3~s I HON. JL7[ W. WEATHERBY, - - - - - - - County judge, Henry Eokatein, - - - - - - - - - - County Commisaioner,PrecSnct No.l, Y, D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - - County Commissioner, Preoinct No.2, Ches. H. Nolte r, - - - - - - - - - County Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, ', W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - - County Commis ai oast, praoinot No ., 4, Ee rl Garr att, Sheriff, end Lawrenoe Stephens, County Clerk, and the following proce edinga were ,.had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o- IINo. 3235. FINAL MEETING OF BOARD OF E@UALIZATION. Thin the 3rd day of August, p, D. 1949, came on to be considered by the aourt Lhe final ~fiaing of asaesamenta for the year, 1949, by the Board of Equal izetion, end it appearing to the I, Court th et all of the Lez ea sesamanta Sn queatioh have been equalized and ere now setiefeatory i~ 'Lo Lhe Court, and th0 Taz Assessor and Collector Sa hereby directed to proceed with Lhe pre- ~'I,:.paration of the balance of the 1949 County end State Tea Rolla, accordingly. I~~The foregoing minutes from page 315 to 325, inclusive, were reed is open Court and Pound correct, „I and era he bby"~in all respects approved by th Co rt, i the 8th day of August, A. D. 1949. ~I ATTEST: ~~11'~ ,n,t.~E~~ . ~~I Cler k, Co Dour r Co un~q,Tezas. ge, ou y our rr oun , ease. it ~, -o-o-o-o-o- '', THE STATE OF TE77AS: ~, THE COi$ITY OF ffi2R: BE ZT REM[MBERED, Lhat on tt_ia the BLh day of pogo at, A. D, 1949, there !~~was begun end holden a Regular Term of the Commiaeionera' Court of gerr County, at Lhe Court ~I Ho use Lhe roof, in the City of $errvil le, Tezea, officers present: AON. JIM W. WEATHE RBY, - - - - - - - - - - - Co unLy Judge ~; Henry Eakst ei n, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Commissioner, Preoinot No. 1, V, D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -COmmiasione r, Precinct No. 2, ' ' Chea. H• Mol to r, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinot No. 3, W, H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Oommisaioner, Preoinct No. 4, 'Earl Garrett, ghat iff and Lawreaae Stephan a, County Clark, end tho Court ha ving been rsgula rly ~I opened, the following prone edinga were had, Lo-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 'No. 4236. APPROVAL OF MINOTES,JULY 11TH, 1949 to pUGIIST 3RD, 1949, INCLUSIVE. Thin Lhe BLh day of pogo at, A. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Furr, eeo onded by Eckstein, ~I'~ and unanimously approved by Lhe Court that the minutes for Lhe last period be approved ae read. -o ro-o-o- No. 6237. APPROVAL OF QIIARTERLY AND SEMI-ANNIIAL REPORT OF TRIIST FUNDg OF THE COUNTY CLER$. ~~. ' Thia Lhe BLh day of August, p, D, 1949, name on Lo be ezam ined by Lhe Court Lhe Quarterly ~i 'send gams-Ann uel Report of Lawrenoe Ste pheaa, County Clerk, ooveriag all moneys and fees ool le ctpd uor teas Sped by him, Sn hie official oapao Sty, in the TRIIST FUND, belonging to Officers, Witn sassy °. or other Para one, disbursed or remnining Sn hie hands uncalled for by parties entitled thereto ~~ l for Lhe quarter and,eeml-aynual period ending Tuly 31st, 1949, as held in deposit is said Trust ~. Iii FUad. And it appearing to Lhe Court tttet se id report, with Lhe rag Set tar of collectoo ae, depoe dt i ~~'rec ei pts, bank stet emenLe, end oheak book, are is order end should be ep prov ed. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, oeaonded by Ecka tein, qpd unanimously approved by ~~the Court LhaL the quarterly end semi-e navel report of Trust Fonda of the Co:mty Clerk be in elf i ~I th Saga approved. "No. 4230. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF GUY POWELL, COUNTY AGENT. ', ~, This Lhe 8th day of pogo at, A. D. 1949, came oa to be eaamined Dy the Court Lhe mo nthly ~'~