o;}p aging Pivydele Road from Sch rei aer Butcher pen as passed by this Court on October 20th,1949, 3 $ $ under Court Order No. 4310. Aad it eppeari~ to the Court that ae id Order Closing said road way, aho uld be reacended upon considering the two petitions heretofore filed on January 28th, 1950. Therefore by motion duly made by Eokateia, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that said Order No. 4310 entered by this Court oa October 20th, 1949, be reacende and net snide. -o-o-O-o-O-O- No. 4888. SETTLEMENT OF DAMAGES IN RE:WILL AULD ON HIS PROPERTY IN REAL CODNTY, HWY./139. This the 29th day of March, A. D. 1950, came oa to be ooneSdered by the Court the pro-ret~ damages due W111 Auld by Real County in the amount of (293.18. And St appearing to the Co urL that Reel County is only willing to pay the sum of #153.00 of such emo unt to Eerr County, and that this oourt feels it advisable to accept said amount end pay the baleaoe of '140.16 out of the funds of Eerr County. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, eeaonded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that thin Court eooapt the proposed sum of X153.00 from &eal County, and pay the be le nee oP $140.16 to Mr. Auld in compliance with a former order of thin Court on march let, 1950, under Order No. 4648. -o-o-o-O-o-o-o- No. 4687. COMMISSIONER PRECINCT N0. 2 pDTHO$IZED TO IMPROVE ROpD-WAY TO H.E.BUTT PROPERTY. Thin the 29th day oP March, A. D. 1950, aama on to be aoneidered by the Court the desire of H. E. Butt to pay for the eotuel oo at of improving the County koad leading to his property located in another County. Aad it appearing to the Court Lhat said road way would be beneflcl~~ to the County and that Commissioner pow ell should be authorized to accept the proposition of Mr. Butt. Thar afore by motion duly made.by Eokateia, seconded by Furr, and unan imouelq appm v~ by the Court that Commies Sonar Powell eooept Mr. Butt's proposition sad Smpro va the roadway in question. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4688. COlŪ(ISSC OVER PRECINCT N0. 2 ADTHORIZED TO DOUBLE TOP SHADY GROPE ADDITION. Thin the 29th day of March, A. D. 1950, came on to be oona idared by tiu Court the desire of H. M. Naylor to aeaiet in contacting various property owners in Shady Grove Addition sad hi willingneae to improve the value of said addition by double Lop or paving of said etreebnthere with the aid of Kerr County. And St appearing to the Court that if the reside eta of said addit: are willing to pay for auoh project, Commissioner Powell, sIlould ba authorized to aeaiet there: Therefore by motion duly made by Molter, eeoonded by Furr, and unanimously approved by the Court that Commiaeioaer Powell be and is hereby authorized to aeaiet in the paving of the atre~ of Shady Grove Addition, if the residents therein desire to pay for such proposed project. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4889. 9TTTLEMENT WITH HAMILTON WII.30N FOR DAMAGES ON HIGHWAY N0. 39. ThSe the E9th day of Marsh, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Eokat~in, aeoonded by Furr and unanimously approved by the Court that mr. Hem iltoa Wilson be aompoaeated on the right-of- way oa Highway 39 running across his property sa follows: For fencing to be moved and built, j2660.00, computed at the rate of =700.00 per mile; and that be be granted the sum of 22,430.0 for damages to hie water troughs, water pane, shipping pane, end build itga and ell other Stems .- of damage ezcept that Eerr Co uaty agrees to pia oe a 4^ oonduit aorosa said Highway 39 in the same location ea they now eziet, there being two in number. It Se further ordered that Mr. Wilson Se to be oompenaeted one-half the total herein ordered to be paid upon ezeoution end ~~ delivery of the right-of-way easement sad the remainder to be'pald upon Lhe aomplation of the right-of-way fencing, eaoept for those portions w~hiah need be left undone until said highway oonatruotlon hen bean aompletad. It Sa further understood that Mr. Wilson Se to have title Lo sll of the materiels boated upon the ground aL Lhe present time.