n S ~ the General Fund of Kerr County, Payable to Fawoett Ineurenoepgenoy. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4087. REJECTS ON OF CLAIM OF G. GRANT WHITE, ATTORNEY IN RE: ESTATE OF ELLEN COODHAN,DEC'D. On Chia the 14th day of Mares, p. D, 1949, Dame on to be presented to the Court the wr itt request of G, Grant White, Attorney at law, for the pe ymeat of ~29 .54 for se rvicea rendered in collection of fees due Kerr County and The Legion Grodery in re: Estate of Goodman. A˘d it appearing to the Court that %err County is not liable for the requested attorney's fees. Therefore, by motion duly made by Eakste in, aeaoaded by h7ol ter and unanimously seyusing the pe ymaat of the claim in the amount oP X28.54 heretofore pros anted by G, Grant White. -o-o-o- No. 4088. APpR00AL OF GRODP INSURANCE PLAN WITH REPUBLIC NATIONAL LIFE IN3URANCE COMPANY On Lhis the 14th day oP Meroh, q, D. 1949, came on to be considered by the Court the 6gpnp•. Inauranoe Plan'~mttered by Republic National LSPe Inauranoe Company of Dallsa, Teas a, which hee been made evallable to all county officers and employees of %err County, and which insurance was acceptable by more than the required number of twenty-f Sve applicenta, end St is the daedie of said Company that the Commiasionara' Court ooafinn the isauanoe of premiums to the desired aBPlioanta. And SL appearing to the Court that the officers end employees are wil ing to pay for the premiums and that there would be no coat to.the County end that auah group Snauranoe should be approved by the Court. Therefore by motion duly made by Eoketein, aeaonde t by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Republic Netioval Liie Inauranoe Company be authorized to issue such premiums as desired by the oounty off Scare sad empl oyeea, and that the County Treasurer be and Se hereby authorized to withhold the monthly premium at the desire of said off Scare and employees, Prom their monthly salary, ahd iaeue oheok to the Republic Net ionel Life Inauranoe Company eaah month for the total premiums withheld. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4089. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE OF ;˘0,00 TO COUNTY JIIDGE3' AND C0IŽEIS3IONER3' ASSOCIATION. Thia the 14th day of March, q, D. 1949, came on to be Dons idered by the Court the request by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texea for the annual dues of such eaeoci ion for the ensuing year, and it appearing to the Court that the dues of such esaoaiation era X50.00 a year, and that being a member of such esaoolation would be a benefit to Kerr County. Therefore by motion made by Eokstein, aecoad ed by Molt or, and unanimously approved by the Cour ' that Kerr County ezpend the sum of $50.00 out of Lhe General Fund of Kerr County, by proper vouoher drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer of Kerr County, for the annual dues of suoh esaooiation. -o-o -o -o-o - No, ,4090. PRESENTATION OF VARIOUS ACTIVITIES BY COUNTY HOME D11lONSTRATION CLUBS OF KERR CODNT by the Court,interesting rep Thia Lhe 14th day of March, p, D. 1949, came on to be heard/br,'t brae cl uD mamba ra repre- sented by Alma Hanc ook, County Home Demonetrat ion Agent, of Lhe various Home Demonstration Clu of %err County on the outstanding act iv itiea aponeored by the communities of this county ae_al membera,.which report proved to be in all respects acoept able. -o-o-o-o- No. 4091. ALLOWANCE TO ALLIE SMITH FOR TRANSPORTATION FROM GALYS3TON H03PIT AL TO KERRVII,LE This Lhe 14th day of March, A. D. 1949, came on to be oonsidered by the Court the trensp at ion of Mrs, Allis 9nith from a Galveston Hospital to %errv ills, end it appearing Lo the Cour that Mrs. Allis Smith is in need of financial aSd and that such nec esaity should be granted. ~Therefmrebq moti on me da by Powell, seconded by Furr, end unanimously approved by the Court tb %err County ezpend the pr Sce of a bun ticket Prom Galveston to $errville for the traneportat io iof Mrs. Allis Smith to this County, of which such expen sa be out oP the General Fund of Lerr