3 8 Q No. 4690. AWARDING OF FENCING CONTRACT To JIM THURI4AN ON HIGHWAY /89. Thin the 29th day of Maroh, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Eokate ia, aeoonded by Nolte , end unanimously approved by the Court that Commisai c~ner Eokate in be autbo razed to ester into s contract with Jim Thurman to move 1.67 miles of h1gh_fence of Gun F. Schreiner Ranch on Highway No. 99 at X650.00 per mile for labor, end that Se rr Couhty fur nlsh materiels for at~h N ereotioa. -o-o-o -o-o- o -o- The forego ing minutes from page 380 to 389, Seal ua ive were read in open Court sad found oorr~ot, are hereby in all reapeote approved by this Court, the 10th day of 1April, A. D. 1950. ATTEST: 4~?~// .~~ ~ / C1ark,CO y ur , ertr Coun y-~`e. u ge,, ua y om• err q. ease. -o-o-o-o-o- (IN VACATION) No. 4691. COIINTY JCDGE'S ORDER FOR SCHOOLHOII~ HOND ELECTION. STATE OF TSZAB: COUNTY OF EERR: WHEREAS, on Lh1a, the 3rd day of April, 1950, Dame on before me, the County Judge of Serr County, Tezae, a petition preaeated to me on the 3rd day of 4pri1, 1950, prey- ing Lhat an election be ordered to be held Sn INGRAId CO)Oa)N SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2, of Earr County, Tessa, for the purpose of submitting to the goal ifiad resident pro gerLy tazpaying vote of ea id Ingram Common Sohool Diatriot No. 2 who own tazable property is said diatriat end who have duly rendered the same for tezatioh for their action thereupon, the following proposition PBOPOSITIDN "Shall the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Teza a, be authorized to iaeue the bonds of Ingram Common Sohool Diatriot No. 2, of Earr County, Texas, Ln the prinaipal amount of Thirty- Eight Thousand (f38,000.00) Dollars, to beoome due sad payable aerially ae follovra: ~ 500.00 is each of the yea re 1951 to 1957, both Snol usi ve, 750.00 in eaob of the years 1958 to 1965, both inclusive, 1,500.00 in each of the years 1966 to 1970, both innlusive, 1,750.00 in each of the yearn 1971 Lo 1974, both iaalue ive, E,000.00 is each of the years 1975 Lo 1981, both iaolm Sve, bearing interest et the rate of three and one-half Dar Dent um (S-1/891) par annum, payable _ annually or semi-annually for the purpose of oo net rooting, repairing, and equlpy iag publ io fre school buildings, withSh •eid Diatriot, 01 material other than wood, sad to puraheae the neoea sarp sites therefor; and shall there be annually levied end oolleoted on ell Leaeble property is said Ingram Common Sohool Diatriot No. 2, of Earr County, Te:ea, for the ourreat year and annually thereafter while said bonds, or any of them„ era outatsnding, a fez within the limits . impo®ed by law guffioieht in amount to pay the current interest oa aeid bonds and to pay the principal thereof at maturity?" and WHEREAS, it affirmatively appears to my satisfaction that said petition is signed by more than twenty (20) qualified resident property taxpaying voters of said Ingram Common Scriool District No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, who own taxab:Le property is said district and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, and WHEREAS, it further affirmatively appears to my satisfaction that Ingram Common School District No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, is a valid, legal and existing common school district situated and lying entirely within Kerr County, Texas, and contains an area of more than nine (9) square miles, and that no other district has been or was reduced in area below nine (9) square miles by reason of the creation of this distrleti and WHEREAS, St further appears to my satisfaction that Bald Ingram Common School District No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, does not embrace any territory that was taken from at~y other school district (either common or independent) that had an outstanding bonded indebtedness at the date of such inclusion oŁ this districtq and 39a WHEREAS, it further appears that said petition otherwise is in full conformity with law; NGef, THEREFORE, ~' I, JOE BURKETT, JR., Sn my official capacity of County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, DO HEREBY ORDER that an electlon be held on the 15th -AY OF APRIL, 1950, in and throughout said INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, at 'which election, in accordance with said petition, the following proposition shall be submitted to the qualified resident pro petty taxpaying voters of said INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, who own taxable property in said district and who have duly rendere3 the same for taxation, foT their action thereupon: PROPOSITION "Shall the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds oY Ingram Common School District No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, in the principal amount of Th1r1 Eight Thousand ($38,000.00) Dollars, to become due and payable serially ae follows $ 500.00 in each of the years 1951 to 1957, both inclusive, 7$0.00 in each of the years 195$ to 1965, both inclusive, 1,500.00 in each of the years 1966 to 1970, both inclusive, 1,750.00 in each of the years 1971 to 1974, both inclusive, 2,000.00 in each of the years 1975 to 1981, both inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of three and one-ha1P per centum (;)-1/2~) per annum, payable an- nually or semi-annually Tor the purpose of constructing, repair:kng and equipping public free school buildings, within said District, of material other than wood, and to purchase the nec- essary sites therefor; and shall there be annually levied and collected on all taxable propert; in said Ingram Common School Dis trlct No. 2, of Kerr County, Te:cas, for the current year and annually thereafter while said bonds, or