' No, ,y{],~8. TOLBERT LEE DON09AN, INDIGENT PERSON, AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE 25.00 GROCERDEB 3 ~(p CHARGEABLE TO KERR COUNTY GENERAL FUND. i Thia the 9th day of easy, A. D. 1949, came on to be heard the appliaet ion oT Tolbert Lee ' Donovan, an indigent person, for assistance by Karr Couhty. And it appearing to the Court the the said Tolbert Lee Donovan, 1a in dire necesalt iea of life, end that some oonsid station aho d be granted. I Therefore by Potion by Henry Eckstein, seconded by W, H. Furr, and the unanimoue.appm val ~~~ of the Court, Chet Tolbert Lee Donovan, oolore d, be and is hereby authorized to purchase as '~ much ae X25.00 worth of groceries oh argeable to Kerr County General Fund by presentation of bill from Groo eryman. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ', No, 4139. pppR09pL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY HOIeE DEWNSTRATION AGHNT. Thia the 9th day of Ye y, p, D, 1949, oame on to be examined by the Court the report of Alma Heacock, County Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, covering her services duri~ the month of Aprll, A, D. 1949, whloh in considers tion of the Court aho uld be approved. Therefore by motion duly made by EolŽLbin, seconded by Powell, sad unanimously approved by Lhe Court in all respects, the County Clerk Ss hereby direct ed to Pile same with the P11trgs of the Commis aio here' Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- I No. 4140. APPR09AL OF e60NTHLY REPORT OF CO WTy AGENT. Thia the 9th day of easy, p, D. 1949, oame on to be ezemined by the Court the monttly repot Lerch end April, 1949 report of Couhty Agent, Guy Powell, find St appearing to the Court that '. cosh re Porte should be approved. Therefore by mot inn of Eckstein, eeaonded by Powell, and ' uhen imouely approved by the Court, same be m d Se hereby ordered filed by the County Clerk. -ow-ob- No. 414. APPR09AL OF 3VJNTALY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1 '~, This the 9th d~ of yay, A. D. 1949, oame oa Lo be ezemined by the Court the monthly report of 9irg it 9torma, Tust ice of the Peace of Precinct No. 1 of Kerr County, Tez ae, ibr the month of April, 1949, of Cram inel Cases filed, fi nee, judgment and fury Ease collected, show in .~ ~' the sum of ~,1.0g.10 onll acted end deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee o :48.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct. 'i Therefore by motion diAy made by Eckat sin, seconded bq Powell, end unanimously epprov ed ~',, by the Court, a~ the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay avid fee of X48.00 i tofwit: =18.00 peyab le out of the Roafl & Bridge Fund of Kerr County and 32,00 out of the Cane , Fund of Kerr County. ' -o o -o-o-o -o-o -o-o-o- ~; go. 4142. APPROVAL OF QIIARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK, FOR QIIARTI6R ENDING APRIL 30TH,1949. This the 9t)t day of May. A. D. 1949, oame on to be ezamdnad by the Court the Report of '~ 6eo, y. Doyle, District Clerk, aoverigg all fines imposed and collected and ~udgmente rendered ' sad oolleoted is the Distrlot Court of Yerr County, ih favor of said County, inol using Jury f a ~~ oolleoted by the District Clerk, during Lhe quarter enfliag April.$Oth, 1949, which report show ing an aggregate of ~3g.00 collected end deposited wlth the Couhty Treasurer, end it appearing that said rep art ie Laue end correct, same be and 1s hereby in all re apeats approved by the ` Court. j -a-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ro, 4143. APPR09pL OF REPOT OF ESCROYY, ESCHEAT~9, FINES, WI TNE9g FEES FOR ji,DARTER ENDING i APRII, 30TH, 1949, BY COIHPTY CLERIC, Hffi.D IH HIS TRDST FDD7D. Thia the 9th day of easy, ~, D. 1949, oame on to be elm fined by th• Court the report of ell moneys and Mesa oolleoted qr received by Lav˘enoe Stephens, in his official capacity as YountB Clark, belohging Lo Offigere, 'Ritneeeee or other persona, remaining in hie hands un- _..