31q Earl her rett, Sheriff and Lewreaoe Stephens, County Clerk, end the following pros eadigga were had to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. X204. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORR OF CITY-COIIILTY 3ANITARLAN. This the 13th day of July, A. D. 1949, name on to be ezam iced by the Court the monthly June Report of Virgil paraoas, City-County Ssa iLarian, which report ba and Se hereby approved, after motion having been made by Fnrr, peo ondad by Molter, and unan imouely ep proved by the Court, end ordered flle d. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4205. APPROVAL OF CLAI1l9 AND ACCODNTS This the 13th day of July, p, D. 1949, oems on to be ezemined by Lhe Court the various oleima and socounta filed against Eerr CouaLy sad Ste respective Roed and Brlflge precincts since Lhe last aeeaSon of Lhe Court, and it appearing to the Court Lhet the following olaime ~~ and accounts should ba paid, then Sore by motion duly made by Sokate in, aeoonded .by P1;rr, end I. unanimously approved by the Court Lhat the ola ima filed ageinat the Oeaerel Fund be approved for payment; that by motion duly made by Furr, aec oaded by Powell, end unan imoualy approved by the Court that all cle ime filed ageinat Road do Bridge Preainot Ao. 1 be approved for payment and that by motion duly made by Enkat ela, aec oaded Dy Nolt ar, end unanimously approved by the Court that all claims filed egeiaet Road 4 Hridge prac inot No. 2 be approved for peyme rat, and the County Clerk be and is hereby dire et ed Lo draw •ouchsre egeiaet the County Treasurer on Lhe respective funds for the payment of eeoD of Lhe olaims hev Sng been filed, according to law. -o-o-o-o-o-oro-o -o-o- I I~ ~; No, 4208. EBAIIINATIOA OP,ASSSSYN8NT3 BY BOARD OP EQIIALIZATIOA. .I ThSe the 1$th day of July, A, D, 1949, creme on to be ezamined by Lhe Court Lhe eeaseamenta i of the property ornera of Eerr pouaty for the year 1949, and it eppearlhg to the court that I it rill be neoeee ary to inspsot the inventor iaa ea pabmdtL Sd by the Tez Asaeeaor. It ie thers- fore ordered by Lhe Court, sitting ae aboard of equal Szatioa that the ezamihaLion of su oh inventories shell ooatinue from day Lo day until oompleted. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- III li No. 4209, COi1RTS' RECESS, WEDNESDAY, JDLY 13TH, 1949 at 10:00 0~olook P. 1L, ii it Dahl THDRSDAY, July 14th, 1949 et 8:30 o~clook P. Y. i -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4208. CODRT RECON9El0SD. THORSDAY, JDLY 14TH, 1949 et 8;30 O'olook P. Y. pur euant to ad~ournme at Laken by this Court the 13th deq of July, A. D. 1949, at 10;00 P. M., for the purpose Lo sit ae a Boats of Equslizat ion end any other matters LhsL may De aerated Lo the Court, Lhe following office ra were present, to-wit: HON. JILL W. WEATHERBY, - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eok~tein, - - - - - - - - - County Commiaelon+r,Preoinct Ao. 1, P. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - County Commleaione r,Preoinot No, 2, Chas. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - County Commlealoner ,preainaD Ao. 3, N. A. Purr, - - - - - - - - - _ County Commiaaioner,Pr ec iaot Nc. 4, Earl Garrett, Sheriff sad Lawreaoe ;eppheas, County Clsrk, and thw follow lag pr oo eed Inge were Dad to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4209. VOIDIIVG ADVANCEI(ERT PAYYffiYT TO TA% ASSESSOR p COLLECTOR AND ORDER REISSDIAG PAY103ILT ODT OT Y;A.HIOLiB TCBLDS This the 14th day of July, A. D. 1949, creme on tyo be ooaeidered Dy the oourt a former or made by this oourt oa July 11th, 1949, and numbered ,6201, allowing the payment of (800.00 oh Eerr County Roed 3 Bridge Warrenta of 1939, and St appearing to the Court that euoh amount Sa uaenimoualy