motion duly made by Molter, aecoadad by Furr, and unanimously approved that all clnimg and I .j ~ T aooounts filed against R. & Bridge B2, be approved for payment; that all claims and aocouate filed against R. & B. #j be approved, after motion being duly made by Furr, aecoadad by III E oketein, and unanimously approved by the Court; and that all the claims filed against R. & B.- d4, be approved for payment, after motion being duly mode by Molter, and aecoadad by Eckatein~, end unaaimo us ly approved by the Court. That the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized 'il to draw vouchers against the County Treasurer oa the respootive fuhds for the payment of ~, eaoh of the alaims having been filed and ea read ae approved, according to law. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4624. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT NO. 1. ~~ This the 13th day of Febr uery, A. D. 1950, came on to be eaa mined by the Court the monthly '~~, report of Virgil Storms, Justice of the Peace oP Precinat No. 1, of Kerr County, Texas, Por thq month of Je nue ry, A. D. 1950, of Criminal Cases filed, fines, ,judgment and fury fees collet ted~ showing the sum of $173.85 collected end deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to~ a fee of $75.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report Ss true and correct. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seoonded by Powell, and unanimously approved ~~ by the Court, end the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to pay said Pee of $75.00 bq i, voucher properly drawn on the County Treasurer, to-wit: $25.00 out oP R. & B. Fund and $50.00 out of the Ceneral Fund of Kerr County unto Virgil Storms. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4625. ePPROVAL OF h70NTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 2. This the 15th day of February, A. D. 1950, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly report of Ira L. Pringle, Justice of the Peace of Precinct No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, for the month of January, 1950, of Criminal Cases Piled, flnes, Judgmant and ,jury fees collected, show lag the sum of $38.25 toll eot ed end deposited with the County Troee urer, entitling him to a fee of $27.00, and it appearing to the Court that sa ld report is true and correct. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Powell, and unenimo ugly approved by the Court, and the County Clerk be end ie hereby euthnrized to pay said fee of $27.00 by voucher properly drawn on the County Trees urer, to-wit: $9.00 out of R. & B. Fund and $18.00 out of the General Fund of Kerr County unto Ira L. Pringle. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4626. APP ROYAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 13th day of February, A. D. 1950, came on to be examined by the Court the eapense report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk for Lhe month of Jen ue ry, A. D. 1950, show in& en actual end necessary eapense of $549.45 incurred by him in the conduct of his office duringi sold month of January, 1950, end by motlon duly ms de by Eckstein, seconded by Powell, and un- anlmously approved by the Court that said report is Lr ue end correct. -o-o-u-o-u-u- ~ No. 4627. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY EXPENSE REIYIRT OF TAX ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR, This the 13th day of February, A. D. 1950, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly expense report oP E. H. Nichols, Tax As aesaor end Collector for the month of Senuar y, A. D. 195, snowing an act uel end neaessa ry expense of $567.20 incurred by him Sn the conduct of his off is elf iI during said month of Se nuary, 1950, end 1t appearing to the Court that se id report is correct. Therefore by motlon duly made by Eckstein, aecon dad by Powell, end unanimously approved by the i Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4628. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF FI.'VES IMPOSED, JUDGMENTS RENDERED AND JURY FEES COLLECTED BY THE COUNTY CLERK FOR PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31ST, 1950. This the 13th day oP February, A. D. 1950, came on to be ezemined Dy the Court the