No• 4092. APPLICATION FOR BIDS ON PURCHASE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT IN THS COURTHOUSE. Thin the 14th day of March, A. D. 1949, oeme on to be oonaidered by the Court the need of fire ezt inguia hers in verioua locations throughout the courthouse of Kerr County, and St appearing Lo the court that the present ext inguiahera are in no way saf a, and that the eapense of refilling the old type eatinguisher would ezc eed the price of a more eii ectlve erting uishar and that bids should be eoc opted by tho Court on a more eiieative ext inquisher compered with repl ac ementa and refilling of the old type extinguisher now in use. It is therefore ordered, ad~udg4d sad~decr9ed bq'the Court that the Oounty Judge be authorized to content various comps ies and aocept bide on the zar sous types of fire ezting uiahere. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4093. INCRLASE IN SALARY TO COUNTY AGENT. This the 14th day of Marsh, A. D. 1949, came on to be oonaidered Dy the Court, after the reque at of five farmers and ranohera from verioua Porte of $err County, together with R. S. ]Biller, District Agent Prom Collage Extension Service, the inc reeae of salary of the County agent, Gup Powell, and it appearing to the Court that out st ending ae rv is ee of Mr. Powell, de an asset Lo $err County end that hit. bel8ry,ahould be increased Lo X150.00 a month. Therefore by motion duly made by Eokstein, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the .salary of Cuy Powell, County Agent, be ino reeaed Prom x.126.00 to $150.00 a month, and that She County Clerk be end Se Der eby direot ed to draw voucher Sn the amount of :150.00 on th R & B Fund of Kerr County payable to Guy Powell beginning on the lest day of Mercb, 1949, end on the lest day of ee oh month Lhe reaPt er until Further determined by Lha Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4094. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS This the 14th day of March, A. D. 1949, oame on to be examined by Lhe Court the verioua cleima enfl acoounta ailed age inat Kerr County and its reapactlve Road and Bridge Prenlnc is since the last term oP the Court, end it appearing to the Court that the following claims and ecoounta sD~uld be paid, therefore by motion duly made by Molter, seconded by Powell, and un- enimously approved by the Court that ell claims against Precinct No. 1 ba approved, and by motion of Molter, aeoohded by Eokat eln, and unanimously approved by the Court tenet all bills age ihat Preoinet No• 2, be approved, and by motion of Eokstein, saoonded by Furr, and unanimou y approved by the Court that all ola ima aBainat preclnet No•3 be allowed, and by motion by Eokst n, seoond by Powell, end anon imouely approved by the Court that all Dille egalnat Aran Snct No. 4, be granted, end by motion of Eckat sin, second by Molter, end uhahlmouely approved by Lhe Court that all bills against Lhe general fund of Kerr County bs approved, and Lhe County Clerk be and is hereby direoted to draw voucher age inat the County Tresaurer on. the reapeotlve funds for LDe payment of each of the claims, according to law. , -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- , No. 4095. APPROVAL OF CLAIM OF HARRY L. FINLEY, CONSTABLE, PRECINCT NO. 2 This the 14th day oP March, A. D. 1949, came on to be considered the claim of Harry L• Finley, Constable of Precinct No. 2, for mileage 1n cause No. 11730, State vs. Cus Ehle ra, Jr. Sn Justice Court, Precinot No• 1, end one -Dalf of the arrest fee therein, due to the fact that auoh cane we,a dismissed aad~was •,e del laVueat Pee dsor the calendar year of 1948, and it apps ari '~ to the Court that Bald Constable is entitled to the mileage only, and that same should be paid, ^~ y'herefore by mot Son made by parr, aecondad Dy Eokstein, sad unanimously approved Dy the Court ' Lhat tic ~ilaege in the amount of ;2.25 be reimbursed to Harry L. Finley, out of the banerel I Fund of Sesr County, by proper vo~a her drgRn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer of $err County.