any of them, are outstanding, a Lax within the limits imposed by law sufficient in amount to pay the current interest on said bonds and to pay the principal thereof at maturity?" BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the polling place of said election shall be at Ingram School House which is situated within the boundaries of said Ingram Gommon School District No. 2, and Pink Lee is hereby appointed Presiding Judge of said election, and ha is hereby authorized to select another fudge and two (2) clerks to assist him Sn holding said election, and such ~re- siding Judge shall make due return there oP to the Commissioners' Court of this County, and return the regular ballot box containing the voted ballots to the County Clerk of Kerr County, Texas, and return the box containing the stubs of the voted ballots to the District Clerk of Kerr County, Texas, as required by law. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the official ballot of said election shall have written or printed thereon the Yellowing: FOA THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that each voter shall mark out with ink or pencil one of the above expressions thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on the prop ositl on, BE IT FURTHER Q2DERED that none but qualified resident property taxpaying voters of said INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, 2 of Kerr County, Texas, who own taxable property in said --, district and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shal]. be allowed to vote at said ~ election, BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that said electlon shall be held and conducted, as provided by law, for the hold ing of general elections, insofar as it may be done, and except as modified by Chapter 13, Title 49 of the 1925 Revised CSv11 Statutes of Texas, as amended, and as modified 3 ~ , hereby. I DO HEREBY elect to give notice of said election by posting and, accordingly, HEREBY `FORTIIIIi ORDER that a copy of this order signed by me, the County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, and attested by the County Clerk, shall sevexa as proper notice of said election, and the ~ISheriff of this County shall post within the boundaries of said INGRAM CONt40N SCHOOL DISTRICT i NO, ? oŁ Kerr County, Texas, three (j) such notices of election, each of which shall be at a different public place, and, in addition thereto, the Sheriff shall post such notice of elect at the above named polling place des lgnated for holding said election, all of which posting shall be done at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said election, ~~ DATED AND SO ORDERED this,.the jrd day of Aprils 19$0• Joe Burkett J~ County udge, err County, Texas 1TTEST: Lawrence Stenhens County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas. ;SEAL) -o -o-o---o-o-o-o- IfIE STATE OF TE7CAS: PHE COIINTY OF %ERR: HE IT REBm32BISRED, that oa Lhia Lhe 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, there xas beguh ead holden a Regular Term of the Commisa Sonar's Covrt o2 %err County, at the Court 3ouae thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Teaas, off ioera present: HON. JOE W. BUREETT, JR., - - - - - - Couaty Judge Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precis of No. 1, Ches. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - - - Commiseioaer, rreciact xo. •s, W. H. Farr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commisa Sonar, Precinct No. 4, Earl Garrett, Sheriff and Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, ead the Court having been regularly opened, the following pr ooeedin gs were had, to-w 1t: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 4692. APf ROYAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This Lria 10th day oY April, A. D. 1950, came on Lo be ezamiaed by the Court the various :laims and acc ounta filed against Kerr County ead Sta respective Roed and Bridge Precincts and ~t her funds, since the last term of the Court, and it appearing Lo the Court that the following cleima end accounts should be paid, therefore by motion duly made by Furr, aeco nded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court that the ale ims aid acco ants filed against Road & Bridge, Precinct No, 1 be approved; that ell the cla ima end accounts filed against Road & Bridge, Preci No. 2 be approved for payment, aS ter motion being first made by Molter, seconded by Eok stein, and unanimously approved by the Court; with a motion duly made by Eo kstein, seconded by Furr, and unanimously approved by the Court that all the claims filed age Seat Road k Brl dge, Precinct No. 3, be approved for payment; that all cla Sms and accounts filed against Road & Bridge, Preci No. 4 be ep pr oved, after motion being duly me de by Molter, and seconded by Eckstein, and un- anlmously approved by the Court for payment; that by motion duly made by Molter, sec and ed by Eckstein, and unanimously approved by the Court that all claims and accoua is flied against the General Fund of %err County be approved Por payment. That the County Clerk be end is hereby ~e utnorized to drew vouchers against the County Treasurer on the reepeotlve funds for the pay- ~mant of each of the olaSms es approved as filed for payment, according to law. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- . 4693. APRROYAL OF MONTHLY EXPENSE REAlRT 6F COUNTY CLERK. This the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, came on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly sae report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk for the month of March, 1950, showing an ectu necessary ex pease of $493.09 incurred by him in Lhe conduct of hla office during said month