.3 ~ S meat as advantage Sa bookkeoping, affivthatn:~16,000.00 should bs tranafarred Iron the uaapport- ioned Roed k Hr idge Fund to-Road k Br Sdge Right-of-Waq Fund. .-. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, aeoondad by Eakatain, and unanimously approved by the Court that a new fund to be known as Lhe Road & Bridge Right-of-Way Fund be set up, and th sum of =15,000.00 ba trenaierred from Road & Bridge Fund to the Roed & Bridge Right-of-Way, as that Lhe County Clerk be end is hereby authorized end directed to set up in hie financial re- aorde of hie office a new fund to be known ea Roed & Bridge Right-of-Way Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4709. APPR09AL OJ MINUTES FOR MARCH, 1950. Thin the 10th day of April, A. D. 1950, dt is:so..,ordered by Lhe Court Lhat the minutes for the month of March, 1950, of the Commies So nars' Court be approved as reed. -o-o-o-o-o-o- THE SPATE OF TEYAS: THE COONTY OF BERR: HE IT READa9LBffi~D, that on this the 28th day of April, A. D. 1950, there wen begun and holden a Speo ial Tsrm of Lhe Commiaa Soher'e Court of %err County, et the Court _ House thereof, in the City of %errville, Tezae, offioera Preaeat: Hon. doe W. Burkett, Jr., - - - - - - - -County Judge, Henry Eakatain, - - - - - - - - - - - - - CommSaeioaer, Preoiact No. 1 V. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commisa ion er, Preoiact No. 2; Chen. H. Molter, - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - Comminaioner, Preoiaot No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commieaioaer, Pr eel not No. 4, Earl Garrett, 9herlfT, sad Lawrenos Stepbena, County Clerk, sad the Court having been spacial ly opened, the following prooeedinga were had, Lo-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4710. ORIIER CAN9ASSING RETURNS AND DZCLARIN6 RESiII.T OF ELECTION HELD IN INORAM COIODN SCHOOL DISTHICQ: N0. i OJ 88RR CODNTT, TESA.4, ON AP@II. 18TH, 1950. STATE OF TEYA3 CODNTY OF %ERR On Lhie, the 28th day of Apr 11, 1950, Lhs Co~iesionera' Court of %err County, Tezes, convened Sn regular aeeeioa st a epealel term of said Court, with the following memDera thereof bsing present, namely: Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Henry Eokateln, Commies io her Preoiaot No. 1 v. D. Powell, Commisaloner Preoiaot No. 2 Chas. H. molter, Commisa to aer Preoiaot No. 3 W. H. Furr, Commissioner Freoinot No. 4 and Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk and the follow lag prooeedinga, among others, were had, Lo-wit: There oame oa Lo De oonaidered the returns of an eleot ion held on the 15th day of April, 1950, Sa Ingram,Comwon Sbhool Di aLrlot No. 2 of %err County, Tezea, et which election there wen submitted to Lhe gwlifisd resident property tsapeying vOtere of ea id Diatriot, who own tazable property Sa as id diatrloL and who had duly rendered the same for tazat ion, the Sollow- Sng proposition: PROPOSITION "Shell the Commiaeionera' Court of %orr County, Tezea, be authorized to inane Lhe Doada of Ingram Cocoon 3ohool Distrdat No. 2, of %err County, Tezea, in the prlnoipal amount of Thirty- ESght Thousand (~38,000.00J Dollars, to baoome due and payable serially as follows: =500.00 Sn eaoh of the years 1951 to 1957, both Snoluaivs, 750.00 in eaoh Dt Lhe years 1958 Lo 1985, both Saoluaive, 1,500.00 Sn eaoh of the years 1888 to 1970, both iaaluaive, 1,750.00 in esah of the yearn 1971 to 1974, both Shcluaivs, 2,000.00 ih each of the years 1975 to 1981, Doth inaluaive,