Merritt end rebuild the same on the new right-of-way line 4Yl thout ooat to the said L. J. Merri and will replace the same Sn et least as good cehd It ion as it presently is in. This agreement shall be binding upon Kerr County and Lha said L.. J. Merritt, his heirs sad ssalgns forever. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4760. COURTS` RECESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17TA, A. D. 1950, et 91:30 o'clock P. M., until Monday, May 22, 1950 et 10:00 o'clock A. M. to sit es a board of equelizatioa and other ~. that may be presented to the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4761. IN VACATION: FETITION FOR CONSOLIDATION OF SUNSET SCHOOL DISTRICT X20 AND INGRAM SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2 - ORDER OF ELECTION FOR CONSOLIDATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR : TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY JUDGE Oa KERR COUNTY. TEYAS: We., the y.ndersigned, const ituting more then twenty (20), legally qualified resident vote of Zngram Common School District No.2 of Kerr County, Taxes, respectfully prey for the consol Lion, for school purposes, of two contiguous school districts oonst it uting, as a whole, one continuous territory, to-wit: (1) Suasct Common School pistr ict No. 20 of Kerr County, Texas, being a common school distri sit ueted wholly within Kerr County, Texas; and (2) Ingram Common School District No. 2 of Kerr County, Teaes, being a common school dietr Sot situe tad in Kerr County, Taxes. We further respectfully prey that you accordingly order, as required by law, en election to be held in said Ingram Common School District No. 2 of Nerr County, Teaes for the purpose of submitting to the legellp qualified resident voters of said district the follawing proposition: PROFOSITION "Shall Sunset Common School District No. 20 oi' Berr County, Texas, and Ingram Common School District No.2 of Kerr County, Taxes be oonsolSdated into one dietr let for school purposes, with jurisdiction 8nd supervision of said proposed common sahool distriot Sn Karr County, Teaes; said District to be known as Ingram Common School District No, 2 of Kerr County, Teses4 We further respectfully pray that you order said election to be held on the same day that a separate election is ordered to be held in 9eid Sunset Common Sc ~OOl Distr iet No. 20 of Kerr County, Taxes, ea it now ezists, for the purpose of submitting the same proposition to the leg- ally qualified resident voters of said district for their action thereupon. RespectP ally submitted, this the 16 th day of May, A. D. 1950. John V. Crenshaw Pearl Bauc om J. W. Bailey Mildred Croom Mrs. Pink Lee T. A. Lienweber iira. Tohn Hill Roy Bey Thos H. Rape Mra. Roy %ey hire. 'N. W. Knox Mrs. Sep Smith Jessie Lee Warren C. Cowan hirs. C. E. Morris Mrs. L. D. Bailey S. M. Kelton Emil. C. Wehmeyer A. G. Rodgers Dsle Prdour u 1da Mee Rodgers G J. W. Pr iour Tr. . Jim YJhelen Sr. A. E. Holcombe J. W. Crenshaw Nellie Holcombe Mrs. J. YV. Bailey Marlon F. Cade Vernon J. Burns Mra. Otis Aba shame W. A. Farr G. D. Yarbrough Chas. C. Cre ig Mrs. G. D, Yarbrough Ben Massey Mrs. 0, iYilliams M. L. Ingram Charles Lee Mrs. M. L. Ingram Mrs. B, J. Sublett Mrs. I. J. Wachter Mrs. W. C. Brooke W. 0. Erooks Sam Cede Ned Chesser Ruth Cade Mra. Ned Chesser Mra. V. J. Cole Mrs. Ralph Caddell Mrs. Vera F. Cook Mrs. Marion Cede Ralph Ceddall :L. R. Badgers +f 18 1 / ~9 I STATE OF Tr:XAS: COUNTY ~.~.F KERR: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY JUDGE OF KERR COUNTY.TEXAS: we, the undersigned, oonstit uting more than twenty (20), legally qualified resident voters of Sunset Common School District No. 20 of Kerr County, Texas, respectfully preq for Lhe consolidation, for ac pool purposes, of two contiguous school districts aonstitut- ing, as a whole, one continuous territory, to-wit: (1) Sunset Common School District No. 20 of Kerr County, Texas, being a common sdhool dis- Ur iet situated~vhol~y with In Kerr County, Texas; end (2) Ingram Common School District No. 2 of Kerr County, Texas, being a commo^ school district situated wholly in Kerr County, Texan. ~Ne further respectfully pray that you accordingly order, es required by law, an election to be held in said Sunset Common School District No. 20 of Kerr County, Texas, for the pur- pose of submitting to the legally