3 9 3 Lhe month of Maroh, 1950, which in cone ideretion of the Court Sa trne ant ao rr eot end aho uld De approved. Therefore by motion duly made Dy Furr, aeo ended by Ec kateih, and unahlmo usly approved by the Court that same be accepted ahd Piled for future reference by the County Cle -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4699. REPORT OF COLLECTION & DEPOSITS FOR PERIOD ENDING XPRII. 10TH, 1950. This the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, came on to be eaamined by the Court the report of collections end deposlts made by Earl Cerrett, Sheriff of Kerr County of all lees and mileage fees colleoted is the performanoa oY his duties ih ss id office for the period ending April 10th, 1950. And it appearing to the Court that the itemized report of collect io as and daposl ea submitted are true end correct and should be approved by the Court. Therefore, by motion duly made by Furr, aeoo nded by Eokatein, ahd unen imo usly approved by Lhe Court and ordered filed by the Co uaty Clerk. -o-o-o w -o-o-o-o- No. 4700. PAYMENT OF ELECTION DODGES This the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, by motion duly made by Eo kstein, aeoonded by Molter, sad unanimously approved by the Court that ell election SudBea sad clerks, holding election Saturday, April let, 1950, for Couhty and Common Sohool Tru ateea, be and ere hereby allowed the sum of Three and No/100 03.00) Dollars each, with the eaception of the election Sudge presiding autalde the oity limits, are allowed an additional X2.00 for the return of el eotion boaea. The County Clark be ahd Se hereby directed to draw voucher againaL Lhe Gene Fund of Kerr County, on Lhe Couhty Treasurer in payment of eaoh of said aleima. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4701. CANVASS RETURNS OF SCHOOL TRIISTEE ELECTIONS. Thin the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, came on to be opa ned and Lab Mated She returns of County and Common School Trustee Electlon, helfl Saturday, Apr11 1st, 1950, which returns ware duly opened end tabulated Dy the Court as shown Dy Volume 3, page 105 of Record of Eleot Returns of Kerr County, Tezse. 8y..moLloh duSy.made.~bq,Molter, aeeonded by Eaketeia,.aad unea- imously approved by the Court that the canoe sa thereof be approved and signed by each member of the court Sn attendance. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- " No. 4702. CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC SALE OF 2.15 ACRES TO A. C. ERWIN. Thin the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, oame on W be oo na idered Lhe pub 11C sale of 2.15 scree, lying end being situe tad between the 5. A. & A. P. R. R. Right-of-way end the New SS eta Highway No. 27, out of or iglnal Survey No. 89, in the name of Wm. Watt, he ving been auctioned by Henry Eakate in, Commies io ner, Pr ea Snot No. 1 of Serr Gouht q, Tezea, at the Courthouse door in Kerrville, Tessa, at 10:00 e~cl oak A. M., after proper not is ea Lad bean made in two of the aewspapera of Kerrville, Kerr County, Teass. And St appearing to the Court that A. C. Srw in bid the sum of Five Hundred Thirty Five & No/100 0535.00) Dollera, e~ being the highest bide the reior, and that ea id sum has been depoa lted with the County Tree our er, end that same ahoul~ I be deeded to A. C. Erwin. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, aeoo nded by Molter, end unanimously approved by th~ Court that ea id sale be confirmed ea sold to A. C. Erwin for Five Hundred Thirty Five end No/100 (=535.00) Dollere, end that the County Judge be effi Sa hereby direa tad to prepare end execute a deed in favor of the said A. C. Erwin on the above deaoribed property, ae described more part Sealer ly in Vol. 53, page 592 of the Dead Re oo rda of Kerr County, Tease, for ahd in hie oapeaSty for Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4703. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTSi AGENT. This the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, came oa to be ezamiaed by the Court the monthly