Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, seoonded by Powell, and unen Smously approved by .3 ~`~ QbeCourt, and the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to pay acid fee oY X48.00 to-w St: =18.00 out of the Roed & Bridge Fund end X32.00 out of Lhe General Fund of Kerr County unto Judge Storms. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4296. APPROVAL OF COUNTY & STATE TAX ROLLS PUR 1949. This the 10th day of Ootobe r, A. D. 1949, came on to De eaemined by the Court the State and Couaty Tea Ro11a Por the year 1949, prepared by E. H. Niohole, Assessor and Collector of Taws for Kerr County, Texas, and same having been found co rreot and in proper form, same were oertified cad approved by the Court as shown by the Court's Certificate of Approval attached ~. thereto, duly signed by sll the mamba ra of this Court in tr iplioate, after motion being duly made by Molter, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4297. APPROVAL OF AI3CUAL REPORT OF STATE AND COUNTY TAXES COLLECTED DELINQUENT, LN90LVENT, ETC. STATE OF TEXAS IN COMMI83IONERS' COURT OF KERR OOUNTY, TEXAS OCTOBER 10TH, 1940 COUNTY OF KERR SETTEEMENT WITH TAX COLLECTOR FDR YEAR, 1948, ENDING JUNE 30, 1949. It is ordered by the Court that E. H. Nichols, Aaseaeor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr Texas, be oxedited with the following items, {ineollected on the ourrent roll, to-wit: County Couaty Road School Tot ale Ad Valorem Po lla Dis tricta Distr io is InSolvent,Form 16 676.57 18.58 26.40 721.55 Errors,Fo rm 17 79.04 5.62 788.46 871.12 Delinquent, Form 18 1936.03 Discounts ellowed,aurrent roll 1250.54 To tale ESL. S 123.64 924.44 2984.11 75.13 514.07 1039.79 ~$7 ~3'i- ~4I'br~ It Ss ordered by the Court that E. H. Niohole, Assessor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, Te xa a, be charged with the following items, colleoted in addition to the current roll, to-wit: Supplemental Aaeeasmenta, colleotiona ,Form "F^ (net) 154.24 570.00 9.43 907.07 1640.74 Radempt lone 1409.57 10.75 175.31 298.01 ~ 1893.64 Insolvent coil eo bona 19.02 .50 .52 .00 20.04 Inter eat k Penalty On Current Roll 86.26 u 5.89 63.72 155.87 Totals 1669.09 581.25 191.15 lE8B.80 3710.29 -o-o-o-o-oro-o- No. 4298. APPROVAL OF CLAIM OF KERR COUNTY GRAVEL COMPANY. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 1949, oame on to be ezamined by the Court the claim of %e rr County Gravel Company for 760 yds. road gravel at a prioe of ~.84 per yard, being in the aggregate emo unt oP #638.40, chargeab la agalnat Aoad & Br idga Fuhd of Kerr County for gr. used on the Airport Road. And it appearing to Lhe Court that said claim is ,7 uet. Therefore by motion duly made by Molter, aeoo nd ed by Furr, end unanimously approved by the Court for -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4299. APPORTIONMENT OF X15,000.00 TO ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCTS. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 1949, be and it is ordered by the Court that X15,000 of the unappor tinned Bo ad & Bridge Fuad of Kerr County, be hereby apportioned end cr ed itad to the reap cot Sve Commlaeio Hera' Precinote of Kerr Co untq, after motion having been duly made by Fake tein, seoonded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court, the t_suah amount be eppo coned, ea follows: Ro R & B Fund of Pr ec Snot No. 1, 359E - X5,250.00