cual if ied resident voters of ea ld district Lhe follow ing proposition: PROPOSITION "Shall Sunset Common School District No. 2C of Karr Coun~ty, Te xae, and Ingram Common School District No. 2 of Kerr County, Texas, be consol fdated into one diatr iot for school purposes, with ~uriadict ion and aupervis ion of said proposed common school dis- triot in Kerr County, Texas; said District to be known as Ingram Common School Dis- trict No, 2 of Kerr County, Teaasi VJe further respectfully prey that you order said elect So^ to be held on the same day that e separate election Ss ordered to be held in said Ingram Common School Dis trlct of Kerr County, Taxes, es St now eaiata, for the purpose of submitting the same proposition to the legally c, ualified resident voters of ae id district for the lr action thereupon. Respeatfully submitted this, the 16 th day of May, A. D. 1950. Harman Megners Mrs. Herman Meyners Calvin H. Smith Chester 'Nrighp Alfred Ellebracht Mrs. Elsie M. Wright Mrs. Alfred E11ebrQCht Mra. John Henderson Mrs. G. 'N. Smith Sohn L. Henderson Harv ie Bird J. A. Rodgers Jim Thompson Mrs. Jim Thompson Mrs. Ceo. C. Duderstad t B. N. Talbert Mrs. B. N. Talbert Credy '°la lker Mrs. Grady Walker Ears. .Glenn Ceddel D. G. Ca ddel L. A. Schreiner Joe Peirvin W. 0. Talbert 61r s. VI. 0. Talbert Mrs. 'N. M. Talbert C. N. Nutter Mrs. Harv ie Bird Mra. G, yY. Smith . Welton Henderson NOTICE OF ELEL`TION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF KERN: TO THE QDALIFIED VOTERS OF THE HEREINAFTER NAMED SCHOOL DISTRICTS: TAKE NOTICE that en election will be held on the 10th day of Tune, 1950, in SUNSLT COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, QO and INGRAM CON,MON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2 at the places, in the manner, and on the proposition net Po rth in the attached copy of an Order for Election to Consolidate Districts, duly entered by the COUNTY JUDGE OF KERR COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS, on the 15ah day of Mp.y, 1950. Said attached Order for Election to Consolidate Districts being made a part of this notice for ell intents and purposes. JOE BURKETT, 7R., County Judge Kerr County, Texas SHERIFF'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS: COIINTY OF HERR: ~6 -~ i;t:the underslgged, Sheriff of Herr Oounty, Teaas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true end correct copy of the Notice of Election to Consolidate Diatric is giving notice of the election iiiaraip mentiohed, and than I posted a true end correot copy of said Notice et the following places, to-w 1t: 1. Ln Sunset Common Sohool Diatr ict, st the following three public places: 1. Sunset School Building, 2. Mountain Hame Poat Otfiae, 3. Talbert's Serv Soe Stet io n. 2. In Ingram Common gchool Dlatr lot, at the follow ing three publio plaaoa: 1. Ingram School Building, 2. Smallwood's Drug Store, 3. Mra. Man's Cefe; , on the 19th day of May, 1950, wh iah posting was done not less than 20 full days prior Lo the date Plead for avid electia. I further certify that the election order thereto attaahsd and made a part of said Notdoe of Elect Soa to Coasol idate Districts is a true and correct copy of an Order adopted by the County Judge of %err County, Texas, nn the 19th day of May, 1950. Witness my hand this the 19th day of May, 1950. "~1 EARL GARNETT er %err County, Texas By C. A._Rp~ers DAputy O R D E R O F ELECTION 1b CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF FEAR: 1YHEREAS, on the loth day of May, A. D. 1950, a petition was presented to ma for an el ecti to to held in each of the following named school districts located in Herr County, Teaas, to- wit: 1. SUNSET COIwMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 20, of said County, 2. INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2, of said County, ', on the question of determining whether or not a majority of the legally quel if ied voters of sa d districts desire to be consolidated with each other. It appearing that each of said contiguous distr is to have been properly established end created and ere legally end validly eaisting school diatr is ta; THEREFORE, Z, in my capacity oP County Judge of %err County, Texas, do hereby order that en election be held on the 10th day of June, 1950, is SUNSET COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, 20 and I. INGRe1h1 COgpMON SCROOL DZSTTRICT N0. 