oP Kerr County, Texas, be fixed according to the 1949-1950 Hudget et the sum of $1800.00, per 3 6 6 annum, pegable to Guy Powell monthly. The County Clerk is hereby authorized end directed to drew voucher against the Co~..;n ty Treasurer in the amount of $150.OG each month payable out of the Road & Bridge Fund, the first payment to be made on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1956, a d on the lest of each month thereafter, until further determined by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4597. FIXING SALARY OF COUNTY HONE DEMOIQSTRA TION AGENT. This the 9th day of January, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Powell, end unanimo only adopted by the Court, it is hereby ordered end decreed that the salary of the County Home Demonstration Agent, Alme Hancock, oP Kerr County, Taxes, be fixed according to the 1949-1950 Budget, at the sum of $1300.00 per annum, payable to Alma Hancock monthly. The County Clerk is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount oY $108.33 each month, beginning the 31st day of January, A. D. 1950, end on the lest of each month thereafter, until further determined by the Court. Such amount to be drawn on the Genera Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 459B. F -CING SALARY OF COURT RPPORTISR. This the 9th day of January, 1950, a motion duly made by Furr, aeoonded by rowell and unamio us ly approved by the Court that the salary as apportioned for the Court Reporter for this Judicial District in the amount of $651.84 per annum be payable out of the Jury Fund of Kerr County is monthly ins tallmen to of $54.32, eaoh payable oa the last day of each month be- ginning January 31, 1950. That the County Clerk be and is hereby dlreoted to draw a voucher Sn this amount on the County Treasurer on the last of each month thereof, and that said amount of $54.32 be payable to Julia H. Farrell, or her successor. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4599. FIXING OF SALARY OF VIRGIL V. PARSONS, CITY-COUNTY SANITARIAN. This the 9th day of Jeauary, 1950, a motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Powell and uaanlmo usly aPProved by the Court cad it is hereby ordered sad decreed that the salary of the city-County Sanitarian, Virgil V. Pareona, of Kerr County, Tezae, be fized aecordlag to the 1949-50 budget at the sum oP $1500 per annum and that the traveling eapease be fined at $300 per annum. That the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw a voucher against the County 'L'r assurer in the amount of $125.00 per month ea salary and $25.00 per month ae travel eapease, payable out of the General rand of Karr County, the first paymeata to be made on the 31st day of January, 1950, and like payments to be made oa the last day of each month thereafter until further determined by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4600. FIXING SALARY OF IRPiN YANKS, CUS'PUL1dN. Thin Lhe 9th day of January, A, D. 1950, iL appearing to the Court that Irvin rarka has rendered satiefaotory services in the position as ous todlaa of Kerr County and whereupon by motion duly made by r'urr, seconded by Powell sad unanimously adopted Lhat he be re-employed for the ourrent year 1950 and that hie salary be and is hereby fized by the Court at the amount of X1440 per annum, payable *60.00 semi-monthly, beginning Seauary 15, 1950 cad January 31, 1950, on the General Fund of Kerr County, and the County Clerk be and is hereby nuthoriz ed and directed to issue vouohar against the Co naty Tr assurer in like amounts. -o-o-o-o-o -o -o-o-o-o-o-o-- No. 4601. FIXING OF SALAtti CF' DLS'L'R 1C'r JIIDGL AS JUVENIAL OFFICER. This the 9th day of January, A. D. 1950, Dame oa to be aonaidered by the Court the~ealnry as Juveall• Offloer Roea Doughty, and it appearing to the Court that said offioer 18 entitled 3G7 to oompensatioh for additional servioea ae Juvenile uffioer; therefore, by motlon duly made by r~urr, seconded by Powell and unanimously aPProved by the Court that said salary be lined at $300,00 per annum, payable X25.00 monthly, beginning January 31, 1950 and Lhe County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw a voucher age inat the Co uhty Treasurer in ea id amount, to De drawn on the General Fuhd of Kerr County. -O-O-D-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-a- No. 4602. APPROVAL OY INCIDENTAL EKPENSES FOR KERRVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Oa this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded Dy Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Kerrville Public Library be paid $300 per annum in monthly iasta llmenta of $25.00 each for ih oidental ezpeasea; and the Co uaty Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw a voucher against the County Treasurer in avid amount begih- ning the 31st day o2 January, 1950 sad continuing each month thereafter until further deteT- mihatioa oP Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4603. CONT IN[JANCE OF ALLOWANCE FOR DONA AND SALLY HUTCBII2. Thin the 9th day of Jsauary, A, D. 1950, by motlon fluly made by Furr, seconded by Powell sad unxnlmoua ly approved and so ordered, adjudged and decreed that as allowance of $20.00 per month be continued, and to be payable to Sally Butohar for Dona and Sally Butcher and that the Co uaty Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw a voucher against the County Treasurer in said amount of $20.00 payable to Sally Butohar out of the General Fuad of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4604. FIXING SALARY OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. This the 9th day of January, 1950, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Eckstein and unanimously adopted by the Court that the compensation of the Commlasi oners of Kerr County be and is hereby fined for the current year, 1950, ae follows, to-wit: Hoary Eakstein, Commissioner of Preaihct #1 $1800 W. H. Furr, Commisaioher of Precin of #4 $1800 both payable $150mohthly drawn oa their reepeotiva F~reoiact Fuade; and V. D, Powell, Commissioner of Precinct ~2, $1500 salary sad $300 travel ezpenae per nano Chen, H. Molter, Commies loner of Preoinot ~13> $1500 salary and $300 travel ezpenae of which both era payable at $125.00 per month ae salary and $25.00 monthly ea traveling eapenae The County Clerk be sad Ss hereby direated to draw a voucher oh the Co uhty Treasurer in like amquats out of the reapeative Road sad Bridge Preoiaota thereof cad that auoh ehtriea be made on hie finer oial records of hie office. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-D-0-0- No. 4605. THE STATE OF TEXAS: IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF %ERR COUNTY, TEXAS. THE COUNTY OF KERR: JANUARY 9TH, 1950. This the 9th day of January, A, D, 1950, cane on to be considered by the Court the pro- visions of Arti ole 3912e, Section 2, R. C, S., prea cribiag the compensation of Dlstriat, Couhty and Preoinot Of ficera, and St appearing to the Court that it ie the beet interest of Kerr Count end its officers, that all of the District, County and Preoin ct Of fi care of Kerr County, with the eaaep tion of the Peace Officers, be comp eaeated oa the fee basis, and be allowed to retain the increased msaimum ae ooatemplated under Arti ole 3891(x) R. C. S., whi ah also inoludea the increased comp eneatieh for the dap uti ea of such various officers; cad that the Peace Offioere of Kerr County be compensated oa a Salary basis, eoco:rding to the provisions of H. J. R. No. 36 of the 50th Legislature as adopted by the people its the general election of November 2, 1946