,3 Z ~ ezpendiLurea and reaeipta of Eerr. County for quarter end Sog July 31st , 1949, end it appearing to the Court th et said report is oorreot sad aho old be approved. Therefore by mottm duly made by Molter, seaonded Dy Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court that same be approved. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4244, APPROVAL CF IlD'ARTERLY COidQTY CLERR'S REPORT FOR PERIOD EN DINC JDLY 31ST, 1949. This the 8th day of Aug oat, p, D. 1949, Dame on Lo ba seam iced by the Court the Report of Lawrence gtephena, County Clerk, aovering ell fines imposed and toile of ed and ~udgmeata rendered end Dolls oted in the County Court of gerr County, in favor said County, inol ud ing fury tees Della oted by the. CouaLy Clerk, Sf any, during Lhe quarter ending July 31st, 1949, which report shows en aggregate of 636.17 ool leoted, and X636.17 depo ai tad with the County Treasurer, end St appearing to Lhe Court Lhat said report Se Lrue end oorreot. TD erefors by motion duly made by Molter, aeoonded by Powell, and unanimously approved that said report be aooepte d. -o-o- o ro-o - I~~ No. 4245. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COSRITY CLERE OF FINE3 IYP09ED, JDDGMENTS RENDERED '~, AND JIIRY FEFS COLLF.CTW.n FAR TF1B PRRTnn ATi nTwn. TmV ?.7 CT lose. ~. This the 8th day of Aug oat, p, D. 1999, Dame on to be examined by the Court the Report of Lewrenoe Stephens, County Clerk, aovering ell fines imposed end Dolls eted and ~udgmen to '~ rendered sad sells at ed is the County Court of Earr County, is favor of said County, inoluding ~~ ~: ,J ury fees aoll soled by the County Clerk, if any, during th• ~oath.oP July, 1949, wh iah report 'i. shows as aggregate of 410.76 collected end deposited with the County Treasurer sad it appear in~ ': that said report is true sad correaL. ~'~, The refers by motion duly made by Molter, aecoffied Dy Powell, and unanimously approved ~'~I l that same be approved in all rea peota. _o_o_o_o o ~,~~ ~i No. 4246. AppgOVgt OF MONTHLY REPORT OF CITY-CODN4'Y SANITARIAN Ali Thia the Sth day of August, A. D. 1949, came on Lo be examined by the Court the monthly ~~ report for July, 1949, of Virgil Pa ra one, City-County Sanitarian, wh iah report be end Sa herebyi,~ ~I~approved, after motion being du19 made by Molter, aeo ended by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court. ~6 -o-o-o-o- i IIII No. 4247. CANVA33 OF ELECTION RETIIRNS AND ALLOWANCE OF ELECTIOA OFFICERS' PER DIEM I III Thia the 8th day of August, A. D. 1949, came on Lo be opened sad tabulated the returns of I Iii School DSeLr1oL Consol idetion Eleotion held on Saturday, August 8th, A, D. 1949, in Lhe Cyprseell Cr eek Community, end ea id rat urea were duly opened sad LeD Mated by Lhe Court as shows oh pale it ~~95, volume 3, of Reoord of Ele sties Returns of Eerr Co mty, Tazea, sad the County Clerk is here~y li authorized end di rooted to pay all offio era of said eleoti on out of the Omer al MWd ae providejp ^, by law, after motion duly made by Eakatein, and seconded by Molter, end unanimously approved by~l Lhe Court. -o-ororo- No. 4245. ORDER DIRECTING NOTICE ON CODNTY BDDOET FOR YEAR 1950, AND LEVY OF 1949 TAZES. Thia the 8th day o2 August, A. D. 1949, St 3a ordered by Lhe Court LhaL Lhe County Clerk poet proper not lee at the Court House door and in aert news-Stems in August 10th, 1949 issues ~li of both looel newspapers, to the effect th et the publ So hearing will be held oa the proposed i'~1950 County Budget at Lhe Court goose in Eer rville, Tazea, at 10:00 o'clock A. M, on Tueed ey, ~~'Auguat 30th, p, D. 1949, rhiah time and plane is hereby set for said public hearing on geld ~I; prop Deed 1950 County Budget, together with the levying of 1949 County Tazea. i I' -oro-o-o- ~lil,No. 4249. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JDSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1. This Lhe Bth day of Au6 oat, A. D. 1949, cams on to be examined by Lhe Court Lhe monthly