of Texas. Thesetore~'by motl on duly made by yolter, seconded by Purr, and unanimous ly eppro}ed 30~ by the Court, be end it is hereby ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that en ooo up ati tez be oharged each year in gerr County on each coin operated mash Sne, and being one-half of Art. 48 ahd occupation tax as collected bq the State of Texan, eoao rd ing to/Art. 7047e-E Revieed Civ 11 St et utee of Texas, Chepter.l Title 122; that ¢11 occupation taws be charged end col leoted on one-half as that charged apd zegtyiPed to be charged and to be paid and such tax to ba levied from year Lo year until further det arm ined by the Court, and to be Doll acted by Lhe Tea Collect of gerr County. -o-o -o-o_o-o-o-o-o- No. 4131. TRANSFER O) x100.00 FROM R.&B~3 to GENERAL FUND This the 12th day of April, A. D. 1949, by motion duly made by yolter, eaooaded by Eo kate and ua eaimouely approved by the Court, that the County Clerk end County Treasurer ere hereby directed to transfer the sum of =100.00 from R. & B. Prec root No. 3 Lo the General Fund of gar County, Lhat the County Clerk Sa hereby directed to draw voucher egainet the County Treasurer in the amount of =100.00 on the General Fund of gerr County, payable to ComSO rt Voluntary Fira Department, for fire proteotloa in Commleaioae ray preoihat No. 3 of gerr County. -o-o ro -o-o-o-o - No. 4132. TRANSFERS, APPORTIONyENT3 AND CREDTTS Th is the 12th day of April, A. D. 1949, by motion of Henry EokaL eln, second by yolter, ant e unanimous vote by the Court, the County Clerk and County Treasurer ere hereby direot ed to ltaaeier of treaefer and apportion the following amounts, to-wit:x40,000.00 from the Roed & Bridge Fund to the General Fund; Transfer of x2,022.00 from Road end Bridge Fund to R k B ~/1 es a reimburse meat on Starkey manor School Right-of -way improvemeat;uader Order '4103of the Comm Seeionera' Court, ae a full payment thereunder; Apportionment of x13,175.00 from Roed & Bridge Fund Lo R & B //1; Apportionment of x8,000.00 out of Road & Bridge Fund Lo R & B ~2; Apportionment of R & B Fuhd of x8,000.00 to R k B //3; end x5,590.00 apportionment of R & B Fund to R & H ~4; that any money ezpe nded by the rea pent ive precinata hereafter in ezcesa of dietrib ut ed money shall not be paid by the Court, without en order first entered in regard thereto; that Roed & Bridge Precincts Nos. 1 end 4 be credited for any overdraft that is now ezieting or outatandSne end that Lhe ap port SOnmen to here iaebove designated is the amount on head for said R & B Noe, 1 sad 4, before the dad not ion of the oleims having been approved of even date herewith. -oro-o-o-o-o- No. 4133. CODNTY CLERg AVfHORIZED TO TRANSCRIBS RECORDS, Thin the 12th day of Apri1,,A. D, 1949, by motion of Furr, seoonded by Eokatein, and un- eaimoualy approved by the Court, Lh at the County Clerk be and is hereby~euthorized to Order Deg Record "P^, and Four Index Reo orda a= whioh Lwo to be direct and Lwo rev ere e, that the four index records ere to transcribe eight indez books into four; that Lhe sum of x92.00 be the amoi for eaob volums ea per agreement of Maverioke-Clarke Litho Company; that the County Clerk ie authorized to rsoeivs x.lb per hundred words Por all tr enear ibiag eeoording to law. -o-o-o-o-o- Ths foregoing minutes from page 300 t9 304, Snolueiv e, were read in open court sad found eorreot ar h by id a respeotie approved by the Cour , this 9 of May A. D 1949. ATTEST: !~/~~~~ County • , , ae. ge, Dun our , er Dun y, szae. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o - ,