n S- the General Fund of Kerr County, payable to Fawcett Ineurenoe Agency. -o-o-o-o-o- r No. 4087. REJECTION OF CLAIM OF C, GRANT WHITE, ATTORNEY IN RE; ESTATE OF ELLEN COODyAN,DEC'D. On this the 14th day of yar di, A. D. 1949, Dame on to be presented to the Court the wr itt request of G. Grant White, Attorney at law, for the pe yment of X29.54 for se rvicea rendered in collection of fees due gerr County and The Laglon Grocery 1n re; Estate of Goodman. And it appearing to the Court that Kerr County 1s not 1leble for the requested attorney's fees. The rafore, by motl on duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter and unenlmo usly segueing the payment of the claim in the amount of #29.54 herat of ore presented by G. Grant White. -o-o-o- No. 4080. APPROVAL OF GROUP INSURANCE PLAN WITH REPUBLIC NATIONAL LIFE INSORpNCE COyPANY On Lhis the 14th day of yarch, A, D. 1949, Dame on to be considered by the Court the Gppap•:Inaugan ne plan'~affered by Republic Nat Sonal LSPe Insurance Company of Dallas, Teaa s, which hea been made available to all county off icera and employees of Kerr County, and which insurance xas acceptable by more than the required aumDer of twenty-five appl ioahts, end it is the daoiie of said Company that the Commieaionere' Court confirm the isa uance of premiums to the desired applicants. And it appearing to the Court that the officers and employees are wil ing to pay for the premiums and that there would be no coat to..t he County sad that such group Snauraaoe should be approved by the Court. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, aeconde t by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Republla National Life Incur anoe Company be authorized to issue such premiums ea desired by the county officers sad employees, end that the County Treasurer ba and Sa hereby authorized to withhold Lhe monthly premium at the desire of said officers and employees, Prom their monthly sal ery, and issue check to the Republic Net ional Life Easuranoe Company each month for the total premiums withheld. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4089. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE OF =¢0.00 TO COUNTY JIIDGES' AND COyyISSI0NER3' ASSOCIATION. This the 14th day of yarch, p, D. 1949, came on Lo be cone idered bq the Court the request by the County Judges and Commissioners Assoc ietion of Teaea for the annual dues of ouch eaeooi ion Ior the ensuing year, and it appearing to the Court that the dues of such eeaooiation era $50.00 a year, end that being a member of such esaocietion would be a benefit to Kerr County. Therefore by motion made by Eckstein, seconded by volt er, and unanimously approved by the Cour that Kerr County ezpend the sum of =50.00 out of Lhe General Fund of Kerr County, by proper voucher drawn by the County Clerk on the County Tree surer of Kerr County, for the annual dues of such ass oo ietion. -oro-o-o-o- No. 4090. PRESENTATION OF VARIOIIS ACTIVITIES BY COUNTY HOyE DEyONSTRATION CLUBS OF KERR COIINT by the Court inter eating rep This the 14th day of yarch, A, D. 1949, came on to be hoard/br. three el ub members repre- sented by Alma Henc ook, County Home Demonstration Agent, of the various Home Demonstration Clu oP Kerr County on the outstanding act iv itiea sponsored Dg the communit lea of this county ae_ol mamba re,.whioh report proved to be Sn all rea pacts accept able. -o-o-o-o- No. 4091. ALLOWANCE TO ALLIE SyITH FOR TRANSPORTATION FROy GALVEST~ HOSPITAL TO KERRVII,LE This the 14th day of yarch, A. D. 1949, came on to be Dona idered by the Court the trenap at ion of yrs. Allle Smith Prom a Galveston Hospital to Berrv ills, and it appearing to the Cour (that Mrs. Allis 9aith is in need of financial eSd and that such nee esalty should be granted. Therefmrebymotion made by Powell, aeao nded by Furr, end unanimously approved by the Court th Karr County ezpend the price of a bus ticket from Galveston to Kerrville for Lhe trenaportat io ioP yrs. Allis Sm 1th to this County, of which such expen ae be out of the General Fund of Lerr