approved by the Court that Order Number 201 be voided, end Lhat such order be rev iced, in eo far, ae to draw the emo uat of =600.00 advenoment out of the following funds, 6o-wit: X275.00 to be payable out of Courthouse & Jail Sipkibg Fund; =70.00 out of Tury Fund; =70.00 out of Airport Fund; X30.00 out of A A. Hridge Fuhd; X30.00 out of Aoed Distri of No. 1; and X125.00 out of County Wida Bonds, 1931. The County Clerk be end Sa hereby euth or lzed to drew vouohe rs against the County Treasurer against the funds listed above, acoording to the amounts designated. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- po. g210. BOARD OF EQIIALIZATION CONTINUED This the 14th day of July, A. D. 1949, came on Lo be oontinued by the aourt, the eaemin- etion end inapeoti on of Lax assessments of 1949, rendered by the verb ua tea pa yarn of the County or ease seed against them by the taz ass essnr, E. H. Niohola, and it appearing to the Court that amt ell of said tsa ease samenta Deve bean examined end ins panted Dg the Court. IL i Therefore Ordered by the Court that the ezeminat ion of auoh Save atoriea ooatinue from day to day until completed. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 4211. COURT RECESSED, THURSDAY, Ji1LY 14TH, A. D. 1949 at 10:15 0~ol ook B. Y. UNT II. FRIDAY, JDLY 15TH, A. D. 1949, et 8:30 0'ol ook P. Y. for further purpose to 31t ae a Board of Eq uel iz atloa. -o-o-o-o-o- No• 4212. COURT RECONPENED, FRIDAY, IDLY 15TH, A. D. 1949, at 8;30 o'cl ook P. Y. Pura uant to ed~ournma at taken by thin Court the 14th deq of July. A. D. 1949, et 10;15 o'olook P. EE., for the purpose Lo Sit as a Board of Equaliz aLion, Lhe following off So ere were pr anent, to-w 1t; Hon. Sim W• Weatherby, - - - - - County Judge, Henrq EaksLein, - - - - - - - - County Comml ss ioner,Preoinot No 9. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - County Commisa Soa er ,Prea is of No Chas. A. Molter, - - - - - - - County Commissioner,Preciaot No W, H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - County Commies loner ,Pr eolnot No Earl Garrett, Sheriff sad Lawrence Stephan s, Couhty Clerk, and the following prooee dingo were had ,to-wit: _„_~_~_„_„_ No, 4213. pDDTTIONAL ALLOWANCE GRANTED TOLBERf LSE Donuvpn This the 15th day of July, A, D. 1Q49, came on to be ooasidered by the Court the neoesalt3 for an additional allowance to Tolbert Lee Donovan, ahd St appearing to Lha Court that Lhe se is I Tolbert Lee Donovan has an arrested osae of Ruberoulosis, unable to work and is dependent en- tirely oa Lhe Count p, due to additional find inga on her dire needs, for an additional grant. ' Th et an sllowenae of Twantyrf ive dollars in groaeriea has been granted for the pr av Soua month and that au ah amount Se reasonable. Therefore by motion duly made by Eaketeia, aeo onded by Powell, and una nimoua ly ep pr ~~ad by the Court that ea additional allow enoe of X25.00 worth of groc arise be allowed through a ~ charge account with said Norris Grocery, for the month of Tuly, 1949, upon presentation of ah II itemised bill. 11 -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4214. HO AAD OF EQIIALIZATION CONTINUED. Th1a Lhe 15th day of July, A. D. 1949, came on to be aohaidered Dy the Court the completio of Lhe eaaminetian sad iaspeatioa of the Snveatoriea of Lax aeaesammta for Lhe year, 1949, rend Brad by the various ta: pagers of the County or saeesaed against them by the tez aeaeaaor, E, H, Nichols, and St appearing to the Court that on Lhis oompletion, proper not Saes should Do mailed out to the Laz pnyara 2or an ad~uetment. ' The rsfore Sy Sa here bg_prdarad,#da udgad end deoreed by the Court that the County Clerk be aid is hereby direoted to notify each tax payer to e~ge~r before the Board_of Ecuelizetioa