a Q ' Court in all rea paota, sad the County Clerk is directed to Elie same in hie offioe for safe k keeping. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4076. APPROVAL OF CLASI[ OF A. SCBWARZ & SONS FOR GRAVEL This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, same on to be exam ined by the Court the Sn the amount of =108.45 pr ea anted by p, 3ohwerz & Soae against preainot No. 1 of Barr County, for 1~ yards of plasting send, and 173} yards pit Rua Gravel. It appearing to the court that R & B Precince No. 1 is entitled to the use of Bald sand and gravel. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved, it Sa hereby ordered, adjudged and deoroed that the County Clerk drew vouo her age inat the County Treasurer in the amount of 1108. ag ainat R & B ~1 payable to A. Sohwa rz k'Sone. -o -o -o -o - No. 4077. pppROVpL OF QVARTERLY REPORT OF E. GOLD, Co. Trees, PERIOD ENDING JANUARY S15T,i9i9. This the 16th day of February, A. D, 1949, oame on to be ezamined and audited by the Cour the quarterly report of E. Cold, County Tree our er, cov sr ing the reoei pta sad disbars ements of Kerr County for quarter ending January 31st, 1949, and it appearing Lo the Court after oare- ful and thorough ezamina tion end Snapectioa of said report together with the cants ll ad warrant oheake, bonds and coupons eoc ompenyiag same, that said report Se true end oorreot, in every reapeot, and same be and ie hereby approved in open Court, all as Sa shown by the Certifioate of Approval signed by the Court end attached thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said report in the loose-leaf record in h1a office and file such cancel lad Warr ante, ohecka, bonds and ooupona in his office for safe-keeplag and future referenoe. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4078. ORDER AUTHORS ZING PA'S101NT OF 1131.63 FOR LOW BID OF CO10[ERCLIL OFFICE 9DPPLY This the 16th day of February, A, D. 1949, came on to be cons Sdered by the Court the two bide on 14+ Typewriter for County Clerka~ Offioe~ ,The %er rville Times preaen tad a bid on e 1lsgio Gray Royal with Nagio Ma rgion, Finger Form goys, pioe Type 14+ oarriage end removable cylinder at 1155.00, del iverq being immediately. The Commero isl Office Supply presented a bid on ono Remington Typewriter 15+ oerriage with 14+ writing line ae compared with competitive - typewriter which gives 13^ writing lineoaly, priced at 1162.75 less 10-10~, ta~,-Yerr County,thu the discount amount to 130.92, leaving an aggregate price of =131.83, and in addition to the disoount of 130.92, three eztea rib bone are to be gives with the purohaee of said meohina. It ap peer ing to the Court that the bid of Commercial Offioe Supply Co. is more reasonable and ,just and that the court should purohaee their machine. Therefore by motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved by the Court, it is hereby ordered, ed'udged sad decreed by the Court that the bid of Comore ro Sel Offioe Supply be eoc opted, Lhat the County Clerk Se hereby authorized end dir eoted to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of 1131.83 on the General Fund of Barr County, pqy able to Re- mington Read. Sao. for the Remington Typewriter with 15+ Carriage. -o-o-o-o- No. 4079. YRRORTIONY&NT OF 110,000,00 TO ROAD & BRIDSE PRECINCTS. This the 16th day of February, A. D, 1949, be end it Ss ordered by the Court that 110,000.00 of Lhe unepportioned Rood & Bridge Fuhde of Kerr County, be hereby apportioned and credited to the reapeot lve Commisai onera~ Preoincte o2 Barr County, after motion being duly mode by Molter, aaoonded by pow ell, end unanimously approved Dy the Court, that name be appor ions d, ae follows: 20 R k B Fund of preoin ct No. 1, 35~ - -13,500.00 To R k H Fund of Preoin cL No. 2, 15 ~,- -11,500.00 To R & B Fund of Precinct No. 4, - 85~ - -X3,500,00 -o -o -o-o-o -o-o-o- No. 4080. THE STATE OF TEYAS,: IN COL(ISSIONERS' COURT, $ERR COUNTY, TEnA3 REGULAR FEBRUARY TERM, 1949 THE COUNTY OF 1(EBR,: February 16th, 1949 