3 ~ q Deed exec uted by ~Rufua M. Jones, at. uz. to Kerr County covering a 30 fee t~atr ip of land, out of Survey No. 112, Samuel Wallace, which tract of land Sa being preae qtly ueed for road purpoa .-- end ie so de aired to be continued to be used for road purpo see. And it appearing to the Court that such roadway is graveled and in good condition and that each ooaveyenae to the County of Kerr aho uld be accepted. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court that Kerr County accept such right-of-way deed, and tte County Clerk be and Se hereby directed to record same in the Deed Re oorda of Kerr County, Texas, and draw vo uo her age the Co untq Treasurer on the Ge nerel Fund for the recording fee due hie office. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4314. COUNTY JUDGE AUTHORIZED TO EMPLOY PHYSICIAN & DENTIST FOR CHECK UP ON ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN OUTSIDE OF KERRVILLE INDEPENDENT SCE OOL DISTRICT. Thin the 14th day of November, A. D. 1949, came on to be oo to idered by the Go art that Kerr County is wltho ut s health nurse and/or a physician and/or dentist outside of the Kerr- ville Independent School District for check-ups on School Childr an. And it ap peering to the Court that ell children outside the Kerrville Independent io hool District should he ve the same medical sad den istry check-ups ae tho ae inside said diatrlct. Therefore by motion duly me de by Eck at eln, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that Jim W. Weatherby, Co uaty Judge, be and is hereby authorized to employ, if neceaeery, a physic is n, dentist and any necessary ass lstance to check ell school oh ildren out- side oP The Kerrv ills Independent School Distr Sat, to determine if they need mad ioel or dental att entice. ~ -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4315. PETIQION OF GEO. A. PACE & 21 OTHERS FOR AN OPEN SECOND CLASS ROAD OR BETTER, Thin the 14th day of November, A. D. 1949, came on to be cote ids red by the Court the pet- ition filed by Geo. A. Page and 21 other realdents reaid ing on a road on the South side of the Guadalupe RS ver, beginning about five hundred feet South of the low water bridge across ae id river, on Farm to Market Roed No. end extending in a Westerly direction to a bridge about two miles from Center Point, end hear Kemp Karenkewe, for an open road of a second olase or better. And it appearing to the Court that such pet It ions re believe that any neceaeery right- _ of-way could be procured by donation by the owners along ouch route. Therefore it is~Orde red, Adjudged sad Decreed by the Court that the County Judge be and is hereby authorized to write a letter Lo the owbera along such route to determine whether or not such owns re are willing to donate eufYient right-of-way to Kerr County for proper me intena. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4316. AUTHORITY GRANTED EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOR RU102Y SALE ON COURTHOUSE SQUARE Th le the 14th day of November, A. D, 1949, came on to be none idered the request of commi man of The Episcopal Chur oh of Kerrville for their desire to hold a Rummy Sale on the Courtho Square, and it appearibg to the Court that St would be to the benef It of the Community as e whole. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Furr, and unanlmo ua ly approved by the Court that The Commltt eeman of the Episcopal Church be and era hereby authorized to ha free access Lo the Courthouse Square for a future sale ea requested. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4317. ORDER REIMBIIRSEMENT OF DUPLICATE PAYMENT OF COUNTY TAPES TO R. J. ST. GERMAIN This the 14th day of NovamCer, A. D. 1949, came on to be considered Dy the Court the phot static oo pies of duplicate checks of R. J. St. Germain on Tex Receipts Nos. 3257 end No. 4587 for the year, 1948, whiah receip to were in part duel So ate covering the same property. And it appearing to the Court that a refund of 87.35 1e being requea tad end aovera only the duplicate part of the County Taae s. Therefore bq motion duly made by Eckate in, aeoonded by Molter, sad