No. 4046. CONTINUANCE OF PAUPER ALLOWANCE TO DONSE & SALLIE BUTCHER I ~1 0 U, This the 14th day of February, p, D. 1949, by motion duly made by W, H, Farr, seconded by U 1 Henry Eckstein, and unanimously approved, ordered, ad,~udged and decreed that an allowance of $20.00 per month be continued and payable to Sallie Butcher for Donie & Sallie Butcher, and that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in Seidl!, amount oP $20.00 pays ble to Sallie Butcher out of the General Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o- I No. 4047. CONTINUANCE OF INCIDENTAL EXPENSES FOR KERRVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ! This Lhe 14th day of February, A, D. 1949, by motion duly made by L9olt er, seconded Dy ''Eckstein, unen imou sly approved by the court the county clerk is hereby directed to continue ~I the issuance of voucher against Lhe County Treasurer in the amount oP $25.00 each month, payabl~9 i d the last day of ee ch month, including the mon to of January, 1949, to the Kerrville Public Lib raiy, I~I to assist in the incidental expenses, drawn on the General Fund of Kerr County, until further I. ~, ordered by the Court. it -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- i N0. 4048. GROUP INSURANCE PLgN '+VITH au~aiarr NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COLaPANY BY OFFICERS & EMPLO$F~ This the 14th day of February, q, D. 1949, came on to be considered the group insurance ~~~!Il plan presented by C. G, Jennings, agent for RepuH.9e National Life Insurance Company, Dallas, ' Texas, desiring permission from the court to contact all County Offiaere end Employees oP the ~'~ I III County, as Lo their willingness to apply with said company Por a life and accidental plan, with ~~: the un derstending that at lee st twenty-five applicants must be signed up before such group in- ~~ Insurance may become effective. Such agency requiring further, that if the required number of ~~~I it `,appl icants desire to accept the group insurance plan, that the County Treasurer be authorized ~'I to deduct the premiums from the monthly checks of each Officer and Employee, end pay to the Re-~~, ~~',pub lic National L1Pe Insurance Company in one check the total premiums withheld. It appearing III ~lto the Court that the group insurance and accidental plan would be at a very nominal rate to ~~' I' the officers end employees, and that if a required number of applicants desire such insurance, I ~'`it should be the duty of the court Lo grant their permission to apply for their insurance desires. ~, ~~', TherePOre, by motion duly made by Henry Eckstein, sec ondad by V. D. Powell, and unenimousl~ the t ~~ approved by the court,/the Republic National Life Insurance Compe ny of I)a llas, Texas, be and is I 'Thereby authorized to contact each County Officer and Employee, to determine their willingness Il,to accept the County Group Insurance Plan, and that if the required number applicants era se- ~cured, the County Treasurer be and Ss hereby authorized to deduct the premium from the monthly II~~.. ~lcheck of each officer end employee, and issue check to the Repihlic National Life Insurance Compa~y ~~ieach month for the total premiums withheld. ~~ _o_o_o_o_o_ III ~~II~iNo. 4049. ADOFT ION OF SALARY BASIS FOR SHERIFF AND ALL CONSTABLES OF KERrt COUNTY, AND SUSPENSION AND ANNULS~NT OF FORMER ORDERS AS TO FEE BASIS ON SHERIFF & CONSTAHLBIS. I This the 14tH day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be considered by the Court the pro- I I~'~~IV isions of H. J. R. No. $6 of the 5gth Legislature as adopted by the people in the last gen erall~ ~'' i elect ion on November 2, 1948 amending Section 61 of Article 16 of the State Constitution es the l~! i ;same apllies to the payment of Pees to Sh eriffa end Constables in oountiea having a population ~I !'of less then 20,000.00, of which this amendment requires that all peace officers be placed on all (regular salary beginning January 1st, 1949, end that an amendment should be made in re: Order No. 3998, compensating all District, County and Precinct 13Pficers of Kerr County, in regard to the provisions of Senate BS11 No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at Fir ~t Called Session of the 44th Legislature, in so far as it affects the peace officers,only. It appearing to the Court that it is mandatory, that the peace OPf icers of this County be compensated on a Salary basis.