3a3 HON. TIM W. WEATAERBY, - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - County Cgmmissioner, PreaSacL No. 1, v, D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - County Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, Chen. H• Molter, - - - - - - - County Commies ioner, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - County Commies ioner, Preoinet No. 4, Earl Garrett, Sheriff and Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, and the following proceed Sags were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4227. BOARD OF EQUALIZATIpN CONTINUED. This the 1st day of August, A, D, 1949, name oa to be continued by the Court, sitting ae a board of equalization, the sett lag of ssaeasmeata of un-rendered davenLari,ee by various tea payers, and after hearing causes by Lhe property owners of under-ea sesaeenta, the court set s ooh amounts according to their knowledged, end the clerk be anti ie hereby ordered to eater such posting accordingly in Lhe minute book of the board of equalization. -ob-o-o- No. 4228. COURTS RECESS, MOH.DAY, AIIGUST 1ST, A. D. 1949, et 5;00 o'clock P, Y., unt it TUESDAY, AIIGUST 2ND, A. D. 1949, at 9;00 o'clock A, M„ Lo continue as a Board of Equalized oa. -o-o-o-o-o- Earl Garrett, Sheriff sad Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, end the following proceedinga•were had, Lo-wit: No. 4229. COURT RECON7ENED, TUESDAY, AII6ffiT 2ND, A. D. 1949, et 9;00 o'cl oak A, M., for the purpo ae to continue the hearings and make proper asassam ante of equalization, sad the followir proceedings ware bed, wittr_the following of fin era being present, to-wit: HON. TIM W. WEATAERBY, - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eokatein, - - - - - - - - Co uaty Comm isaioaer, Preoinet Sfo. 1, v, D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - County Commlaeioner, Preolnot No. 2, Chas. g, Molter, - - - - - - - County Commisaioaer, pracinat No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - County Commissioner Preolnot No 6 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4230. WADER OF COUNTY AT"fORNEY IId RE: DELINQUENT TA% COLLECTOR STATE OF TESAS: COi@ITY OF SERR: I, the undera igned County Attorney of Barr County, lbzea, do hereby acknow- ledge that the Commie stoners' Court of the said County has notified me to file suit for the collection of delinquent taxes in said county; however, due to the foot that it would be phyaioelly impossible for me to perao Wally file end handle such aulta, sad at the same Lime to properly discharge the other duties of my office, end Lo the further foot that the atatutea do not provide adequate oompensaLion for a County Attorney to file and to pr os ea ute suite for delinquent Leaea, but do make adequate provisi one for other attorae ya to handle the same, I do hereby decline to file such suite end do hereby waive Lhe thirty days' written notice pro- vided in Article 7335, Revised Civil Statut ee, and do hereby agree that the Commisai on ere' Court of said County may contract with some other aompetant attorney to enforce or eeaiat in Lhe eaf or came nt of the collection of delinquent 89abe sad Co uaty texas. WITNES3 my head this, the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1949. Toe Burkett, Tr ., County Attorney -o-o-o-a-o- No• 4E31. APpRUPAt OF BOND AND ENTERING IN CORTRACT WZTH DARRELL G. LOOHTE, COLLBCTION OF DELINQUENT TAEE3 This the End day of Aug oat, p, D, 1949, Dame on to be ezemined the bond of Darrell 6. Loohte, together with the contract for the collection of Delinquent Tazea, fora iahed by yhs