Thin the 16th day of February, A. D. 1949, came on to be co neidered that County Depositor; pledge Contract dated the 10th dqy of February, 1947, pledging Twenty 10,000.00 U, S. Treanor; Boada 29t of 1950/52; dated 4/15/43; due 9-15-52, Noe. 4551 to 4600 inclusive, io the aggregate of =200,000.00, pledged by Chas. Schreiner Beak, Un inc., end era on depoe It with Lhe Na Lionel Bank of Commerce of Sea Antonio, Tea ea, and which pledge contract wen approved at the regular February Term, 1947 by the Commisa inners' Court, has matured end the ae id Ches. Schreiner Bank IIniac. is desirous of having said above mentioned bonds released fmm said pledge contreot. The Commission er a' Court reviewing on the matter of the choosing of the Cha e. Sahreiner Bahk, Unincorporated, as the bank for the County Depository, and by the matter of attention of the Court sa to the small amount new on deposit at the end of the fiscal year of 1948, and that there will bs a small amount on depoe it for ensuing tro years, is of the opinion that au cl smell amount Ss insufficient to any realization for the amount of the necessary bookkeeping, and that no interest is being charged on say daily baleno ea, and that an amount of One Hundred end No/100 0100.00) per month, in their opinion would ba a reasonable charge for Chse. Sahreii Beaks' aerv is ea to $err County, that such aharge may begin for Lhe month of February, 1949, end monthly Lhereafte r, ua til the terming ti oh of said pledge contreot. The following pledge Cont racte of Chaa. Son rsinar Bank, Uninc., pledging unto $err County One =100,000.60 II. S. Treasury bond 2,~ of 1951-53, dated Se pt ember '15, 1943, due September 15, 1953, No. 19229$, eaeauted on the 10th day of January, 1949, for County Depository Pledge Gon- tract; end One #10,000.00 II. S. Treasury Bond 296 of 1951-53, dated 9-15-43, due~9-15-53, No. 54308J, ezecuted on the 10th day of January, 1949, for pledge Contra of Lo cover Sa hool Funds; and Two $err County, Tezea 596 Road Bonds Series of 1931, Bonds Noa. 23B end E39, dated Februer7 10, 1931, due February 10, 1961, in the amount of X2,000.00, ezeo uted on tpe 10th day of Jenus~ A. D. 1949, for pledge Contract Covering County sad Diatrlat Cle rka of $err County; for which three pledge Contracts the Chaa. Schreiner Bank, LAi inc. of Kerrville, Tozaa, have presented ft the faithful performance of its duties ae depository for the respective funds of $err County, Tezea, and St appearing to Lhe Court that said Donda have been deposited by Chae. Schreiner Beak, Uninc. rich Frost National Beak of San Ant win, Tezea, for tho benefit of Kerr County according to their receipt attached to said pledge contract. THEREFORE, IIpoa Motion duly Mede by Henry Eckstein, aeaohded by 1Q. H. Furr, end ordered, ed~udgad and deoread by the Court, Lb at the Chea. Sohraiaer Bank, Un inc. bs and Se hereby authorized to withdraw said Twenty =10,000.00 U. S. Treae ury Bonds 29i of 1950/52, dated 4/15~A3, due 9-15-52, Noe. 4581 to 4600 is olueive, is the aggregate of 200,000,00, being the County Dapoaito ry pledge Contract sa approved by the Commisaioaere' Court on the 10th day of February, 1947, and held by the National Bank of Commerce of San Antonio, Teaea; that the flhae Schreiner Bank, De hereby authorized to withhold or charge oa the daily balances in the amount of One Hundred and No/1000100.00) per month, for sere So ea parforma$ la the keeping of the necessary aoaounte on eueh daily balances of $err County, bagihning with the month of February 1949, ahd a like charge each month thereafter, until the a$PSratlon of the pledge contracts, herein approved; that the submitted County Depos Rory P19dge Oont Tact, pia dg ing One ;100,000.01 II. S. Treasury Bond 296 of 1951/53, dated September 15~ 1<943, 76aa 9apt sober 15, 1953, No. 192297 and County Deposit cry pledge Contract to Cover School Fonda, p7adg17~6 One X10,000 .00 II, S. Tr e~ asury Bond 296 of 1951-63, dated 9-15-43, due 9-15 -43, No• 5479Bf; and County Depository Pledge ~qa