to the Court that Aomer Sam 3l eytoa Dee prosented a bond ae Publio Neigher~ 3 01 for Preoinot No. 1 and after eaeminaton by the Court the aaid Bond of Aomsr Sam Slayton, duly appointed Pub lio ~ 9Je igher, Pr ec Sect No. 1 of $err Court y, Tease, and that such bond is good end auP;lolent, end that came should be approved. Therefore, upon motion duly made by Molter, seconded by Eckstein, and unanimously approve by the Court that said bond be end la hereby approved by the Court, and aaid officer la hereby d it eoted Lo take the proper oath of office es required by law, and sa Sd bond aha 11 be record sd Dy the County Clerk in the proper record of hie office. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4115. ORDER ADTHORTZING APPOINTI[ENT OF DEPOTY FOR COUNTY CLERK. Thie the 11th day of April, p. D. 1949, upon ap pl Soetion duly Area ant ed, it is ordered by the Court that Lawrebce Stephens, County Clerk of $err County, Te zee, be cad ha Se hereby a uthorl zed to appoint and deputize E16ebe Bode Hannah, ae Deputy County Clerk of hie off Soe, after motion was duly made by Eckstein, end aeoonded by Molter, and unanimously aPProved Dy ' Court. Said appointment to date from the 11th day of April, A, D. 1949, end to continue Sa effect until revoked by said offioer or be otherwise term last ed. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4116. ORDER ADTHORI ZING EIPENDIT[JRE OF ~BOO.OO,INSTALLATION OF TWO-WAY RADZO S$T ON DEPi1TY SHERIFF, C:A.Rodgere car. This the 11th day oP April, A, D. 1949, creme on to be ooneldered the ap pl coat ion of Ee rl Garrett, Sheriff, for the ezpend Store of $800.00, for the installation of one Two-Way Radio Se on Deputy Sheriff C, A. Rodgers oar of Commissioners Preoinot No. 4 of %err County, Teza s, and it appearing to the Court that to complete the radio oommuniaations net-up, that suoh ezpendit should be granted. Th er efor a, upon motion made by Eokatain, aeoonded by Holter, end opposed by Powell, same wee ordered approved b$:, tha~:~.0oart that~.:Lhe otlzpeadit ore of =800.00 be allowed by proper vouchers drawn agelnat the General Fund of %err County. " No. 4117. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JII3TICS OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1. Thie Lhe 11th day of April, p, D. 1949, Dame on to be azamined by the Court the report of VSrgil Storms, Juatioe of the Peace, Arco snot No. 1, of %err County, Tezse, for the month of 1(ar ch, A, D. 1949, of Criminal Ceaea filed, flaea, judgment and jury fees collected, show- ing Lha cum of ,150.20 collected end deposited with the County Tresaurer, ant itling Dim to e See of =57.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report Se true and Dort cot. Therefore by motion duly made by Eoksta in, aeoonded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court, the County Clerk is hereby author Szed and direoted to pay ae id fee of X57 .00 by voucher drawn on Lhe County Tr ea eater, Lo-wit: =19.00 payable out of Roefl d•. Bridge Fund end X39.00-pgynble out of the Gendral Fund of $err County to Judge St orme. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4118. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COi1NTY CLERK. Thie the 11th day o2 April, A. D. 1949, Demo on to be examined by the Court the monthly ezpenae report of Lewrenoe Stephens, County Clerk for the month of Mar oh, A. D. 1949, showing en actual ehd naoeae cry ezpenae of ~391.E5 ihourred by him is the oond not of hie offioe during aaid month of 16arah, 1949, and by motion duly made bq Eokstein, seconded by Molter, and un- animouely approved Dy Lhe Court that aaid report is Corr eat ih all rsapeota. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4119. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY AND PARCH REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Preo.}'2 Thie the 11th day of April, A, D. 1949, C¢me on to~ be ezemined by the Court Lhe report of Ira L• Pringle, Justice of Lhe Yea oe, Preoinot No. 2 of $err County, Tezea, for the moat ha of