.3,3 7 i~ approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the Clerk. ~~ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ' No• 4267. pppROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 2 This the 12th day of September, p, D, 1949, came on to be exemired by the Court the monthl~g report of Ire L. F'r Ingle, Justice of Lhe Pence oP Precinct No. 2 oP Rerr County, Texas, Por the p month oP ..ug ust, 1949 of Criminal Ce ses filed, SSnes, ,judgment and ,jury fees collected, show ing~ the sum of $4.85 collected and deposited with the County Trees urer, entitling him to a fee of $3.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true end correct. THEREFORE by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved Dy the Court, end the County Clerk is hereby directed to pay said fee of $3.00 by voucher drawn on the County Treasurer, to-wit: $1.00 pe9eble out of R. & B. Fund and $2.00 out of the General Fund of Kerr County, unto Tudge Pringle. -o-o-o-o-o -o -o -o- No. 4268. APPROVAL OF MDNTHI,Y REPORT nF COUNTY CLERK OF FINES IMPOSED, JUDGMENTS RENDERED AND TURY FEES COLLECTED FOR THE PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31ST, 1949. This the 12th day of September, A, D. 1949, came oa to be examined by the Court yhe Report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, covering ell fin ea imposed and collected end judgments rendered and collected in the Co uaty Court of Kerr County, in favor of said County, including „jury fees collected by the County Clerk, if any, during the month of August, 1949, which re- port shows an aggregate oP $201.20 collected and depoa ited with the County Treasurer and it ~eppearing that said report is true and correct. ' The re POre by motion duly made by Eckate in, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4269. APPL IC ATiON BY HENRY ECKSTEIN, COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT N0. 1 OF KERB COUNTY, TEAS. On this the 12th day oP September, A. D. 1949, came on to be oon sidered by the court the ,desire of Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, to make a loan against hie precinct, 1n order to pay a repair bill on a maintainer, billed under invoice No. 1015 in the amount oP $1,096.19. And it appearing Lo the Court that if the repair bill be paid out of his Pun ds et the present time, this precinot No. 1, would not have enough funds to operate on Por the balance of the year. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Powell, end unanimously approved by Lhe Court, that Henry Ecksteln be and is hereby authorized Lo make a loan against his precinct with the Chas. Schreiner Bank, Uninc. of Kerrville, Texas, in the amount of $1,096.19 to become due on or before May of 1950. -o-o -o -o -o-o-o- No. 4270. APF ROVAL OF MONTF:LY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, FRECI NCT N0. 1 This the 12th day of September, p, D, 1949, came on Lo be examined by the Court the monthly report of Viril Storms, Just Sce of the Peace, Praoinot No. 1, of Kerr County, Teaea, for the 'month of August, 1949, of Crlminal Cases Piled, fines, judgment and 3ury Pees collected, show- ing the sum of $217 .GO deposited and collected with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a Pee of $99.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true end correct. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter, and unanimously appr owed by the Court, and the County Clerk be end is hereby directed to pay sold Pee oP $99. G0 to-w St: ,$66.00 payable out of the General Fund end $33.00 payable out of the Road & Bridge Fund oP `Kerr County, unto Judge Storms. -o-o-o-o- ~No• 4271. gpPROV qL OF MONTI-2Y REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR. This the 12th day of September, q, D, 1949, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly __,_ expense. reQort_of E, H_ Nichols, gg4 lies essorend Collector fq~_the ...mnnth4~ u~ust. A. 1~ 1~4~~.___