report ftlr July, 1949, of Cuy Powell, Co uaty pgent, end it appearing to the Court Lnet suoh report should be eP proved. THEREFORE by motion duly made by Molter, seo ohfl ed by Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court in all respects. -o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o- No. 8839. APpRDVAI. OF CLAI164 AND ACCOIIIPT$. Thin the 8th day of p~ua t, p, D. 1949, oeme on to be ezemined by the Court the various olaima end aacounta filed against Berr County and Ste respective Road end Bridge PrealncLa ainoe the last term of the Court, and St eppea ring to the Court that the following ola ima and sooouata oho uld be paid, to erefore by motion duly made Dy Purr, eeo onded by Paw ell, end unenim~ ously approved by the Court that all the cle ima filed egelneL the General Fund be approved; by motion duly made by Molter, aeaoaded by Furr, and uhenimou slq approved by the Court that all the a0oo ante filed flgainet R. & H. (~1 be approved; that ell ola ima filed ageinet R & B ~E be approved, after motion being duly m de by Burr, aeoonded Dy Eoketain, and unanimously ap- proved by Lhe Court; that all ola Ems filed egei net R & B ~3 be approved, Dy motion duly made by Ecketa ia, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court; that all alaima filed against R & B ~4 be approved, after motion having bees made by Molter, aeoonded by Eckstein end unanimously approved by the Court; that Lhe County Clerk be end Sa hereby directed to drew vouchers against the County Treasurer on the re ape at ive funds for the payment of eaoh of oleim hav ing bean filed. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4240. APP ROYAL OF QIIARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERE FOH QIIpRTEH ENDING TULY 31ST, 1949. Thin the 6th day of August, A. D. 1949, oame on to be ezamin ed by the Court the Report of Geo. M. Doyle, District Clerk, covering ell fin ea Smpoaad sad oolleoted and ~udgme nta rendered and collected in the Distriot Court of gerr County, in favor of said County, Snoluding Tury Fees colleot ed by the Distrlot Clerk, during Lhe quarter ending Jt+ly .31st, 1949, which report eh owing an aggregate of =14.00 colleot ed and depoelted with Lhe County Treasurer, and 1t aPpea ing to Lhe Court that said report Se true and co Treat. Therefore Dy motion duly made by ffiolter, aeoonded by pow ell, sad unanimously approved by the Court that auoh report be approved in all reapeaLa sad filed by Lhe County Clerk. -ororo ro-o-o-o- No. 4241. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COSfNTY HOVE DEffiONSTRATION AGENT. This the 8th day of August, A. D. 1949, oame on to be ezeminod by the Court the ro port of Alm Hanaook, County Home Demonatret ion Agent of %err Countq, oovering her aervio ea during the month of July, 1948, whi oh in aonaiderat ion of the Court should be approved. Therefore by motion duly made by Molter, aeoonded by Powell, end unanimously apFroved Dy Lhe Court that said report be sooept ed sad filed by the County Clerk. -o-o ro-o -o ro - No. 4248. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY EYPENSE REPORT OF CODNTY Ci.ERE. Thia tlu BLh day of August, A. D, 1949, oems on Lo be ezamiaed by th• Court the monthly ~. e:penae report of Lewrenoe Stephens, County Clerk Sor the month of July, 1949, showing an ectue sad naneasery ezp ease of =398.69 inourrad by him in the oonduot of hie oifi os during avid moatT of July. 1949, end by ,potion duly made by Molter, aeoonded by Powell, end unanimously approved Dy the Court, eald report be and Se hereby approved. -a-o-o-o-o- po. 4243. APPROVAL OF TABDLAR STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, BZPENDITURSS & RECEIPTS OF %HRR CODNTY FILED BY THE CDIINTY CLERR. Thia the 8th day of Aug uet, p. D. 1949, oeme oa to be ezemined by the Court the Qaerterly Tabular Statement of Lewrenoe gtephena, County Clark of Eeir County, oover ing the ~debtedne sa 3~(~ i