jai the County Treeaurer in the amount of $15,30 out of the R, & B, Fund Humber 8, pays ble to H. 8, Wentworth. -o-o-o-o-o- No, 4035. TABIILAR 3TATSdiBRT OF IHDSBTRDHE59, 3SPTRDITURES & RSC SIPTS OF KERR COURTY. Thie the 10th day of January, A. D, 1949, name on to be examined by the Court the tabular atetement tiled by Jao. R, Leevell, County Clerk of Kerr County, for period ending December 31st, 1948, oov=ring the indebtedne se, expeadit urea end reoeipte of Kerr County, whioh report or state went eppea ring oorrect, be end le hereby approved by the Court. -a-o-a-a- No. 4036. PERCSHT-GES FOR APPORTI OHLSENT9 OF RO1D & BRIDGE FURD. Thie the 10th day of January, A, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Sokatein, seco ndel by ilolter, sad unenimou sly adopted by the Court, that the following percent age baaie in the div- ision of the Roed 4 Bridge Fund, be apportioned to the reapeot ive oommisai opera' preaineta, on the following basis, until further determined by the Court, to-wit: R& B} 1& 4 on a 359 apportionment R g B# 2 8, 3 oa a 15$ apportionment -o-o-o-o-o- 0 No. 4037. T,.O?10Yi13NT OF COURTHOIIST CUSTODIAB, Thie the 10th day of da piary, I.D. 1949, Dame on to be Don eidered the applioatione Y11ed with the Clerk for the position of Jenit or end/or Custodian of the Courthou ae of Karr County, and the following aBPlioslrte being present, to-wit; J. C. Mills, Irv 1n Yorke sad '~7. B, She pher~ Eeah applicant having presented hie oepability ,and reoeived the re quiremeate of the Court, end undo ratood that whlah lthe failure to perform such duties if hired ,be relieves by the Court/wen fully understood by each applioan t..After thorough discussion and consideration, motion wen duly made by Eakatgin, and seconded, end unanimously adop Led by the Court that same be voted on by eooret ballot, end result of eaoh by the/telly drvis~parka~;eoeived three out of four votes, at whioh Lime motion wen duly made by Molter, and seconded by Powell, and carried by majority of the Court, that Irvin Parka be employed as Janitor/Custodian of the Courthouse of %rr County, that Lhe Clerk of sold Court, chew voucher age in at the County Treasurer on the General Fund of %err County in the amount oP $60.00 payable to Irvin Parka, semi-monthly. -o-o-o- No. 4038. FIXING SALARY OF COURT REPORTER. Th1a the 10th day of January, p. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Eo kstei a, seconded by molter, and unanimously adopted by the Court, that the salary ae apportioned tpr ,.th e'C9mrt~ Reporter for th ie Jud ioial Diatrint in the amount of =64.32 be paid out of Lhe Jury Fund on the last day of eaoh month, beg Seeing January 31st, 1949. That the County Clerk draw voucher or against the County Treasurer eaoh month for such amount, payable to Julie R. Ferrell,/her auo- oessar. -o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes on pages 277 to 281, iacluafve, were read in open Court and found co end are e y Sn ell rppea peata approved by the Co t, 1 th i~th day of February, p. D. er our srr Dun y, nee. e, Dun y our r Dun y, sea. -o-o-o-o-o-o ro-o- THE STATE OF TEXAS,: THE COLFTY OF KERR.: BE ZT R~'~+ERED, Thet on this the 13th day of Jan uery, p. D. 1949, there was begun and holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of %rr County, at Lhe Court House thereof, in the City oP Ee rrv ills, Tezea., off is era present: