attorney proaecuti ng auit,s under *.his contract is here fully empowered end autho razed to pro- ceed with such suits without. the joinder and assistance of said county or district attorney. IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and camp ensat ion herein sr,a tad, the Second Party hereby accepts said employment and undertak ea the performance of said oontract, ea above written. WITNESS the signet urea of all parties hereto in triplicate originals, this the 2nd dap of August A, D, 1949. Kerr County, State of Texas, BY aim W, Weatherby County Judge H Eokatein es oaer, rec act No. 1 v. D, Powell sa oaer, rec no No, 2 Chas. H. Molter omm sa oaer, reo n No. 3 W. H. Furr omm ae oaer, ec act o. 4 FI12ST PARTY Darrell G, Lochte THE STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTLD;NT OF COMPTROLLER I, the undersigned, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Teaa s, hereby loin the Commie sioaera' Court in the above contract to enforoe the collection of delinquent taaes in said county, on t,hia the 24 day of August, A. D. 1949. Robert I, Calvert Ezamined and approved this 24th day of August, 1949. A T T ric~S~B~ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4257. COURT RECONVENED, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30TH, A. D. 1949, et 10;00 0'ol ook p, Y. pursuant to ad~ournmant taken by th Se Court the 9th day of Aug uab, p. D. 1949, at 10:00 e~olook p, M., for the purpose of Hearing on County Budget for 1948-50, end Levy of 1949 Tea end any other matters that may be presented to the Court, the following offic ere were present, to-wit: HON. JIM W. WEATHERBY, - - - -- County Judge, Henry Eokatein, - - - - - - - - Commissioner ,Precin of No. 1, V. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - Commisaloner,Pr eoi net No. 2, Chen. H• Molter, - - - - - - - Commies loner ,Preo iaot No. 3, W. A. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - Commiaei oner,Pr eainet No• 4, Seri Garrett, Sheriff sad Lawrence Stephens, Couatq Clerk, and the following proceedings were had, to-wit; -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4258. ORDER OF SPECIAL ELECTION I, Jim W. West he rby, County Judge of Kerr County, Tezae, do, by the authority vested Sn m deolere that a Speolel Eleofion be had at the Court Houe• is IIeatioh Precinot No. 1 of Karr County, State of Tezaa, on the seooad Tuesday in November, A, D. 1949, same being the BLh day November, 199. FOR THE PURP03E of adopting or re~eot lag the Constitutional pme ndmente submit tad by the 5 Legialatur• of Tezea at the Regular Seaelon in 1949; end FOR THE lURTHER PURPOSE of eleoting 81 members Lo the State Board of $ducation, ea pro- vided by the Aote of .the 51st Legislature, Regular Seaeioa, 1949. 33~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto alga ad my aema offio Sally and oeuaed the SaN. of 33.y~ County Court of %err County to ba affixed hereto et gerrville, Tezea, this the 30th day of August, A. D. 1949. {88AI.) TIM W. WEATBERBY County Judge, gerr County, T e a a s. II -o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o -o-o ro- `No. 4259. ORDER ADTROR22INC APPOINTMENT OF DEPDTY Thin Lhe 30th day of AuB~t, p. D. 1949, by motion duly made by Eok st eia, aeo oaded by Furr land unanimously approved by Lhe Court, that Lawrence 3t ephen e, County Clerk of %rr Co unt y,'Lbza , ~be and he Sa hereby authorized Lo appoint end deputize Emm le Muenker, as Deputy County Clerk of %arr County, Tezea. Said appointment to date from the 30th day of August, A. D. 1949, sad III to ao¢tinue in sffeot until revoked by said officer or be of herwlee team inated;and that said p oompeaaet Lo¢ to be pe id said deputy be paid solely from the fees of said offioe. ~ -o-o-o -o -o -o-o -o -o - ~i No. 4280. ADOPTION OF THE COUNTY BIIDGET FOR 1949-50 AND LEPY OF 1949 TAXES. On this the 30th day of Aug uat, A. D. 1949, oeme on to be heard, at public hearing, the met tar of the adoption of the aouaty budget for the year, 1949-b0, eafl the fazing sad levying of Lhe taz rate for the oounty and var SOUS eahool dietriota for Lhe year, 1949. After proper notices having Deea publSahmd in •aoh newspaper for one week and by the posting of such notios et the Court Aousa door in the City of %e rrville, Tezaa, eoo ord ing Lo law, Lbe Court prooee dad to read the budget, with eiz 1¢teresyad tez-pnyera appearing before the court, and after eza- miaetlon end oonaideration of aeld County Budget by the Court, end by motion duly me de by Eok- atain, seoond ed by pow all, and unanimously adopted said County Budget for 1949-50 ae heretofore complied and tentat help approved by the Court be and the same ie haxeby approved sad ndopt ed by Lha Court. It Sa therefore ordered by the Court that County, Road, School sad Speoiel Teas/ for %err I County, Tezea, for the year, 1949, be sad ere hereby levied aL the following rates bcaed on `eeoh $100.00 valuation, to-wit; Jury Taz $•~ Road & Bridge Taz $.lb General Fund Tez $.2b gerr County Roed & Bridge 31nk1ng P¢nd Taz $.15 Court House & Tail Sinking Fund Taz $.l-0 glrport Bonds, 1941, Rea .03 Total County Wide Taz $.70 Boed Diatriot ¥1 Tez $.05 on eeoh $100.00 valuation Cou¢Ly Poll $. 25 0¢ eeoh male and female Oooupet ion Tezea, onerhalf Lhet ah arged Dy the 3L ate of Tezae For County Sohool Dietriate, tease are levied ae follows: Sohool District No. 2 (To be decided by EleoLion) Sohool District No. 8 $.Eb for Maintenanoe Sohool Diatriot No. 11 $.50 for 1(a Snte¢e¢oe Sohool Diatriot No. 12 (To be decided by Election) Sohool Diet riot No. 1S $. 10 far Meintena¢o• Sohool Dietriat No. 20 $.b0 for 1[alntenanoe School Dlatrlat No. 5 ( To. be deolded by Elentio¢) Center point Independent Sohool Diatriot $ .33 for 91nk1ng Fu¢d Center point Independent Sohool Distriot $.87 for Mnintenanoe -o-oro-o-o-o-o-