..3~ ' ;~I No. 4193. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF FINES IMPOSED, TUDGMENTS RENDERED AND JURY FEES II ' COLLECTED HY THE COUNTY CLERK FOR PERIOD ENDING TUNE 30TH, 1949. i ~, Th1e the 11th dqv of July, A, D.1949, came oa to be ezamined by the Court the Report of ~f, ~. Lawrence Staph ens, County Clerk, covering all fines imposed and collected and ~udgmen is renderld ' end collected in the County Court of 8err County, in favor of aeid County, including Jury feeall~,Il'; ' collected by the County Clerk, if any, during the period ending June 30th, 1949, which report II, ah ows en aggregate of X205.41 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer end it appear iG'g to the Court that said report Ss true and correct, Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, ;. seconded by Powell, end unanimously approved by the court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- `, No. 4194. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR ' This the 11th day of July, A. D. 1949, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly ',, eapense report oP E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the month of Sune, 1949, show-',~ ing en actual and necessary expense of X355.50 incurred by him in the conduct oP hie office during said month of Tune, 1949, and by moll on duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the court in all respacta. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4195. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPOAT OF COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT. Thin the 11th day of July, A, D. 1949, came on to be examined by the Court the report of AlIDe Aancook, County Home Demonstration pgent oP Kerr County, covering her services during Lhe month of June, A. D. 1949, whleh 1n opinion oP the Court should be approved. '~, Therefore by motion duly made by Eokatei n, seconded bq Powell, and unanimously approved by ~~, the Court in all respects, the County Clerk Ss hereby dlreeted to file same Sn his oPf Sce. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. Qi96. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COLNTY AGENT. This the 11th day of July, A. D. 1949, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly re- port for June, 1949, oP Guy Powell, County Agent, and it appearing to the Court that ouch re- port should be approved. Therefore by motion duly made by Ecket eia, seconded by Powell, and unanimously aP proved by ' the Court in all respects, the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to Pile same in hie oPf lqe. -o-o-ob-o-o-o- ' No. &197. SALE OF OLD LAWN MOWER TO IRVZN PARKS. ~. This the 11th day of July, A. D. 1949, came on to be oonside red by the Court the bid of Irvin parks in the amount of X3.00 for an old worn out lawn mower belong Sng to %err County. And it appearing to the Court that said lawn mower is of no value and that %err County would bq benefited with x3.00. The re Pore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter, and manimously approved by Lhe Court Lhet Irvin parks Lake for hie own use the old lawn mower in question, and deposit th, sum of x3.00 in Lhe Ceneral Fund of gerr County. -o-o-o-o-o- ~~ No. 8198. pppROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Thin the 11th day of July, A, D. 1949, enure on to be eaamined by the Court the various claims and accounts filed agalnat %err County and its res pact Sve Road end Br Sdge Prec ineta end other funds, since the last term of the Court, and it ep peering to the Court that the following cla Sms and accounts should be paid, therefore by motion of Molter, 9eoonded by Farr, end un- 'I en imously approved by the Court Lh at the cla Sms against the General Phnd of %rr County De ~',' approved. That all of aims Piled against Road & Bridge Fund, Precinct No. 1, be approved after " motion being made by Furr, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved for payment by the Court.