Ya3 tally sheet and official election returns of said election end finds that all voters who teat ballots at said election were legally qusl ified resident Hroperty tazpaying voters of said Ingram Common Sohool Diatr ict No. 2 of Eerr County, Teass, who own tazeble property in se id dSatriot and who had duly rendered the same for taaetioa, and that there were oast at said election 56 votes, of which number there were cast - FOR SCHOOL TAX 50 votes, AGAINST SCHOOL TAX 5 votes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FOUND, DECLARED AND SO ORDERED BY THE COMMLSSIONERS' COURT OF BERR COUNTY, TEXAS: I That a mayor Sty of the qualified resident property tazpay ing voters of Ingram Common Sohool District No. 2 of Barr County, Tezas, who own tazable property in said DSatr ict end who had duly rendered the same for tezatio n, voting et said eleotion, voted is favor of authorizing a tea of sad at Lhe rate of /1.00 on the $100.00 valuation of all tenable pro- perty for the pur po ee of supplemeaLing Lha~State Sohool .Fund apportioned to said District, ac that this Commiesloners' Court Se authorized to levy, eeaoea end collect~aeld taz authorized at said election. The aDOVe order being reed, it was moved by Commissioner Molter, sad aeaonded by Com- missioner Furr, that the same do peas. Thereupon, the question be ing celled for, Lhe follow] voted AYE: Commiasio sera Henry Eokatein, v. D. Powell, Ches. H. Molter and W. H. Furr; end None voted N0. PASSED AND APPROVED this, the 8th day of May, 1950. Joe Burkett Jr. oun y ge, err oun y, esea. ATTEST: Lawrenoa 6te hens Co~y'Z'Ier orr un y,~e. (Com. Ct. Seal) STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF BERR: I, LAWRENCE STEPHENS, County Clerk sad Ea-officio Clerk of the Com- mieaionere' Court of Eerr County, Tessa, DO HEREBY CERTIFY tihat the above end foregoing is e true, full and correct copy of an order of the Commiesionere' Court of 8err County, Teaea, passed on the 8th day of May, 1950, aenvasaing the returns end daolering the result of e School Tea Election held oa the 17th day of Spe tember, 1949, Sn Ingram Common School Diatriat No. 2 of Barr County, Teaea, which order appears of record in Book J of the School Minutes of said Court. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF TBE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF EERR COUNTY, TEXAS, this, the ~ 8th day of Mey, 1950. Lawrenoa Sta hens oun y er an -o a o er o e (COM. CT. SEAL) Commies Sonars' Court of Yerr County, Tezas. -o-ow -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4713 ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTSON STATE OF TEXAS: z,_ COUNTY OF KERR: On this, the g day of May, 1950, the Commieaionera' Court of Xerr County, Texea, ooaveaed is regular session et a regular term of said Court, with the follow- ing members thereof being present, namely: Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Henry Eokatein, Commies Sonar kreciaat No. 1 V. D. Powell, Commiealoner Precinct No. 2 Ches. H. Molter. Commiealoaer Preoinct No. 3 W. H. Furr, Commissioner Preoiaot No. 4 '~ 0 cad Lawrence St ephana, County Clerk and the following prooeedinga, among others, were had, Lo-wit: --. There oame on for consideration the returns of qn elect Son held in Ingram Common So pool Dietrlct No. 2 on the 17th day of September, 1949, et which election there wee aubmittad to the legally qualified resident property teapaying voters of said diatriot who own tazable f pro Pe rty in said distr Sot cad who had duly rendered the same Por tezat ion, the question of '~~ aeauming, pay Sngoff cad discharging all, or the agreed proportionate part oP the outstanding ~ bonded lade btednesa incurred prior to the formation of said Distr Sot as it now eaiata, said indebtedne sa cons Sat ing of achoolhouae bonds described as follows: =5,250.00 prino ipel amount of Ingram Common School Dia tract No. 2 Schoolhouse Bonds dated January 15th, 1935 (original emo uat of this Sasuo of bonds being in the prino ipel sum of X8,500.00) and WHEREAS, the offSaera holding said eleotion have made due returns thereof to this Com- mieaionera' Court cad this Commie sio acre' Court Lae diligently inquired Sato the poll lint, tally sheet end off Scial eleotion returns of said elect SOn cad finds that all vatera who asst ballots et said eleotion were legally qualified resident property taapaying voters of said Ingram Common School Dia tract No. 2 of Kerr County, Tezea, who own taxable property in said diatriot cad who had duly rendered the same for taaetio n, and that there were cast et acid election 58 votes, of which number there were cent: FOR ASSUMPTION OF INDEBTEDNES$ AND LEVYING THE TAX IN PAYDdENT THEREOF. 51 votes, AGAINST ASSDBC?TION OF INDEBTEDNESS AND LEVYING THE TAX IN PAYMN~IT THEREOF 5 votes, NOW, THEREFORE, I BE IT POUND, DECLARED AND SO ORDERED BY T'HE COMMISSIONERS' COIIRT OF %FS2R COUNTY, TEXAS: Iry / I That s majority of the quel if ied resident property tespay ing voters of Ingram Common Sohool District No. 2 of Kerr County, Tessa, who own tazable property in said District and who had duly rendered the came for taxation, voting at said el eotlo n, voted in favor of Ingram it Common Sohool District No. 2, ea it now eaiata, assuming, paying off end discharging the ia- I!