and approved by The Comptroller of public 4oaounte and The Attorney General of Teza e, auoh oontraot to be enforce from July E2nd, 1949 to Deaember 31st, 19b0, both dates Inclusive (not to artand begonfl Deoamber 91, 1950. And it appearing to the Court that the contreot with all of the spec if is at ion sad agreement of collect ion should De approved bq Lha Court. IL Ss therefore ordered, adjudged and deo reed by the Court, that said oontraot be approve in all respects, and that the County Clerk forward same Lo The Comptroller of Public Aooounta end the qtt or aeq General for approval, and if approved, be end is hereby direotefl to enter ands raoord same in the minutes of this Court; Lhat the Bond of Darrell G. Loahta in the amount of ;5,000.00 Da anterad ae being approved. -o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o- BOND OF DELINQUENT TA% COLLECTOR THE STATE OF ?EZA3 t COUNTY OF HERB SNOW ALL mHN BY TBESE PRHBSIPT'8: Tthat, xa, Darrell 6. Loahta, ea Priaoipal, end Lawyers' Surety Corporation, ea auretlea, ere held sad firmly bound unto Jim Weatherby, County Judge o1 %err County and hie auaoeaeore in off i0e in the ~uat end full sum of ~5 ,000.00 Rolla ra, for the payment of whinh wa hereby bind ourselves end our hairs, ezeoutore and edminiatrator e, ~oiatly and severally, by Lhasa presents. Whe re ea, the said Derrell G. Loohte, s licensed Attora8y whose address Sa %errville, Teae has by me ana ai a written eg reement dated Julq 11th, 1949, eater efl into a coat ra of with the Commission ere' Court at gerr Coua ty, for the oolleotion of certain delinquent State end County tease, during the term beginning July 11, 1949, and ending December 31;1950, a copy of which agreement Sa by refs Hate made a part hereof. Now, Lher efo re, the oond It ion of this obligati oa Sa auoh Chet Sf the said Derrell G. Locht ahn 11 faithfully perform the services required of him by the Lerma of said oontraot, Snolud ing ',, Lhe making of reports pr ov Sded is 5eotion XI theroof and aha 11 fully Sademn ify end save he nalea the ea id County of %err frpm ell aoet and damage which it may suffer by reason of his failure to do ao, and shall fully reimburse end repaq the said County of %err, ell outlay and szpenae which the said County may incur in making good any auoh default, then this obligation shall bs null and void; otherwlee St shall remain Sn full foram sad effect. Itd TESTDIONY WHEREOF, wltneea our hands this E3rd day of July, A. D. 1949. Darrell 6. Loohte LAWYHRS SURETY CORPORATION (CORPORATE SEAL) By A. P. Allison, Deputy Attorney-in-fact -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4E3E. BORED: OF EQUALIZATION CONTINDED. Thip the 2nd day of August, q. D. 1949, oeme on to be oontiaued by the Court, sitting ea a board of equellzatlon, the equellzation of Lea aeaea ®ente and Pont ing of Lhe equalized in- veatoriea and the posting by Lhe Clerk of auoh amounts. And it appearing to the Court that Lhe mamba ra be ib ett end an oa at the Hart date here iaefter designat ad to hear the nouns from th '.. taz payers why their aaeesamenta ahou ld not be equalized. It is therefore ordered, adjudged end deoroed by the Court that the amounts eo posted be accepted as an equalized aeaeasment Dy the Tax Aaeeseor end Colleotor. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4233. COIIRT3 RECESS. TUESDAY, AUGUST END. A. D. 1949 at 5.0$ $Dcl Yc~C P4y until WETNESDAY, AUGUST 3RD, A. D. 1949,/Q~S Sit a~ 4 ~HrQ•~f Equal iaetion -o-oro-o-o-o ro- po. 4E3l. BURT RECONVENED, WEDNESDAY, AUGIIST 3RD, A. D. 1949 aE 9:00 o'elook A. M., for Lhe purpews of oontinuiag the hearing anfl setting Lhe an seaa~abta sf equnllzet ion, end any other mettera tiaE may De pre seated to Lha oourt, the ro].~ow~ot ri o9ra Lei resent to~it•__ _. 32~