~No.,, 1149, APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS ~ 3o Q '~'~"'This the 9th day of May, A. D. 1949, came on to be examined by the Court the various clai s and accounts filed against gerr County and its respective Road and Bridge precincts ainoe the l set term of the Court, and it appearing to the Court that the following cla Sins and accounts should be paid, Therefore, by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Furr, and unanimously approved by Lhe Court that all claims filed against the General Fund of Kerr County be paid; that all of aims filed against Road & Hridge Preoiaot No. 1, be approved after motion made by Molter, and aeoanded by Powell, and unanimously approved by Lhe Court; and that all cla Sins Pil against Roed & Bridge pre oinct No. 2, be approved after motion made by Eckstein, and seconded by Furr, and unanimously approved by the Court; that all claims filed ag einat Roed & Hridge precinct No. 3, be approved after motion made by Eckstein, and seaonded by Furr, end unanimous approved by the Court; that all cla Sine iil ad age inet Roed & Br idga Prao snot No. 4, be ap pr ovad after motion made by Eckstein, end seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court; thht the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw vouchers again et the County Treasurer on the respective funds for the payment of each of the claims having been fil ed,acc ord ing to law. - -o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 4150. RECESSED, B~ONDAY, E64Y 9TH, A. D. 1949 at 12:30 0~olook P. M., until Tuesday Mey lOt 1949, at 9:30 o~cloak A. M., for the purpose of County Treasurers Quarterly Report and any other matters that may be presented to Lhe Court. -o-oro -o-o- No. 415E 60URT RECONVENED TUESDAY, MAY 10TH, A, D. 1949, et 9;30 o~cl ock A, M. Por the purpo of the Report of The County Treasurer. This the 10th day of MBy, A. D. 1949, the Commis sionera Court reoonvened with the followi ~, officers being present, to-wit: IION. JIM W, WEATHERBY, - - - - - County Tudge Henry Eckate Sn, - - - - - - - - -Commies So ner, Prec loot No. 1, V. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - -Commissioner, precih at No. 2, Chas. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - Commissioner, precinct No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - -Commissioner, preoinat No• 4, Earl Garrett, Sheriff, and Law renoe Stephens, County Clerk, and the Court having been reconvene , the following proeeedinga were had, torwit: -oro -o-o-o - No. 4152. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASi1RER, PERIOD ENDING APRII, 30TH, 1949. This the 10th day of May, A, D, 1949, came on to be examined end audited by the Court the quarterly report of E, Cold, County Treasurer, covering the reaeipta and di~b~rsements of Kerr ' County for quarter ending April 30th, 1949, and it appearing to the Court after oar eful and th ough exam in at Son end inapecti on of said report together with the Dent elled warrant a, ohecks, bonds end coupons aocompanying sem e, that said report is true end correct, in every rea pact, and seine be and is hereby approved in open Court, all ea is shown by the Ce rt SP is ate of dpproval signed by the Court and attached thereto, and the County Clerk shell reoord said report in the loose-leaf record in hie office end fSle such Dental led warrants, ohecka, bonds and ao upona in hie office for safe-keeping and future reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ., -t No. 4153. APPROVAL OF CLAILQS AND ACCOUNTS '" This the 10th day of May, A. D. 1949, Dame on to be examined by Lhe Court the various claims and soo ousts filed against Kerr County General Fund, elnae May 9th, 1949, sad it eppeari g Do the Court that such olaima end eocounta..ehould be allowed. Therefore by motion made by Mq1 r end eeoo hded