2 to date rmlae whether or not a majority of the legally qual if ied voters of said Districts desire that they shell be conso.l idated na indicated above for school purposes. I further order that said election shall be held at the following planes in said distric s and the following prised person is hereby appointed presiding o[fla er and he shall select two Judges and twp Clerks to assist him in holding the same and he shall, within five days after said election has been held, make due return fiies'of to the Commissioners' Court of this County es 1a required by law Por holding a General Election: 1. In SUNSET COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 20 at Sunset School Building within said distric , with M. D. Hendereoa es preaid Sag judge; 2. In INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2 at Ingram Sohool Building within said„district with Pink Lee as presiding Judge; '~ ~ ~ All persons who e2Y legally qualified voters Ot thla State and of this Countyand who~ar ^ resident voters in ea id Distriots shall be entitled to tote at said eleotioa; end all totere'4 favor the propoatiton to oonaolidste the said Diatrlats for school purposes shall have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "FOR CONSOLIDATION" And those opposed Lo the propoa ition to consolidate the said Di str is to for school purpo sea shell have written or printed on the Sr ballots, the words: " AGAINST CONSOLIDATION" tt~ltae Notioe of said Eleot ion shall be given by poet ing/notioes thereof 1n three public places within the Dounderies of ae id District for twenty days pplor to the date of said election. , DATED thin 19th day of May, 1950. TOE BIIRSETT, JR., Cotutty Judge Herr County, Teaas -o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o- No. 4762. COURT RECONVENED, MONDgY, May 22nd, 1950 et 10;00 o'clock A. M. Pursuant to efl ~ournaent taken by thla Court the 17th day o1 May, A. D., 1950 at 4:30 0'0 P. M., for the purpose of matters of Board of Equalization and any other ~cattere that may De presented to the Court, the following off lc era ware present: Hoa. Toe W. Burkett, Jr., - - - - - - County judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - - Commies loner, Precinct No. 1, V. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commies toner, Precinct No. 2, Chas. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commies Sonar, Preo inct No. 4, Earl Garrett, Sheriff and Lawrenoe Stephens, County Clerk, and the following proc eedinge were had, to-wit: The Court proceeded 1n sass ion on diso uasions for methods of deriving at fair equalization on assessed and unrendered val ua tiona. No orders having been passed the Court recessed unt 11 a future date in May ea a board of equelizaLlon. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4763. COURT RECONVENED, MONIDICy, May 29th, 1950 at 11:00 O'olook A. M. Pura ue nt to adjournment Laken by this Court the 22nd day of May, A. D. 195C, to alt ea e Board of Equalization, the following off Scars were present: Hon. Joe W. Burkett, Sr., - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - Commiss loner, Preainct No. 1, V. D. Powell, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preolnct No. 2, Chas. H. Molter, - - - - - - - - Commie sl oner, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Furr, - - - - - - - - - - - Commies loner, Fraclnet No. 4, Earl Cbrret t, Sheriff end Elgene Hannah, Deputy County Clark, and the following proo ee dings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4764. PAYMENT OF CLAIM OF J. E. THURMAN FOR FENCING ON GUS F. SCHREINER RANCR ON HWY X39. Thla the 29th day of May, A. D. 1950, by motion fluly made by Eoketeln, seconded by Molter sad unanimously approved Dy the Court that the County Clerk be and Sa hereby authorized to dra~ voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of $1350.00 on R. & B. R. W. Fd. payable to J. E. Thurman for fencing of 2.05 mile fence on Gua F. Schreiner Rsaeh Property along Highyey r-, ' X39. -o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 4765. SETTLEE'7ENNT BY COURT WITH I. D. Me CHESNEY IN RE: F.M. X1340. This the 29th day of May, A. D. 1950, after motion having bean duly made by Molter, se- conded by Eckstein, and unanimously approved by the Court that the followi~ agreement be en