~ ~ Therefore, by motion duly made by Molter, seconded by Ecka tein, ahd uaen imoualy approved by the oour t, it is hereby ordered, edj udged and decreed by Lhe Court that all Distr Sot,County ~^ and Precinct Officers, be compensated Pox their .sgrvioes during the .year„ 1949, on a earned fee basis, with the eaoeptiona of all pasta officers, who are to be compena at ed on a salary basis, end Lhat order Number 3998, Special January Term, 1949, be annulled only, in so far as it aIf acts the oompens at ion of all pasta officers, and that this order be ah amendment to eret . That the following salaries be establ iahed in accordanoe with the average fees earned for pri r years, Lo-wit: Sheriff, X30 00.00 per annum; Chief Deputy Sheriff, =2100.00 per annum; Deputy Sheriff, Preoiact No. 4, X1200.00 per as nom; Deputy Sheriff, night calla, ;600.00 par annum; and the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to isa ue voucher drawn on the County Treasurer for any differ enoea in the January Salary, providing fees and ea-offie io compensatloh, did no exceed the pro rata mohthly check of each, and issue on the lest day of each month th ereefter one-twelfth of the salary as hereinabove set out to the oftiaer or deputy now or hereafter ho d- 1ne the position for which such sal pry Ss designated. That ae id pesos off leers are hereby directed to deposit fees or oollections in the performanoe oP their duti~a to the County Tre- asurer of $err County for the purpose of hereafter determ lning the deoeeae or increase in the r ~~ compensation. -a-o-o-o-oro-o- No. 4050. PAUPERS MAY CHOOSE FUNERAL ROME, EXPENSE TO MDSE „SERVICE AND BURIAL SET AT =27.50 This the 14th day of February, p, D. 1949, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Molt r, and unanimously adopted by the Court, that all paupers of Yerr County may choose as they de- sire the Funeral Home of their ohoiee, provided however, such ahoaen Funeral Home be paid not to ea teed #E7 .50 for all merahand isa end eery ices rendered for such burial, which burial spec , epsn ingahd closing of the grave be an addition to the X27 .50. That the .Funeral Home perform ing auah bur Sal, be end is hereby directed to present a sworn statement that no cash adveaae- ment, and/or assistance has been received and will not be received in addition to Lhe amount applied for payment against $err County, upon the preaentatlon of the itemized bill Lo the County Clerk. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4051. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF $ERR COUNTY FOR TWO ENSUING YEARS. This the 14th day of February, p. D. 1949, oame on to be appointed by the Court Lhe nec- essary election offic era for the next two years for eaoh of the fifteen election precincts of $err County, ea ahowh oh pages 180 to 184, inclusive, in Volume 1, Reoord of Election Judges for $err County, Teaea, which is made a part hereof for all legal purposes. -o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o- No. 405E. INCREASE IN MAXIMIIBL OF 25% IN COMPLIANCE OF ARTICLE 3891 R.C.S. This the 14th day of February, p, D. 1949, oame on to be coaaide red by the Court the mat and their dap of en inoresae Sn the compensation of the prat inot, oounty sad district off iaera/in en addlti amount not to eacsed twenty-five (25 T,) per oent of the sum allowed under the law for the fist ye er of 1944, provided Lhe total compehaation authorized under the law for the fisa el year of 1944 did not eaoeed the sum of Thirty-s is Hnadred (=3600.00) Dollars, es set out Sn Article '3891(a ), Revised Civil St stoles of Te xea, ea provided under 3ehate Bill {~1 E3, 49th Leg islatur Regular 9esaion, 1945. And it appearing Lo the Court that Lhe inoresae in compensation for t - various officers and their depot ie a, that ere on s fee basis, and ae contemplated by said ~ Article 3891 a Revised Civil Statutes of Tezea, is ( ) just and reasonable and that such inor ens Sn such maalmum should be allowed. Therefore, by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Molter, and unanimous ly approved by the Court, be and it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court Lhat the in are is compensation of Lhe orecinot. co only sad diatriot officers end their de ou ties sa nr ov ids