~ dabtedne ea of old Ingram Common Sohool Die tract No. 2, Doing Ingram Common School Diatr Sot No. 2 Schoolhouse Bonds dated January 15th, 1935, Sn the principal amount of X5,250.00, the origi- ael amount of which issue wee in the principal amount of X8,500.00, end that this Commisa Sonar Court Sa authorized to levy, ease ae and collect annually while said bonds, or any of them, are outstanding, a taz upon all tazable property within acid diatriot aulficSent to pay the aurrea ' Satereat on said bonds end provide a sinking fund suffio Sent to pay the principal et maturity. The above order being read, it was moved by Commissioner Furr, sad aeooaded by Com- mla aioaer Eokateln Chet the same do peso. Thereupon, the question De ing called for, the following voted AYE: Commissioners Henry Eckstein, V. D. Powell, Chea. H. Molter cad W. H. Furr; sad Nose voted NO. PASSED AND APPROVED this, the 8th day of May, 1950. ATTEST: Joe Burkett Jr. oua y u ge, err oun y, ezas. Lawrence Ste ens oun y err un y, zae. (COM.CT.SEALI STATE OF TEXAS: ;OIINTY OF KERR: I. LAWRENCE STFS'HEPIS. County Clerk cad Ez-officio Clerk of the Com- ~f 0 Jr misaiohere' Court of Berr County, Teaee, DO HEREBY GRATIFY that the above end foregoing ie s ^ true, full end correct copy of as order of the Commiesionere' Court of Barr County, Tezes, peened on the Bth day of May, 1950, aenveeaing the returns cad declaring the result of Hond Asaumptlon Election held oa the 17th daY of September, 1949, in Ingram Common Sohool DSatriat No. 2 of Barr Co only, Teaee, which order eppeara of record is Book T of the Sohool Minutes of said Court. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF TAE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF KERR COIINTR, TS%A8, this, the 8th day of May, 1950. Lawrence Ste heae oun y er en a-o n o er o e Commieaio sera' Court of Barr County, Teaee (COM.CT.SEAL) -o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4714. CANVASS RETURNS OF DIVIDE COMMON SCAOOL TRIISTEE ELECTION AND PAYMENT ELECTION SIIDGE This the Bth day of May, A. D. 1950, came on to be opened and tabulated the returns of Divide Common School Trustee Election, District No. 12, held Saturday, May 6th, 1950, which returns were duly opened affi tabulated by the Court ae ahowa by Volume 3, page 107, of the Record of Ele otion Returns of Kerr County, Tezes. And it appearing to the Court Chet said returns are true cad correct and should be approved; that the off is ere holding said election be Allowed the cum of Thr ae and No/100 03.00) Dollars each, and the prosldi ng fudge ba allows en additional sum of X2.00 for the return of the election boxes. Therefore by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Court sign the election return cart ifioate showing their approval, and that the County Clerk drew voucher against the County Treasurer for the payment of each of the offs holding said election at the rate of X3.00 per diem, with an additional amount of #2.00 to the election ,judge returning said bozea, to De drawn on the General Fund of Barr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4715. CLERE DIRECTED TO ENTEA PETITION FOR SCHOOLHOUSE BOND ELECTION,INCRAM SCAOOL DIST.~ On this the 8th day of Msy, 1950, by motion duly made Dy Eaketein, seconded by Furr, and unanimously approved by the Court that the petition for Schoolhouse Bond Election of Ingram _ Sohool Dlatr act No. 2, together with the returns thereon be entered on the Minutes of the Commisaloaer's Court and made a pert o1 this order: STATE OF TEXAS PETITION FOR SCHOOL NOUSE BOND ELECTION COUNT7[ OF BEAR INGBAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2: TO THE HONt}RABLE COUNTY NDG% OF $ERR COUNTY TEXAS• We, the undersigned qualified realdeat property teapay ing voters of Ingram Common School Diatriot No. 2 of %e rr County, Tezes, who own taxable property in said Die tract and who have duly rendered the same for teaetion, RESPECTFULLY pray Lhat you order an election, to be held in said Dietrlet et Lhe earliest date preoticable, for the purpose of submitting Lhe following proposition to the qualified rea ident property tazpeying voters of said Ingram Common School DSaLrlot No. 2 of Barr County, Texas, who own Leaeble property in uid Dia tract cad who have duly rendered the same for tezatloa, for their notion thereupon: PROPOSITION `. "Shell the Commisaione ra' Court of Barr County, Teaee, be nut hor aged to issue the bonds of i Ingram Common School District No. 2, of Kerr County, Tessa, in the prinoipel amount of Thirty- Eight Thousand 038,000.00) Dollars, to become due and payable aerially ea follows: ~ 500.00 in eaoh of the years 1951 to 1957, both inclusive, 750.00 in each of the years 1958 to 1965, both incl uaive,