oontrol unit; 1 Rear power take off; 1 Reeve Hy dreulio Loader for li, T. I, Treator; 1 } Cubic Yard Bua ke t; and freight to Sea Ant onlo, Texas, with an aggregate ba le nee of $3161.50. It appearing to the oourt that repairs on the worn out equi - meat would be expensive to the County, and the trade-in allows nee la a good offer on the put- ' eheae oY the new equipment, and that it would be the beat interest of xerr County to purcheae said new equipment sad eoaept the ellowanoe he reinstate d. Therefore, by motion duly made by Eokate ia, seconded by Farr, eat unanimously adopted by the Court that Commisai over 14olter be authorize3 to purohase affi trade-Sn the worn out equipment ee heretofore requested by him, -o-o-o-o-u- No. 4033, CHAS, 9CHREIN3R BANK, UNINCORPORATED, CHOSEN A3 COUNTY DEPOSITORY. This the 10th day of January, A, D, 1949, oa ms on to be con ed de red by the Court the ~ ohoo sing of Chea. 9ohreiner Bank (Unincorporated) of Kerrville, Tezee, off=ring its sa rvl ces ea deposttory of ell County, School sad Tru et Fonda of Kerr County for ensuing two years, and without payment of interest on flatly ba la noes and without service charge to Kerr County, Teaea sad with the understanding that any unneceeae ry bookkeeping now ee being rendered by ,ea id de- pository may be agreed upon between Commisai onora' Court and, Depoeltory Sa to be eliminated, ~ sad it appearing to the Court that Chae.9ohreiner Hank Se the Bank chosen in Kerr County, Tea ..I for ea id Depository, Therefore by motion duly made by 3c kstein, eeooffied by Furr, sad unanimously chosen aid eoaepted by the Court sad that said bank is awarded the County Depository far ell Cou~y, Sohool sad Trust Funds of the County Yor the next two years et ao interest on daily belenoes sad that all unnaeee se ry bookkeeping now se being rendered by the 3epoeitory may be agreed upon Detweea Commies ions re' Court end Depository is to be eliminated, en3 said Bsnk, Se hereby direoted to make good and aufPio ie at bonds ea depository of eaoh of Bald Yoffie in the proper form preeord bed by law sad submit same to this Court Yor approval. -o-o-o-e-o- Eo, {034, ALLOWANCE TO H. H. WENTWORTH FOR 0,204 ACRE9 FOR F, M, HIGHWAY #689. ' Th1a the 10th day of Jenuery, A, D. 1948, Dame on to be con ei dared the allowance of ~ $15.30 for a atrlp of lead for F, Y, Highway No, 689, containing 0.204 Bores owned by H, H, Wentworth, ea pereanted to the Court by State Reai dental Engineer Chas. T, Holmes, Aad it appearing to the Court that the amount of 15,30 le reaeonab le. Therefore by motion duly made by 'SOkete in, eeo ondefl by Molter, and una nlmously approved by the oourt for the payment of same out of R B; B ~2 of Kerr County, et euoh time ea id Seed ie properly executed sad tiled by~the County Clerk for record, The County Clerk ie therefore dlreoted to drew vouoher against 'l