and that all olaima Siled pgeinet Roed & Bridge precinct No• 2, be approved after motion being duly made by Eckstein, aeooaded by Furr, end unanimously approved by the Court; that all olaim end eoco ants flied against Road &. Bridge Prac inct No. 3, be approved after motion being duly made by Furr, seconded by Eokst0ln, and m anlmoua ly approved by the Court; and all claims and aoaounts filed against Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4, be approved after motion being duly made by Eoks to in, sae ondod by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court; that the County Clerk end is hereby directed to draw vouchers against the County Treasurer on the respective funds for the payment of eaoh of the of alma bav Sag been flied and appr ovad according to law. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 4199. APPROVAL OF NEW BONDS EXECUTED HY V, D. POwEtl, CODNTY COIOfISSIONER, PRECINCT N0. 2~ Shia the 11 to day aP July, A. D. 1949, Dame oa to be esamined by the Court the official bonds of v. D. Powell, County Commissioner of Preo inct No. 2, being substitutes to personal surntiea prey Sously filed January let, 1949, and it ep pear lag to the Court that tDe new Donda are good end aufP icient, and that each of said bonds should De approved Dy the Court. Therefore by motion duly made Dy Molter, seconded by Eokat sin, end unanimously approved by the Court end V, D. Powell De and is hereby directed to take the proper oath of office sa re- quired by law, and said bonds Lo be tea orded by the County Clerk in the proper record of his off 1 oe, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4200. LEAVE OF ABSENCE GRANTED EARL. GARRETT, SHERIFF This the 11th day of July, p. D. 1949, Dame on Lo be heard the application of Earl Garret Sheriff of Barr County, Tezas, for leave of abaenae from Barr County for a period of three day for reason to attend The Sheriff's Association in Dallas, Tezas, at his own ezpenea. And it appearing to the Court that such request should be granted. 'T'herefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seo ondod by Powell, and unanimously ep proved by the Court that Eerl Garrett, Sheriff be and is hereby granted a leave of ab aence for three days iron Barr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 6201. APPLICATION BY TAX ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR FOR FIRST ADVANCEB6ENT ON 1949 ASSESSING cotaLLSSIOxs. This the 11th day of July, A. D. 1949, Dame on to be aonaidered by the Court the fl ppl io at Son of E, H. Nlcho la, Assessor end Collector of Taaes for Barr County for an advana msnt tram gerr County of X800.00 oa hie 1849 County Taa Aea ea sot's Commission. And it appearing to the Court that he ie entitled to such advance, his epplloation be and Se hereby granted, after mot being first made by Eckstein, aecoaded by Furr, and linen Smouely approved by the Court. The County Clerk la hereby nut hot lz ed to pay auoh advanoem ant unto Aea sae or Nirh ola in such amount of X800,00, payable ea follows: Out of Barr County koad k Bridge wart antq of 1937. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o• 4202. Recess of Court, until WEDNESDAY, JULY 13TH, A. D. 1949 at 6:30 o'olock P, N. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the Current Term be reoeeeed until Wednesday, July 13th, 1949, at 6:30 o'ol oak P. M., for matters of Sitting as a Board of Equalization. -o-oro-o-o-o-o-o- No• •203. COURT RECON%~TED. WEDNE3 DAY, JULY 13TH, A. D. 1949, et 8:30 0'o look P. M. pursuant Lo ad~ourniant taken by this Court the 11th day o2 July, A. D. 1949 et 5:00 o'cloc P. Y„ for the ma ttera Qitting ass Board of Equellzati on, the following officers were present, to-wit: HON. TIlB w. WEATHERBY, - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - V. D.Yowall, ----------- Chas. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - - County Commissioner, Precinct No. ~, County Commisaionar ,Precinct No. 2 County Comm la eioner ,PreclneL No. 3N 3i8