3 ~ 3 II Pile at $15.50, Daing in the aggregate of {190.44, after deducting 5$d4enonat oa last three items. Aad it appearing to the Court that the County Snrveyora' Offlom Se in need of these additional (ilea. Therefore by motion duly made Eoke to=n, seconded by Molter, anfl unanimous. approved by the Court that the county surveyor be authorized to purchase the files ea prayed for, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4622 k AUTRORIZATION FOR COUNTY CLERK TO YURCBASE BLECTRIC TYPEWRITE@, UPON DELIPERING ON OF HIS MECHANICAL TYPEWRITEI4S TO THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: This the 13th day of February, A. D. 1950, same on to be considered by the court the de- sire of Lawreaae Stephens, County Clerk to purchase one eleotrio typewriter with a 15" aerri- age, for the recording is his offioe, as a ooavenieaae, time saver and increased effioienoy and turn out in speed of recordings of hie offioe for the pub li os'beaefi t. whereIDre, the Court ezamlaing the bid of Commercial Ofiioe Supply, showing the original prioe of 5360.00, less a trade is allowan oe of X80,00 on one IIaderwood 'Pypewriter, sad the allowaa ce to Kerr County of =32.50 additional oa this trade Sn, ae no company is authorized to discount say percentage to Count= ea, on electric machines, leaving an aggregate of =247.50. And further ~ to give to the County xith this purchase one desk adjustable typist lamp valued at X12.95. The Court in eonaidering the above bid were notified ae of the Sheriff's Department, being in need of a typewriter in hie offioe, deemed it advisable to have the Coua ty Clark deliver the second-hand machine to the Sheriff's Department, and by further compromise oa this bid, the bid aubmitter, agreed further if the Co uaty would pay the full prioe of the eleotrio machine to Remington Raad, Ia o. he would disco unt the 1096 on the total purchase prioe by aubmi tong to the County Treasurer his personal ohs ok for same, and still include with the purchase of said maohine one desk adjustable typist lamp valued at =12.95, and the Commercial Office Supply Co. agreed further to aervi ce sad guarantee Chia maohine for a year. And it should nppearing to the Court that the last submit/be aooep tad, since the Sheriff's department was in need of a typewriter. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, se ooaded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be and Se hereby authorized Lo purchase one 15^ carriage electric typewriter in the amount of 1360.00. Payable to Remington Rand, Inc. sad aoaept the the ak from Commercial Office Suply of 836.00 for the discount, and accept the adj ua tab le typist lamp, and after accepting saa~a, the County Clerk be and Se hereby authorized to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of X360.00 payable out of the general fund of Kerr County, sad further that aL the ezplmtioa of the one year guaraatea sad ~ervioe without charge to said maohine, including all parts thereto, by the Commer olal Offi oe Supply, the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to draw voucher against the County Treaurer Sa the amount of y20.00, payable out of the General fund of Kerr 'County for • monthly aervi as, including all parts to said eleotrio maohine ea agreed at Chia time, which Ss a savings of X8.00 a month oa this size typewriter, until forth er determined by this Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4623. APPR04AL OF CLAIILS AND ACCOUNTS. This the 13th day of February, A. D, 1950, came on to be ez++miaed by the Court the vari oua claims and aacouata filed against Kerr County and its reapaotive Road cad Bridge ~^ Precincts, since the last term of the Court, sad it appearing to the Court that the foils claims and accounts should be paid. Therefore by motion duly made by Molter, aeaoaded by Eckstein, that all claims and accounts fl led agniast the Qeasral r'und of Kerr County be approved; that all claims and accounts filed against R. k B. ~1 be approved, after motion being duly made by Furr, seconded by Powell, sad unanimously approved by the Court; sad by