the County Treasurer Sn the amount of $15.30 out of the R, & B. Fund Humber E, ¢e ye ble to H, H, Wentworth. -o-o-o-o-o- Eo, 4035. TABULAR 3TATSMERT OF IHD4BT>SDNES9, ^sXP'SNDITURF,S & RBCSIPT9 OF K^sRR COUHTY, Thie the 10th day of January, A, D, 1949, Dame on to be e:amiaed by the Court the tabular statement filed by Jno, R,.Le avail, County Clerk of Kerr County, for period ending Deoember 31st, 1948, oovering the Sndebtedne sa, ezgendit urea and reoeipts of Kerr County; wh SOh report or statement eBpea ring oorreot, be and Se hereby approved by the Court, -o-o-o-o- Ho. 4036. PERCERTAGSS FOR APPORTI ONDi3NT3 OF ROAD & BRIDGE FJRD. Thie the 10th day of Jenue ry, A. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Sakatai n, aeon nded Dy Molter, end unanimously adopted by the Court, that the following peroentage basis in the 3iv- iaion of the Road & Bridge Fund, be epgortioned to the rasp sot ive aommiseionere' preaincta, ~', oa the following basis, until further determined by the Court, to-wit: R& B# 1& 4 on a 35,E apportioamebt R & B ~ 2 & 3 on a lbgd epport ionment -o-o-o-o-o- No, 4037, 3'GD?LOYM3PT OF COURTAOIIS4 CUSTODIAN, Thie the 10th day of de a:ery, A. D. 1949, Dams on to be ooa eidered the epplioationa filed with the Clerk for the position of Janitor end~or Custodian of the Courthouse of Kerr County, and the following appliae ate being present, to-wit: J, C. Mille, Irv is Yarke sad '.P. B, She phe ri Baoh epplloeat having pre aerated his oapability ,and reoeived the re auiramsnte of the Court, sad ands stood that whloh /Ehs failure to perform such dut iea if hired ,be re lievel by the Court/was fully underatoofl by each ap plicen t.. After thorough diecussi on and consideration, motion wen duly made by EokatQin, and aeoonded, end unanimously adopted by the Court that same be voted on by aeoret ballot, and result of auoh by the/tally IDrvin~~Park e~;eoaived three out of four votes, at whloh Lime motion was duly made by Molter, and seconded by powell, and carried by majority of the Court, that Irvin Parka be employed as Janitor/Custodian of the Courthouse of Herr County, that the Clerk of said Court, chew voucher age inat the County Treasurer on the General Fund of Herr Coua ty in the amount of $60.00 pe yable to Irvin Parka, semi-monthly. -o-o-o- No. 4038. FLXIIdG SALARY OF COURT REPORTER. Thla the 10th day of January, A. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by i Mol ter, and unanimously adopted by the Court, that the salary as apportioned fgr cth e_.COdrt, i Heportnr for this Jud ioiel Diatriat in the amount of $84.32 be paid out of the Jury Fund on the lest day of eaoh month, beginning January 31st, 1949. That the County Clerk drew voucher ~ or i eg einet the County Treasurer, sash month for eaoh amouh t, payable to Julia H. Farrell,/her aua- ~ ceesor. -o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes on pages 277 to 281, inalus4ve, were reed in open Court and found corrao , and ere e y in ell rpea peota approved by the Co t. 1 th ]nth day of February, A. D. 194 . Ccc.,/ ;: er our err Dun y, zee. o w y our , r ,oua y, ae e. -o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o- THE STATE OF TEXAS,: THE COLliTY OF KERR,: BE IT BEMEI~ERED, Thet on this the 13th day of January, A. D. 1949, ~) there was begun end holden s SPeciel Term of the Commissioners' Court of Herr County, at the 1 Cou rL House thereof, is the City of Herrville, Tezae, off to era preaant; ~ ~