No. 40q~,~. ORDER TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 25j6 INCREASE IN INSURANCE ON MARCH 1ST AND RENEN ~ .2 9 4 POLICIES. Thin the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be co ne ids red by the Court the in- --. erases oP 25~ on Pire insurance coverage, which will take effect on March let, 1949, when Sf renewed now would not affect any policy already issued. It appearing to the Court that such advantage should be taken and would be a saving to Kerr County to cancel the old polioies and renew in suranoe overall in appr oaimately ai sty-five thousand dol la re on Courthouse & Jadl poi is es. Therefore by motion duly made by Eokat sin, seconded by Molter, end unanimously approved by the Court, ba and St Se hereby ordered that all insurance ngspolea now holding poi SClee of Snaurance be notified to celcalute, ^hether a env ing may be had by renewing the old policies, and that iP in such discretion a saving may be had, that all polioies be in cre ae ed to sirty- five tho ua sad dolls re. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4072. APPLICATION FOR PIIRCHASE OF FEE BOOK,BIRTH & DEATH BINDER & LEGAL BLANKS BY JIISTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1 This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, oame on to be considered the request made by Virgll Storms, Justice of the Peaoe, Precinct No. 1, of Kerr County, Texas, fore fee book, birth and death binder, sad legal blanks which are want Ssl-to the performance of hie office. --, IL appearing to the Court that the purchase of suoh auppliea ere anent is 1. Therefore by motion duly made;by Powell, seconded by Eckstein, and unanimously approved by the Court, Tudge Storms be end Sa hereby authorized to puraheae the supplies es requested. -o-o-o-o -o-o-o -o -o- No. 4073. ADOPTION OF SALARIES FOR CONSTABLES OF $ERR COt7NTY. This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be considered Lhe saleriea under the prov isiona of H. J. R. No. 36 of the 50th Legislature ae adopted by the people in the last general election on November 2nd, 1948 amending Seotioa 61 of Artiole 16 of the State Co netitu ion ea the same applies to the payment of fees to filer ifPs~ and Constables Sn counties having a population of leas than 20,000.00, of whlah this amendment requires that all peace ofiicere be placed on a regular salary beginning Sea ue ry let, 1949. It appearing to the Court that St 1 mandatory, that the Conatab lea of Kerr County be oompeaeeted on a Salary basis. '~ Therefore by motion duly made by Eokstein, seconded by Furr, and unen imously adopted by - Throe ', Court that the Conat eblgafor'Preoipot s. NOS. One/and Four be paid /5.00 per annum; for Pr ecinot No. 2 be paid =50.00 per annum, each payable quarterly, and the oo unty clerk ie hereby directed to drew voucher against the County Treeaurer for the quarterly emoun to payable to the officers ' quel if ied to Suoh off lose. ' -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4074. APPROVAL CF MINi7TES OF REGULAR JANUARY TERM AND SPECIAL FEBRIIARY TERN, This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be read Lhe minutes of Lhe Commisaio ra' ~, ourt for the Regular January Term and Spea ial February Term, 1949, wherein motion being made b I'i ekatein, aeonnded by Furr, and unanimously approved ea reed for the Minutes of the Regular Jan ry i arm. Motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Furr, ivowell..aot.oest ing hie vote, the Judge ~' ubmitting his vote in, the affiametdve, and the minutes for the Speoial February Term, were ~tand approved ea read. i po-o-o-o-o-o- . 4075. APpROPAL OF TABULAR STATEI[ffidT OF COUNTY CLERK FOR PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31ST, 1949. This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, oame on to be seem in ed by the Court the 9uarter y ulsr Statement of Lawrenoe Stephens, County Clerk of Karr County, covering the indebtedness, enditurea and reoeiPte of $arr County for quarter ending January 31st, 1949, which report statement appears to be true sad aorreot. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, aeonnded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the a Q I Court Sh ell respects, and the County Clerk fie directed to file same in hie off ioe for safe k keeping. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4076. APPROVAL OF CLAIM OF A. SCHWARZ & SONS FOR GRAVEL This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, name on to be examined by the Court the 0,}~,im in the amount of =108.45 pr eaented by p. Schwarz & Sons against Preclnot No. 1 of %err County, for 1} yards of pleating sand, and 173} yards Pit Run Gravel. IL appearing to the court that R k B Prec ince No. 1 Sa entitled to the use of said sand and gravel. Therefore by motion duly made by Farr, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved, it is hereby ordered, ad,ludged and decreed that the County Clerk drew vouo her age inet Lhe Co only Treae urar in the amount of 5108. against R & B ~1 payable to A. 3ohwarz do"Bona. -ororo-o- No. 4077. APPROVAL OF QIIARTERLY REPORT OF fi. GOLD, Co. Treas, PERIOD ENDING TANIIARY 51ST ,LQ{9. This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be ezamined and audited by the Coux the quarterly report of fi. Gold, County Tresaur er, covering the reoei pta and diaburs ementa oP %err County for quarter ending January 31st, 1949, end St appearing to Lhe Court after care- ful sad thorough ezamiastion and inspect ion of said report together with the cents ll ed warrant aheake, bonds and ooupons sac ompenyiag same, that said report is true and oorreot, in every reapeat, and same be and is hereby approved in open Court, all sa Sa shown by the CertifieaLe of Approval signed by the Court and attached thereto, end the County Clerk aha 11 record acid report in the loose-leaf teen rd in his office and Pile such cancelled wart ante, oheoka, bonds and ooupons in hie off ioe for Haie-k eeping and future reference. -oro-o-o-o- No. 4078. ORDER AUTHORIZING PA°10ZNT OF 5131.83 FOR LOW BID OF COl0fERCIAL OFFICE 9DPYLY Thin the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came oa Lo be considered by the Court the two bide on 14+ Typewriter for Couhty Cle rka~ Offioo~ dhe %er rville Times presented a bid on e ]~agia Gray Royal with Nagio Margion, Finger Form %sys, pine Type 14° carriage and removable cylinder at ;155.00, del Suety being immediately. The Commara ial Office Supply presented a bid on one Remington Typewriter 15^ aarriaga with 14° writing line es compered with competitive - typewriter which given 13^ writing line only, priced at 1162.75 leas 10-1096 to~Serr County,thu~ the discount amount to 530.92, leaving an aggregate Prins of 57.31.53, and in addition to the disoouat of 530.92, three ezt€a rib bona are to be given with the purahsae of geld machine. IL appearing to Lhe Court that the bid of Commercial Of iioe Supply Co. is more reasonable and ~uat and that the court should purchase their machine. Therefore by motion duly made, aeoonded end unanimously approved by the Court, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the bid of Commercial Office Supply be eoaopted, that the County Clerk Se hereby authorized and dlreoted to draw voucher ageinat the County Treasurer Sn the amount of 5131.83 on the General Fund of %err County, payable to Re- mington Rand. Ina. for the Aemington Typewriter with 15^ Carriage. -o-o-o-o- No. 4079. TRRDRTLBNI~NT OF 510,000.00 TO ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCTS. Thla the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, be and it is ordered by the Court that 510,000.00 of the unapportioned Road & Bridge Fuada of Kerr County, be hereby apportioned end credited to the tea peotive Commisaloaera~ Preaincta of Kerr County, after motion being duly made by Nolter, eaoonded by Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court, that came ba appor Soned, ea follows: To A tr. B Fund of preolaot No. 1, 35;6 - -53.500,00 To R k B Fund of Preoin of No. 2, 1596 - -51,500,00