3 ~ 4 No. 4890. AWARDING OF FBr1CIPIG CONTRACT TO JIM THIIRISAN ON HIYiRWAY /IS9. This the 29th day of Maroh, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Eokste ia, seoonded by Molt and unanimo ugly approved by the Court that Commlasio ner Eok stein be authorized to eater into a oontract with Tim Thurman to eve 1.67 miles of high-_fence of Gua F. Schreiner Ranch oa Highway No. 39 at X650.00 per mile for labor, and that Kerr County furaiah meter Sale for aueh ereotioa. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The lorego ing minutea from page 380 to 389, inol ue iva were reed in open Court end found oorreot, are~~jjhersby in all reapeota approved by this Court, the lOfh day of April, A. D. 1950. ATTEST:,~(wsy~ ~ . ~R_~~~" "D "_~~J - } C1erk,COaaUn~~jy ~~~ur , e un y,4 x~e a. u •, ua y our , err ~ y,~. -o-o-o-o-o- (IN PACATION) No. 4891. COIINTY TDDGE'S ORDER FOR SCHOOLHOD~ BOND ELECTION. STATE OF TEZAB: CODNTY OF KERB: WHEREAS, on this, the 3rd day of April, 1950, oame on before me, the County Tudge of Serr County, Tezaa, a petition preaeated to me on the 3rd day of April, 1950, prey- ing that ea election be ordered to be held in INCRAI! COMAfON SCHOOL DL9fRICT N0. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified reeideat property tazpeyiag vot of said Ingram Common School Diatriot No. 2 who own teaeble propertq is said diatriat end who he ve duly rendered the same for tazetloa for their action the raupon, the following propoeit So PROPOSITION ^Shall the Commieaionera` Court of Kerr County, Tezaa, be euth orized to issue the bonds of Ingram Common Sohool Diatriot No. 2, of Kerr County, Tezaa, Sh Lhe prinoipal amount of Thi Eight Thousand 038,000.00) Dollars, to beoome due and payable aerially ee follow a: 500.00 in each of the years 1951 to 1957, both 1nol usi va, 750.00 in eeoh of the years 1958 to 1985, both inclusive, 1,500.00 in each of the yeere 1968 to 1970, both inclusive, 1,750.00 in each of the yea ra 1971 Lo 1974, both iaolus ivs, E,000.00 in each of Lha yeere 1975 to 1981, both Saolueive, bearing interest at the rate of throe and one-half par oentOm (3-1/8'j) por annum, payable _ annually or semi-annually for the purpose o1 oo aetruut ing, repair ing, and equipping public fre school bulldinga, within said Diatriot, of materiel other than wood; end to purehasa the neoea ~ sary sites therefor; end shall there be annually levied and collected on ell teaeble property in eeld Ingram Common Sohool Diatriot No. 8, of Kerr County, Texas, for the current year end annually thereafter while Bald bonds, or say of them„ are outataading, a Laz within the 1lmita 1mpo6ed Dy law 9ufficieat in amount to pay the current interest oa said bonds end to pay the principal thereof at maturlty?" and WHEREAS, it affirmatively appears to my satisfaction that said petition is signed by more than twenty (20) qualified resident property taxpaying voters of said Ingram Common School District No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, who own taxable property Sn said district and who have duly rendered the same for taxation; and WHEREAS, it further affirmatively appears to my satisfaction that Ingram Common School Distrlct No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, Ss a valid, legal end existing common school district IIIuIII situated and lying entirely within Kerr County, Texas, and contains an area of more than nine (9) square miles, and that no other district has been or was reduced in area below nine (9) square miles by reason of the creation of this distr:let; and WHEREAS, it further appears to my satisfaction that said Ingram Common School District No, 2, of Kerr County, Texas, does not embrace any territory that was taken from any other school district (either common or independent) that had an outstanding bonded indebtedness at